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new ebook short


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It's not coming up on the itunes store, and all I have is an ipod touch, rather then an I phone or any kind of pad. Though how do you get it for kindle as my mum has one which I may be able to borrow. Yeah, it's desperate, but's mainly because the fact it sounds like it is from the perspective of a rubric marine had got me interested.
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Just bought after a load of hassel from my card RBS, (this "RBS Secure", asks not for your password, but for the third, sixth and seventh digits, more like RBS Annoying,) Have tried downloading it onto my computer to re and instead it's saying it needs to go online for software to open it ? any help? Despite my age, I'm terrible with computers and am now wishing they had just released it as an actual book....
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I tried bothe the mobi and epub thing, both said I needed to download this cleaner thing, which I did, which then scanned my lptop, said my laptop had over 6000 problems and it would fix, after I had payed twenty soemthing quid. And I am not reading in Reading, am back in cheltenham though only for a couple of weeks for easter.
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