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What would you do...


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*This is a thought exercise that I was considering, just wanted to share it with the group*


You are an average Chaos lord, leading a warband of a few hundred Marines supported by cultists, traitors and mutants.


Your small fleet consisting of a cruiser and handful of escorts has managed to escape the deadly fighting around Cadia and you have made a safe jump into Imperial safe without pursuit.


What would you do?

What would your first steps be?

Do you have a long term goal or target?

How do you intend to fight the hulking behemoth that is the Imperium?

Blood for the Blood God?

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I would probably weigh up how well defended each system was to how much net worth it encompassed. Then I'd probably use my forces to overwhelm whichever systems and worlds had the most to offer and least resistance. As soon as we recieve word of loyalist forces approaching, we leave and move on. Repeating this process until we're full of slaves/supplies and retreat to the eye.
Find a system to take. Build a relay for Abbaddon to stop by when he gets past Cadia while undermining Cadian defenses. As a reward for helping Abbaddon so much I tell him to let me be there when he takes the Emperor's life.

id look to create a power base, take as many worlds as possible as quickly and quietly as possible and force the imperium to expend vast resources to take them back.

all the while leaving a back door for my escape (with trusted allies) into the EoT.


the ghoul stars happened in a similar way, that chos undead dude got in quietly and now the imperium is faced with an epic task of cleansing them.

every resource you remove from the imperium, every man ship and space marine, is one less to fight the next black crusade..

they say the imperial guard is limitless, that may be true, but the imperial navy is not.. as a chaos commander my priority would be to destroy as many imperial ships and fleets as possible

average Chaos lord


What would you do?


Do you have a long term goal or target?


Hey minigun ^.^


You start with a very specific label, then give very vague and unlimited options for me.. So I'll turn your "average Chaos lord" into a Thousand Sons sorcerer lord (or, if you allow, Ahriman).


1. Track the tendrils of warp residue from Magnus the Red's contact with the Emperor during the Horus Heresy and prepare for teleport, bypassing the Imperial wards using the same paths and methods of the Primarch. Should be easy to find Magnus' path to the Palace because of the distance from the Eye.



2. Using the knowledge of the Webway, it would be repaired so that the entrance in the Imperial Catacombs can be penetrated and subsequently repaired. Any resistance will be slaughtered, but ideally spells will be used to immobilize Imperial forces so that they can witness the true intent of the small infiltration mission. Null-fetus specimens will be used as a threat to keep the Emperor's bodyguards at bay, and protect Thousand Sons forces from psychic onslaughts.


3. Utilize Inquisitor Czevak's knowledge of soul/body resurrection via enslaved Saints to restore the Emperor.


4. Blood for the Blood God? attempt to leave the Imperial Palace in peace. Should the Emperor be fully restored, he will already know what to do with the Thousand Sons in his chamber. At this moment, the fate of the XVth will be decided in front of stunned Imperial forces and the Legion will not resist the wrath or praise of the Emperor. The Thousand Sons will either survive or die willingly, but their loyalty to the Emperor will not be questioned. If the Emperor cannot be resurrected, the Thousand Sons will exit through the webway and will finally accept their Traitor title should Emperor's restoration be hopeless.


You don't have to like the idea, but you know it's agood plan ^.~

I would find a somewhat technologically established planet or system that is not well-defended. Move to seperate all communication and isolate my targets. Then work my way into a position of control over that planet and then the same with the rest of the system. Establish a bas of operations that I fortify, all the while sending the Imperium its supplies and such until that moment that I am confident that I can shrug all but the most major attacks(i.e. every battlefleet in the Segmentum). Invite the Despoiler as well as any other Chaos warbands with the offer of resupplying materials and repairing ships in return for providing extra security. I use the planet(s)'s population(s) as slavestock and recruiting grounds. Any psykers I find will be taken in and trained to serve as sorcerers to aid in Navigator duties and Astropathic communication. And if necessary, sacrifice a crap ton of them to throw up a warpstorm while I run away to the Eye like a little :rolleyes:.

My Thousand Sons sorceror.





Step 1. Establish a hidden foothold in a sector/subsector


Step 2. Identify worlds dependent on materials from another world.


Step 3. Target with extreme prejudice their supply worlds, agri worlds, mining outposts, etc Slaughtering the populace, taking the psychicly gifted, razing the planet scorched earth style.


Step 4. Let rioting and mass starvation take effect, targeting and resupply ships en route.


Step 5. Assault weakened world destroying key facilities, spaceports, fuel and ammo depots, maximum collateral damage, whisking away the psychic for indoctrinaltion.


Step 6 Move to new sectot/subsector and repeat.

What would you do?What would your first steps be?

fly as fast as possible to the eye or storm , because as soon as am without fual/ammo am dead. then am selling the cruisers and my service to the first dude with an ammo/fuel depot who isnt cult/is the same cult as I am . hoping that the serfs and escorts are enough for me to not be shot down/boarded .


Do you have a long term goal or target?

survive . small groups dont have a chance to survive in the eye or the storm and outside they are hunted down and killed , there is a reasone why all renegede chapters flee . personal goal is to avoid spawndom try building your won base by stealing from the lood you get from raids your head leader sends you to . that is of course if am not cult . if am cult then my goals and what I'll do is pre determinated.

How do you intend to fight the hulking behemoth that is the Imperium?

raids . fast in fast out . slow building up of onw base . Or if am lucky and GW decideds to retcon me I take the few marines I have and that one ship and build a force rivialing the BL in size in a few years.

Look for a small, hopefully isolated planet.

Land on this planet, and begin a raid of slaughter and conquest, merely for the thrill. Then gather slaves, any forces on the planet that turned renegade, and supplies/repairs. Perhaps repeat on another planet if the last experience was enjoyable enough.

Then seek out larger warbands and join in for more purposeful and damaging conquests, crippling, destroying and stealing from more important Imperial bastions.




Well, as a Night Lord commander, who is already in a similar situation...


I find a nice, quiet, out-of-the-way agri-world or somesuch, and invade. Round up as many slaves as will fit into the holds of my fleet, and leave most of the rest of the population for the amusement of my warriors. Leaving behind a few terrified survivors to sap the morale of the Imperial relief force with tales of our brutality, I make a bee-line to the nearest friendly neighbourhood warp anomaly, to trade with whatever traitors or malcontents lurking there for supplies and ammunition.

As a Thousand son Sorcerer lord? hhmm lets see...

Step 1: As distasteful as it is, start raiding the local shipping for supplies and ships, trying to capture as many as I can. Start scouting for a planet or system I could use as base, preferably one with some resources so it will not be reliant on raiding for supplies. Whilst doing this, care must be taken so that my or my marines presence is not noticed/reported.

Step 2: Once a suitable lair, eh base of operations has been found and established, continue above but start to offer support and services to the local officials, either in their petty politics, or against xenos or other raiders, or other ways in return for supplies or even ships. If possible, attempt to infiltrate local branches of the administratum, Mechanucum, if possible "enlighten" members of both to both further this and aid in continence of establishment of base and possible construction of shipyard/s.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Avoid any close proximity to forge worlds, Inquisitorial fortress worlds, Astartes Home worlds ect. Arstartes Recruitment worlds should be scouted for possible initiates, though lightly as not to raise suspension of the chapter that uses it. If two chapters are relatively near, possibly fake an abduction/riding of recruitment world under the colors of the other, though this would only be done with a recruitment world far from my base.

Hopefully after/at this point, I would have effectively taken control of the local piracy and smuggling and built a base that would take a large force to threaten.


Step 3: Use connections made earlier to start recruiting, taking care with recruits lest the curse of Nostramo befalls my company/warband, so slowly, but carefully, this should allow my Techmarines/dark/renegade mechanicus followers to be able to equip them properly, ensure cultist and sireguard elements are maintained as well, I should not need to use my marines unless absolutely necessary. Start following up rumers of artifacts and tomes that could be usefull, offer to the nobility/upper classes of local planets to take their gifted, take power behind the scenes of a couple of local planets if possible, continue to send tithes ect to Terra, start to introduce rituals/elements of culture from prospero into theirs.

If any astartes ships (ie a strike cruiser and escorts) or Imperial naval ships/small squadrons that my Ships could outnumber pass through, ambush them, capturing them and scavenging as much as possible from them, in the case of Astartes, capture gene seed for exchange with other renegades. Start using contacts in the old legions, other warbands, Alpha legion if possible, to sell excess resources and geneseed, offer my services in creation of new marines for them, charging them for it in resources I am short on and in ships.

Not sure what I would do then, with several worlds in my pocket, and the piracy and smuggling under control, I could build up my base, perhaps build a few others whilst trying to get hold of shipyards big enough for the construction of cruisers. taking care not to alert local Inquisitorial or marine elements. Once I'd built up my fleet, possibly start actively tracking and ambushing Mechanicum and astartes ships and patrols, possibly taking or raiding research stations and small out posts.

My long term plan would be to rebuild Prospero somehow...

I would most likely praise the dark Gods for my fortune before I'd go into hiding, re paint my armour and pose as some minor, less known loyalist chapter as I scout the sector.


Then I would work my regular human operatives into some backwater planetary government and teach them a thing or two and slowly corrupt them all while i enrich myself and my small army.


Over time i would get delusions of grandure, imagining i can take on the Imperium on my own and begin seeing myself as equal to or better than Abaddon. And I'd most likely throw myself into some hissy fit tantrum over nothing and ruin everything due to my own arrogance, and die in a hail of flaming promethium, bolter fire, plasma and las cannon beams as i try to escape.

Commandeer a grand cruiser, pick up a crew in the Maelstrom, raid, pillage, plunder and otherwise pilfer my weasely black guts out.




*This is a thought exercise that I was considering, just wanted to share it with the group*


You are an average Chaos lord, leading a warband of a few hundred Marines supported by cultists, traitors and mutants.


Your small fleet consisting of a cruiser and handful of escorts has managed to escape the deadly fighting around Cadia and you have made a safe jump into Imperial safe without pursuit.


What would you do?


I would slowly, but surely plant seeds of doubt and corruption on various planets through the use of orators sent on ahead disguised as typical citizens, later to rabble rouse and basically be a massive pain in the arse.


What would your first steps be?


Find a small planet that is low on the priority list in the eyes of the IoM i.e. a planet that has little value or significance, that should said planet lose contact with the Imperium, it won't go noticed for a few years. Plant doubt in minds of locals. Move to another planet leaving a few behind to continue slowly corrupting planet.


Move to another planet, repeat.


Do you have a long term goal or target?


Yes. To corrupt as many planets as I can, but in such as way that it largely goes unnoticed. When I have as many as I can have ready, they all incite riots (as near to) simultaneously, overthrowing of Governments et al. Result? Sector wide chaos, tying large quantities of troops, ships and other resources and possible chance to cause real collateral damage by main force.


How do you intend to fight the hulking behemoth that is the Imperium?


I don't. Not directly at least. It's a futile gesture and a waste of time. Fighting the IoM head on is like farting at a Hurricane. Better to stay in the background, weakening the Foundations to make the building fall.


Blood for the Blood God?


When the time is right ;)

Over time i would get delusions of grandure, imagining i can take on the Imperium on my own and begin seeing myself as equal to or better than Abaddon. And I'd most likely throw myself into some hissy fit tantrum over nothing and ruin everything due to my own arrogance, and die in a hail of flaming promethium, bolter fire, plasma and las cannon beams as i try to escape.


This made me chuckle, thanks!

Sounds like the "7 habits of the typical badguy".



I'm glad to see that so many of my fellow traitors see that war against the Imperium is indeed the long war, death by a thousand thousand tiny cuts. I often think of using the other races to do our work for us such as redirecting a WAAAAAGH into a planet as distraction or simple destruction but the enemy of my enemy is still my enemy and far too likely to turn on me.


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