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Scout Army

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Alright!!! Feels good to finally be posting some things back up on here!! This is going to be a slower feed but I hope to update it with something new at least once a week. Hopefully more....if college life doesn't interfere ;)

But anyways on to what you all came to see.

I;ve started a new army (the list is all made up) around the scouts. I cannot remember his name but there is a residential scout master on these forums that I asked many quesitons of before and he help tremendously as well as a new friend of mine out here. The fluff of this army will be that of a long ranging scout strike force. The company has mostly mobilized with a single squad of veterans there to assist and help train/monitor the recruits. THis strike force has been out there an incredibly long time behind enemy lines. However. Thye have also been deployed wiht some new technology (to them) to test. An STC was found that enabled a device similar to an iron halo to be incorporated into the scout armor. Instead of a force field however it generated a cloaking field that gave off a chameleonic effect that work in equal to the camo cloak but was a bit more reliable on the move. Snipers are still issue dhte cloak to help break up that outline still left over even during the cloak for when they dig into a position.

There has also been much scavenging and modifications to wargear.

And now that that's done...on to the pictures!!!!

Heavy Bolter (scavenged ork big shoota with rokkits for hellfire poison delivery)



Modified bolter #1



Please comment, criticize, question, throw things, whatever makes you happy.



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1, trim your mold lines; they're glaringly obvious and they make your great drybrushing look like crap leaving them untouched like that. otherwise the painting is really nice.


2, if you're moving the ammo clip up to the side, then trim more of the bolter off where the clip used to be; it also sticks out way too much that something should be there. at the very least, trim the bolter so that area is flush across to the base of the magazine release toggle switch on the side. that way it looks more like the gun takes the magazine from where you moved it and less from where it used to be.


3. drill out the gun barrel from the now smoothed gun casing; since its now flat, you need something there to show its where the bolts come out.

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A start is always a good start, so take every inch of feedback you get and use it.


I hate people shouting at mold lines, since in some cases they aren't even visible. But along the side of the helmet and on his legs they are very much visible (might be because the scout box is one of the older boxes).


Another thing I'd like to comment on is your choice of colour. I'm a drybrush man all the way, but painting your marines 100% the "spirit host" way (or whatever you'd call those fantasy ghosts) - IE drybrushing and leaving it at that - is going a bit too far. I'd add other colours in there aswell to break up the model - at the very least paint the boltgun with some metal. I see what you want to do with your colour scheme, but a little effort could make a huge difference here.


Then there is the bases. I'd hate to see you have a good looking miniature standing on an empty base. Just use the GW sand and drybrush it grey (or whatever you prefer) - I'd lift your model a lot for a little effort.


Hope it is useful :P

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Alright. I'm honestly surprised by the rapid response time :o


Now... the mold lines I will get on immediately. I honestly did not even see them there.


Dealing with the magazine thing will be rather easy. Sounds good to me. I was thinking the same thing when i did it but wasn't honestly sure of what to do from there....


The drilling of the barrels will have to come eventually....I don't personally own a hobby drill (and buying one is out of the question right now) but I may be able to get something done with the mechanical engineering lab...they have drills coming out of everywhere so they should have something I could use.


@Validar: I really like your gray sand idea. I think it would fit the coloration of the models quite nicely. But...would there be some form of cheaper way to do this? Could I just throw some regular sand on it and then paint that?


@Myxx: Ayup! mag on the side instead. The heads are a pig iron products heavy infantry head. I despise un-helmeted mini's (some look really good though don't get me wrong) adn I thought these heads would give a good scout effect..and lo they have!


@Validar (again): You suggested breaking it up with some metal on the guns, my buddies up here suggested maybe painting the flesh on the heavy bolter guy's arms. Is there anything else that could be suggested? I'm honestly not sure of where to go from there. The skin might look cool and then dry brush some metal onto areas of the gun? Maybe that could make them stand out as if the chameleonic effect is actual slowly making its way throughout the scout.




Also...mods I don;t know about you but this seems very WIPish now :lol: Might a relocation be more appropriate? Much appreciated either way!



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I really like the colour scheme, and the bolter conversion. I have some of my scouts with similar pattern bolt guns, though I have the magazines on the left side (inspired by Stirling and/or the older Sten submachine guns). As Dusktiger said, removing the area where the magazine goes into the weapon itself (and moving that with the magazine to the side) will look better, then just clean up where it used to be.

A pic of mine is here.


I think if the weapons were painted simply black (and weathered, of course) it would be a little better, rather than everything but their visors being camouflaged, though that's entirely a matter of taste.


How about some markings (chapter, squad, etc) in a subdued hue ,perhaps one of the darker blue shades you also used for drybrushing? It would add a little detail but not be too obvious.


About basing: what are you planning? Presumably something similar to the tones used in the camouflage?

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I love the idea you've come up with for these guys, but I agree with the others who said you should have another color or two to break up the chameleon effect you have going here. greatcrusade08 is the biggest source of knowledge I know of here concerning scouts, look for him in the Ultramarines forum.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Alright..sorry its been a little bit since I've posted and sorry there aren't any pictures today. I have to guys built, my Company Gunnery Sergeant (second in command for tenth company) built as well as my count as Sergeant Telion (name in the works). I just need to locate a camera. Hopefully pictures will be up tomorrow.


Some news. I have decided to make these guys Red Scorpions. I discovered their fluff and thought it was frickin awesome. Yes a logical excuse will be made to explain the stealthiness used by these guys, the eventual veterans, sergeant chronus counts as, two tanks and commander.


As for the chameleonic effect I am expanding it with your suggestions. I'm going to paint certain patches as if they wren't cloaked bt blend them over the cloaking so it looks like its working.


Now a request for the mods...would you mind moving this to the WIP section please? This evolved a bit more then I expected at a faster rate...Thank you!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Alright got some good work on these guys. If anyone follows this I'm sorry I don't post often... real life has been a bit busy as of recently. But here's the progress:

First up: Some basing work on the Gunnery Sergeant guy. Just simple volleyball court sand and krazy glue. I personally like it and think it does it's job


Some mag work and basing on the plain bolter scout


Next is my Sergeant Telion counts as...no name as of yet. Use dhte suggestions of breaking up the chameolonic effect and based him. I think he came out effectively.



Now for the one I'm real proud of. I took the advice seriously to break up the chameolonic effects and a buddy made some suggestions (mostly the arm skin):



Please leave some CnC. Thanks for looking ;)


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I see you're using the same scout heads as I do. They look great!


I think you have greatly improved the heavy bolter scout. Adding a color or two to your chameleon scheme (which works well in my opinion) really gives the models that bit more extra.

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