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So, my Night Lord sorcerer is based around the Chaplain model with Jump pack, I've turned his crozius into a glaive.


Admitedly, It's a cool model, and works within my warband, because I have a tonne of raptors, and he is their leader.



Sorcerer with Warptime, MoT, and Jump pack, isn't so good anymore.. (5 attacks, re-roll to hit+wound and then force weaponing a HQ choice was always fun) as Warptime is nerfed.


So, I was thinking turning him into a Chaos Lord instead, maybe having a Pair of Lightning Claws? (still 5 attacks on the charge, + I still get re-rolls to wound), and I'll still get my 4+ invul.


If I take a Pair of LC's, I'll still also get my bolt-pistol, which my model is armed with.


Then again, it's essentially a force weapon, so I know that I'm going to hear "Turn it into a daemon weapon".... Which is the other option I'm tossing up with.



Any opinions would be helpful guys.

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If you love the model, then I'd suggest waiting for the next codex this year. No sense in breaking down a well-loved mini with new rules just around the corner.


Just my opinion, man.

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I was never going to break him down.


Just for the time being, what other rules could I use for him?


Considering he re-rolled to hit and wound as a sorcerer, then force weaponed people in the head. I figured pair of Lc's would let me get away with just enough..JP, Lc's...same 5 attacks..just no re-roll to hit or force weapon...Enough to put him on the table a few times before new codex:D

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Lol, sorry, when you mentioned LC's, I figured you meant "remove his current weapons and replace them with claws".


Sadly, there are few good options, and JP on a Lord is a hella waste. Honestly, if I were in your shoes, I'd use him as a distraction with whatever cheap loadout you'd like, and focus on unit tactics to crush your foes. Sorry man, I don't have much else for ya. B)


Talk to me again in a few months, and we'll have an entirely different conversation, lol.

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It's mostly cool factor...


So far I'm thinking...



Jump pack

MoT (4+ invul...he's still a socerer..so the daemons protect him..cough*)

Pair of LC's

Bolt pistol. Rest of wargear etc.


So. Much like my old sorcerer..


5 Attacks on the charge (+1WS in fact), re-rolls to wound.

I don't get re-rolls to hit though:( Only Wolf Claws do.

I also don't get to force weapon people..

Comes in at 5 points more expensive! Woo! B)


Anyhow, he's still a cool model. Might take a picture and show him off a little with my average painting skill.

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Why not just keep him as a sorcerer but play with some of the other powers.

Doombolt is cheap and easy to use. Frag one MEQ with it and its already made back its points and then some and with BS5 you should be landing a few shots if you use it well.


Wind of Chaos can do significant amounts of damage depending on the target, though the higher the targets armor, the more its "worth it" typically. Don't forget the reasonable chance to glance a vehicle.


Since you're packing MoT, Bolt of Change could be a nice addition, even more so if you're running him in a squad of Melta raptors. 3x S8 AP1 shots is better than 2.


Gift of Chaos could have some real potential if you're lucky and smart. MoT lets you fire it off twice and with luck you could turn that HQ unit or power fist sarge into a spawn.

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Twin lightning claws do get to re-roll to hit. It's like pre-nerfed warptime.


I'm pretty sure Twin lightning claws do Not get to re-roll to hit. They get re-roll to-wound though.


I would keep him as a sorcerer and give him either Wind of Chaos (which is great, especially when you have a jump pack), or Gift of Chaos, which helps if you want him as an assassin-type character.

I can tell you, when you turn an enemy Exarch into a Spawn, it's well worth it! :)

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