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What would you do...


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Over time i would get delusions of grandure, imagining i can take on the Imperium on my own and begin seeing myself as equal to or better than Abaddon. And I'd most likely throw myself into some hissy fit tantrum over nothing and ruin everything due to my own arrogance, and die in a hail of flaming promethium, bolter fire, plasma and las cannon beams as i try to escape.


This made me chuckle, thanks!

Sounds like the "7 habits of the typical badguy".



I'm glad to see that so many of my fellow traitors see that war against the Imperium is indeed the long war, death by a thousand thousand tiny cuts. I often think of using the other races to do our work for us such as redirecting a WAAAAAGH into a planet as distraction or simple destruction but the enemy of my enemy is still my enemy and far too likely to turn on me.


Yes, I figured that is what would happen if I was just an average Chaos lord. But if i instead ware to be a great and awesome Chaos lord who wasn't an arrogant twit the outcome would be completely diffrent as I would slowly bleed the sector of its resources and leave the worlds with a slightly corrupted leadership who under their strain would rebell against the Corpse Emperor and the Imperium would have to spend valuable resources in battling their own PDFs.


However i'm not sure what my over all agenda would be. Personal glory and riches or the destruction of the Imperium... Or perhaps both. Probably both.

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Burn every agri world I can find. I'm lazy let hunger be my weapon.

Let the Hunger Games begin :devil:



Sigged, thanks :lol:

It was too good an opportunity to let it go to waste B)



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id probably have a merry dance across several poorly defended worlds first (killing and enslaving millions-im a slaanesh fan at heart!). I would then roam freely picking on targets of opportunity but never letting myself become bogged down. id operate a hit hard, cause lots of damage and then retreat...never taking territory or becoming involved in long drawn out battles..policy.


good plan? (i think so..)

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I often think of using the other races to do our work for us such as redirecting a WAAAAAGH into a planet as distraction or simple destruction but the enemy of my enemy is still my enemy and far too likely to turn on me.


True enough. But a good General always finds a way to stop that from happening :D Especially if one could maneuver other Xenos/Loyalists to finish them off before they got anywhere near you ;)


Show them one fist openly in such a way that they never consider that the other is ready to slap the taste out of their mouths when they least suspect it.....

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*This is a thought exercise that I was considering, just wanted to share it with the group*


You are an average Chaos lord, leading a warband of a few hundred Marines supported by cultists, traitors and mutants.


Your small fleet consisting of a cruiser and handful of escorts has managed to escape the deadly fighting around Cadia and you have made a safe jump into Imperial safe without pursuit.


What would you do?

What would your first steps be?

Do you have a long term goal or target?

How do you intend to fight the hulking behemoth that is the Imperium?

Blood for the Blood God?


Step one: Find Abaddon

Step two: Point him towards Cadia

Step three: ??????

Step four: Profit!!!!



*snort* Ok, seriously now, my Warband actually consists of less than fifty Marines, but a crapload of mortals and their vehicles, including a number of superheavies. So I will carry on with that in mind...


Primary goal is to annihilate the Star Phantoms Chapter, who are my greatest foe within the Endemiyon Cluster, just outside of the Maelstrom. From my base in Hellstorm Harbour (a small modified Space Hulk, turned into a Dock / Anchorage) I would rally as many fellow pirates as I could, unified by one goal....with the death of the Star Phantoms, we will all have free reign of the Badab Sector, from Sagan to the Forges of Eshunna. I would also hire as many mercenary groups as I could to augment my Execution Crusade, from other renegade warbands, to Eldar pirates, to Loxatl Brood-packs. Targeting the already-mauled Phantoms, I would simply go for the throat and hit their new homeworld of Jahga in the Archaca System. Fast and brutal would be the key words to this campaign; gut the bastards before reinforcements arrive. Any 'excess' threats (such as the Raptors' Shadow Stalker roaming Badab) would be targeted as well. In the end, I wouldn't need to fight the whole Imperium, just kill the Phantoms so that the Endemiyon Cluster would be left in turmoil...a breeding ground for renegades and piracy. It would take decades, if not centuries, for the system to be brought back into check. In the meantime, I'd murder and pillage to my black heart's content.


Yarrr.... :D

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Burn every agri world I can find. I'm lazy let hunger be my weapon.

Let the Hunger Games begin :D



Sigged, thanks ;)

It was too good an opportunity to let it go to waste B)




I don't understand why this has been sigged.. Why is it funny?

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I'd capture a Caestus Assault Ram and use it to board inappropriate things.


Like enemy Land Raiders. "SURPRISE, IMPERIALS."


Or gatherings of other Chaos Lords. "HEY, DUDES. AM I LATE?"

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Burn every agri world I can find. I'm lazy let hunger be my weapon.

Let the Hunger Games begin :devil:



Sigged, thanks :lol:

It was too good an opportunity to let it go to waste B)




I don't understand why this has been sigged.. Why is it funny?

Because the Hunger Games were created and run by corrupt, malevolent people who enjoy seeing the people under their rule suffer via making them watch games that their youth must participate in for food. The rulers themselves have it in abundance, and give a small but extra bit of food to those who are willing to risk a greater chance of being in the Hunger Games. The Hunger Games feature the youths that are forced to participate to kill each other in an extremely hostile enviroment, and the last one standing gets to train the future competitors year after year after year. The rulers also hae no qualms letting a five year old participate as well, if her name is drawn, and are merely dissapointed that she will not put on much of a show.


Very Chaotic, when you think about it. That's why it's funny ;)

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I'd capture a Caestus Assault Ram and use it to board inappropriate things.


Like enemy Land Raiders. "SURPRISE, IMPERIALS."


Or gatherings of other Chaos Lords. "HEY, DUDES. AM I LATE?"


Wonderful. Now I have an image of a power armoured Kool-Aid man bursting through ship hulls screaming "Oh Yeah!!!"

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first, find a good base, like a space hulk, abandoned base or something alike.


second, find a nice hive world or deathworld populated by a downtrodden underclass who i can subdue to my cause.


three, brutally kill and sacrifice the world's imperials and then take the downtrodden with me. then i'll have my apothecaries make the best and most promising into proper astartes. the rest will be modified to as high a degree as possible.


three-and-a-half, make sure to send my warriors on raids and skirmishes every so often to gather supplies and get some experience into them. after each raid i'll make damn sure they summon enough daemons into whatever they hit to erase all traces of my warriors prescence.


three-and-four-fifths, make sure to send some troops to join other warbands to gather some allies, and make some friends (wink-wink, nudge nudge 1000heathens) ;)


four, repeat until i have a large enough army to take over a world properly and turn it into a daemon world.

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*This is a thought exercise that I was considering, just wanted to share it with the group*


You are an average Chaos lord, leading a warband of a few hundred Marines supported by cultists, traitors and mutants.


Your small fleet consisting of a cruiser and handful of escorts has managed to escape the deadly fighting around Cadia and you have made a safe jump into Imperial safe without pursuit.


What would you do?

What would your first steps be?

Do you have a long term goal or target?

How do you intend to fight the hulking behemoth that is the Imperium?

Blood for the Blood God?


1)Find Loyalist Astartes

2)Apply chain-axe directly to the the forehead

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Putting myself in the shoes of my Dark Apostle, I would see this as proof of my awesomeness, and really start the face rubbing. And practically I would look at going underground as far from Cadia as possible and start a mini rebelion using my BA oratory skills, hoping to create some form of distraction for the greater good.


And of course should all else fail, Captain Tezdal's strategy should work out quite nicely

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Why I would 'liberate' as many systems as humanly possible!


For ten thousand years humanity has been enslaved by a corpes held alive by priests and bureaucrats.

For ten thousands years stagnation has reigned supreme and mankind has fallen from its rightfull place as rulers of the galaxy.

If something is not done our species will be extinct with the turn of the millennium.


The time to set Man free from the tyranny of the Imperium has come.

Across a thousand worlds toll the bells of revolution.

Humanity will be saved!


Chaos is ascendant.

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Nice thread!


Ok, let's see.


As I'm supposed to be an average chaos lord, my first step would be find a not-so-average chaos space marine. Let's say is Khârn. After all, is a nice guy to be around.


My second, and probably my last step, would be reach Calth or Ultramar and lets start a killing-spree savage chainaxe-in-your-face-party with those annoying smurfs. Then high-five Khârn and go for daemonettes.

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*This is a thought exercise that I was considering, just wanted to share it with the group*


You are an average Chaos lord, leading a warband of a few hundred Marines supported by cultists, traitors and mutants.


Your small fleet consisting of a cruiser and handful of escorts has managed to escape the deadly fighting around Cadia and you have made a safe jump into Imperial safe without pursuit.

Assuming I'm playing a Word Bearers list... actually, I already had the fluff planned out.
What would you do?

What would your first steps be?

Find a bunch of smashed- up Imperial ships, piece them together, and make something that could hopefully pass inspection as a Space Marine chapter. then go to a hopefully ignorant forge world and place an order for a lot of supplies. Terminator armor, land raiders, rhinos, thunderhawks, jump packs, power weapons, bolters, stuff like that. Tell them you've been on a penitent crusade for a very long time and they should buy it.
Do you have a long term goal or target?

How do you intend to fight the hulking behemoth that is the Imperium?

Go around pretending to be a Loyalist Space Marine chapter, smash some Xenos, and quietly subvert the Imperial cult.
Blood for the Blood God?
Don't forget the Dark Prince/ss
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I'll admit that the idea of passing myself off as a random loyalist chapter and using it to either gain support and resources or as access to places I probably shouldn't be allowed is a nice one. The sheer size and scale of the Imperium makes any kind of confirmation about your identity very difficult to perform in a reasonable time and that is assuming the governor of the far flung planet you are visiting even thinks to ask.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry to dig this one up, but I just love the thread.


So what would I do, once in Imperial space ?


Well I guess my fleet would mainly prey on space lanes around the Cadia sector, then hide my movements using ongoing warp storms.

By doing so, I intend to slow down and sometimes cut the imperium's supply rate.

Then, make planetfall on some Agripinaa sector's planet and kill every living not on the Despoiler's side.

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I would sneak into the throne room of the Imperial palace and put the emperors hand in a bowl of warm water.


Is that GRIMDARK enough for ya?


Does the Emperor even have a hand anymore? I'm pretty sure they bolted on a toaster attachment instead.


Vesper: Good looking fleet, I like the fact you have Chaos escorts for that realistic touch.

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