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The Angels Sanguine: fluff?

Servus Christi

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Hello, hello, all ye cute little angelic vampires.


I've been rusty on 40k.. and the hobby as a whole.. for years now. I've been wanting to get back in to it for a long while now. I will always love the Imperial Fists for their history but in terms of game-play—which I will be focusing a lot more on this time around—I'm not too excited about playing a vanilla Space Marine force especially with the new 6th edition looming and their codex likely getting a refresher soon; I want to go with something a little more stable. And I must confess that the great versatility and options available to vanilla Marines is a little off-putting for me.. I can never decide what to do, what I want, etc. Plus I do better with limits placed on me.


So here I am wondering what to do. I want to have fun on the table-top. I want it to be relatively straight-forward. But fluff is also important for me. Very much so. But who can match the glorious history of the VII Legion? Who can compare with the stoic Dorn? Which none other than the IX Legion that stood arm in arm with the VII as they defended Holy Terra! None other than the Angel, beautiful and wrathful. I find Dorn and Sanguinius interesting when compared. Both these men defended the Imperial Palace.. one the most human of the Primarchs—in my mind—and the other one that almost transcends humanity (and not just because he's a genetically engineered test-tube baby).


So that led me to the Blood Angels. Their old codex was one of the first 40k books to enter my house. My brother was fond of them though he never took it further. They seem fun on the table-top, simple as well which is always good for me. But I don't want to play the Blood Angels themselves. Fluff-wise they're too prolific for my liking. There's not as much freedom as I would like. To risky that some nutter in the Black Library will get their hands on to them. And there's just some things I don't like about the chapter culture. So that in turn led me to the Angels Sanguine. Well the colour-scheme struck my first. You do not see as as many of them do you? It's an original colour scheme as it looks damn good. Plus with little fluff on them there's room for creativity.


I've read OMG's article here. I don't know how much of this is canon? If it's all fan made then you did a brilliant job OMG but I wont be using it all ;) (I like the separatist angle though). But I would like to know if there is any GW-sourced fluff out there. Was there mention of the Angels Sanguine in the Blood Angels novel series? Are there any named Marines, company commanders, etc.? Are their any notes from White Dwarfs about known engagements and campaigns? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Many thanks,


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey, excellent decision on your chapter! OMG's painted work is well worth a look too, you can check it out in his gallery. I also have an Angels Sanguine blog which I badly need to update. There's a link in my sig. As far as 'official' fluff goes, there's a few characters who were named in the James Swallow books, and C.S. Goto's Deathwatch series also contained a powerful Angels Sanguine librarian called Ashok who would make a very good Mephiston counts as. Goto also did a short story for Inferno about the Angels Sanguine which is worth checking out. However, it's worth remembering that Black Library isn't as 'cannon' as studio fluff, so feel free to take or leave whatever you like. Likewise the fluff in the Codex that Angels Sanguine never show their faces can be treated as you like. OMG ignores it, I like it as a bit of fluff so I all my marines have helmets, masks or hoods.


Good luck! :huh:

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