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What would you do...


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Lets see now... :)


Want somewhere fairly unspoilt, or spoilt enough to be have a large number of down trodden, just off the shipping routes. Seek to corrupt it and 'free' the populace to turn it into a 'pleasure' world (we have casinos, fishing lakes, spas, gladiatorial arenas and so much more that you'll never, ever want to leave!) . Make sure that the Imperium always gets its tithe, while adding corrupted goodies in very low quantities to start with (how much do you like food, amsec, caffine, shoes, and money? your really going to like them now in a bad way!)


Kick over a few Eldar worlds to keep Imperium busy.


Attempt to make more 'pleasure' worlds.


If discovered execute plan to turn pleasure worlds in to daemon worlds to cover escape, as to start again.

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*This is a thought exercise that I was considering, just wanted to share it with the group*


You are an average Chaos lord, leading a warband of a few hundred Marines supported by cultists, traitors and mutants.


Your small fleet consisting of a cruiser and handful of escorts has managed to escape the deadly fighting around Cadia and you have made a safe jump into Imperial safe without pursuit.


What would you do?

What would your first steps be?

Do you have a long term goal or target?

How do you intend to fight the hulking behemoth that is the Imperium?

Blood for the Blood God?


and thank you for an amazing thread so far.

i will put myself in my chaos lord's shoes/boots and try and hunt down pre-heresy tech and STCs, while even maybe inventing a few bits here and there. then maybe spread the good word to some wayward misguided, offer them the chance to see new parts of the imperium and blow it up! then build my powerbase/cosolidate my position/hide and wait till i get the oppurtunity to go full scale in the long war.

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Hmmmm if I was a chaos lord I would.... Spend a lot of time gathering the resources to pose as loyalists before 'liberating' the planets that the Tau first took over (abandoned by the imperium) of course all this would be done quietly... then I would have adoring citizens that would love my marines recruit them for a supposed crusade against the imperium (they must feel kinda angry about being left at the mercy of xenos scum?) I would continue to bide my time gaining more and more resources and ATTACK for as much as possible before running into the warp like a nancy.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Far too much hiding and running away in this thread...

We're Chaos, veterans of a thousand wars, exiled in a place worse than hell for ten thousand years!

And when we break free you'll do what..? Lay low?!

Have some pride, brothers!


We got chain-axes and hellfire, who needs sensibility?!

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Far too much hiding and running away in this thread...

We're Chaos, veterans of a thousand wars, exiled in a place worse than hell for ten thousand years!

And when we break free you'll do what..? Lay low?!

Have some pride, brothers!


We got chain-axes and hellfire, who needs sensibility?!

Those who want to live to fight another day and rule planets. Besides, like Xarl once said, we Night Lords die running away. Provided you can catch us.

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Assuming defeat shows a horrid lack of ambition, typical Night Lords :cuss

Besides, you can rule planets in the Eye. And those planets you can form as you please, provided you enlist the help of a few sorcerers and/or daemons.

What use is there in ruling ex-Imperial planets, if you're gonna run away once the cavalry comes a-riding?

Why bother entering Imperial space if you're not going to fight the Long War?

At that rate we'll never get to Terra.


(Really like this thread, by the way, very inspiring!)

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Assuming defeat shows a horrid lack of ambition, typical Night Lords :cuss

In the Long War, a thousand small cuts can still have as much impact as one big one. Besides, it's not retreating! It's relocating to another battlefield.

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I think the death by a thousand cuts option is the best way for Chaos to win.

The sheer size of the Imperium works against it in many ways but it also makes for an opponent that is simply too large to be killed in a single blow.

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If I remember right, wasn't part of the breaking the Legions into a thousand Chapters supposed to prevent said method of destruction? And yet, we see many cases of where it completely isolated some Chapters. Some of them don't even know each other exist. To be honest, I think the worst thing that can happen is for a Chapter to decide that it isn't going to be in ten places at once, gather all of its numbers and just start going from planet to planet and wipe out any threat they hear of and forget the concept of a "homeworld" except to draw recruits from when they can't find any on their voyages. Especially if that Chapter is the Black Templars with their ~five thousand Marines and fifty million(highly exaggerated I hope) attendant ships.
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  • 1 month later...
*This is a thought exercise that I was considering, just wanted to share it with the group*


You are an average Chaos lord, leading a warband of a few hundred Marines supported by cultists, traitors and mutants.


Your small fleet consisting of a cruiser and handful of escorts has managed to escape the deadly fighting around Cadia and you have made a safe jump into Imperial safe without pursuit.


What would you do?

What would your first steps be?

Do you have a long term goal or target?

How do you intend to fight the hulking behemoth that is the Imperium?

Blood for the Blood God?


1 Scout out a set of important useful systems, then find a huge ork warband, luring them there- WAAAGH!! ensures.

2 Establish base in overlooked system while Imperials busy with xenos in other systems. Perfect oppertunity for calculated raids fior equipment en-route for the warzone.

3a If discovered flee + wanton destruction before fleeing, if not stay and enjoy the sport.

3b Still there + built up? wait for a lull in warzone then steamroll through, securing an Ultramar/Malestorm type domain.


Get Chaos sorcerors to do something useful like how to mind control orks. :P

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If I was a Chaos Warlord.....


Step 1) Remove all identification/appearance of Traitor heritage. Disguise all forces.


Step 2) Summon a daemon of Tzeentch to fake a Inquisitorial seal (Highest level he can get away with)


Step 3) Find a relatively peaceful, prosperous and well-defended planet, as far away from the Maelstrom and EoT as possible(You don't want competition, do you?)


Step 4) Take over governership using my status as Inquisitor, rule from a puppet leader. Gather as many psykers as possible, while keep sending the Imperium their tithes.


Step 5) Instill most trusted servants in the systems Imperial warships, get them to pose as Rogue Traders, and gather contacts/resources/information/mercenaries from as far as possible while still going under the radar.


Step 6) Instill cults in the planets elite, brainwash military, spread cults to the buyers that hold positions of power as your 'Rogue Traders' meet them. Slowly build defences while capturing and turning any Mechanicus/Inquisition forces you find into Daemonhosts, before sending them on suicide missions halfway across the galaxy (For distraction, and to fulfill obligatory destruction to stay in favour with the Gods)


Step 7) Create a threat in neighbouring systems big enough to draw in a sizeable Imperial army. May cost a few cults.


Step 8) Sacrifice as many planets as necessary in massive ritual to shunt entire army into the Warp without Geller Field protection. Do not sacrifice original planet, just reveal your prescence and take it over with minimum bloodshed.


Step 9) Take control of army and ships as they drop out of the warp, while reviewing what forces you have left.


Step 10) Order cults to cause as much chaos as possible, as far away from your new home, while cementing control of new battlefleet and army you have to play with. Find a loyalist Chapter, seige them while your cults soak up the Imperial reinforcements a couple systems away. If pressed for time, sacrifice original world into daemon-world and ask a Greater Daemon for to be your patron and gain control of new world(Preferably Undivided, so your not cutting off any potential allies) in return for assistance in securing the Apothecarion. Any casaulties to loyalist Chapter is a bonus. Retreat to your original world, while whipping up a Warp Storm through mass psyker sacrifice.


Final Step) You hopefully still have an now-Chaos warfleet and army, the means to recruit more Astartes using stable, safe geneseed (Less chance of turning into Spawn or being useless), a powerful world you rule, and are safe for a while. Recruit and build up any forces, while building a massive warp-portal (Any moon/empty planet will do)

Contact Dark Mechanicus and offer a partnership and rulership of first planet conquered in return for some major league defences and help with recruitment. Allow warbands to join your forces from the Warp, they can have any planet they can conquer without assistance Of course, a small tithe will be a prerequisite for entry. Keep improving your core forces, the rest are just pawns. As soon as Warp Storm dissipitates, allow them free reign of neighbouring regions and 50/50 split of any loyalist geneseed they can recover and war materials they capture. Hopefully your original loyal core of forces are numbering in the ;) loads by now, and simply kill off any who refuse. Favour any who work more closely with you. Build more defences. Keep recruiting Astartes into your core force using captured Apothecarian equipment. Hopefully pick up production now some more loyalist geneseed should be coming in.


Endgame- You have a powerful empire, new warbands should be swearing themselves to your cause weekly, while the existing ones are shoved to the frontlines and catpuring planets in your name. Your now massive warband should start taking control of any leaderless or weak warbands, while the strongest are funneled into the now-advancing Imperium. Throw as much your allies as you can into the meatgrinder, make sure they don't pursue the Imperium. Continue until the Imperium is convinced a containment strategy is best, similiar to the Ghoul Stars.


Congratulations, you now have your own space empire, with allies coming in to be expended at will, as you continously build your own forces using geneseed. Bait loyalist Astartes as needed when geneseed runs out. Make sure your border planets are daemon-worlds to tar pit the Imperium if it attacks. Keep gathering power through sacrifice and worship until Daemon Prince. When transformed, create cult of worship if one is not present. Groom heir to do exactly as you have done elsewhere in the galaxy. Languish in the Warp soaking up power, sometimes leading your warriors to battle if the Imperium dare encroaches on your domain. Let any allies your not sure of go burn the galaxy somewhere else, under Abaddon. Constantly keep building your core of Astartes. When you believe they are powerful enough, show the Imperium the power of the dark gods, and the wrath of their true herald. Let Abbadon have fun headbutting Cadia, ally with him if the heat gets too much. Let him and the Legions draw the Imperium and go back to gathering power if the tide turns. Repeat until it gets boring, then get Ahriman in to figure out how to open a wound in reality that would rival the Maelstrom. Claim it and invade the Warp until carved out empire their. Keep expanding, keep killing, attract favour of the Gods.


I so want to turn to the Eightfold Path after this. :D

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