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Hi, I did a search but can't find an answer. Help!


Can Gazzy's owning player roll an invulnerable save (cybork) and if it's a 2, call "waaagh" in which case Prophet of the Waaagh is in place and the invul was passed due to the 2+ invulnerable save? I am under the impression that a 2+ invulnerable and a 5+ cybork body save are two completely different saves, and that calling "waaagh" doesn't upgrade a dice roll so to speak. To me, this is blatent cheating. If I have a 3+/4+ on a thousand son, I have to say which save I am attempting.


Also, if a Wagon tank shocks through 4 units and the first unit attempts a death or glory, do all units in the way suffer 2d6 hits, even if they're fearless and 3 just move out of the way?

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I have argued this one at great length with a friend. He was inclined to take advantage of the fact that Gazzy's Waaagh says it can be declared at any time. This guy is the biggest rules lawyer I know, and even he thinks that calling the Waaagh after the dice are rolled would be cheating.
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Also, if a Wagon tank shocks through 4 units and the first unit attempts a death or glory, do all units in the way suffer 2d6 hits, even if they're fearless and 3 just move out of the way?


its done on a unit by unit basis, if the first unit succeeded with DoG then the restwouldnt be affected.

so youd move the battlewagon, decide how the first unit will react, then the second and the third and so on, rolling for each 'reaction'

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Can Gazzy's owning player roll an invulnerable save (cybork) and if it's a 2, call "waaagh" in which case Prophet of the Waaagh is in place and the invul was passed due to the 2+ invulnerable save? I am under the impression that a 2+ invulnerable and a 5+ cybork body save are two completely different saves, and that calling "waaagh" doesn't upgrade a dice roll so to speak. To me, this is blatent cheating. If I have a 3+/4+ on a thousand son, I have to say which save I am attempting.


That is beyond rules lawyering and blatantly into cheating. He rolled a saving throw. It failed. He calls a Waaagh. His armour save is now invulnerable but it does nothing to alter the fact that he has already rolled and failed his one and only save that was allowed for that attack. The Waaagh does not give him the ability to rewind time.

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1. Yes gazz can declare its waagh after he failed his save, but he still takes that wound as his save had failed him before the Waagh..


2. If 1 guy tries death or glory than all models might be hit by that 2d6 attacks, but only from that unit.

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Hi, I did a search but can't find an answer. Help!


Can Gazzy's owning player roll an invulnerable save (cybork) and if it's a 2, call "waaagh" in which case Prophet of the Waaagh is in place and the invul was passed due to the 2+ invulnerable save? I am under the impression that a 2+ invulnerable and a 5+ cybork body save are two completely different saves, and that calling "waaagh" doesn't upgrade a dice roll so to speak. To me, this is blatent cheating. If I have a 3+/4+ on a thousand son, I have to say which save I am attempting.


Also, if a Wagon tank shocks through 4 units and the first unit attempts a death or glory, do all units in the way suffer 2d6 hits, even if they're fearless and 3 just move out of the way?


Ugh. Who are these people you play with/against Ah-a-nothepsis? They pull some of the most blatantly wrong shenanigans on you on what seems like a weekly basis. :P

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Well first off I'd like to say that I don't have some sort of "OMG I am such a poor victim" attitude going. I play against some really great guys and girls on a weekly basis.


There are, however, those who are so stuck in the way to play their army that when they encounter someone who questions it they can't really find where it says that can do this-or-that in a game. Like DE players who say they can rapid fire from a transport while embarked after moving 12", because DE "should" be able to do it, or that the book "used to say that we can".


Each time I encounter a player like this, I just decide not to play them anymore.. but it's still a good idea for me to ask about rules because I could encounter a fun player with a similar army in the future ^.~


I am the show-stopper. People like to take advantage of others in the store to win, and when they get to me, I don't play that crap. You might have 200+ Orks or a Leafblower list that can beat my Thousand Sons anyways, but I'll be damned if you will cheat against me to get the win. :)

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He can call it once you target the unit, but if he calls it after he already rolls the save, he cannot reroll the save.


Shoot to kill Ghaz on turn 1...he cannot call a waaaaugh on turn 1....

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Wait you play 1k sons, than why not go for the Gazz the Blibbering prophet of chaork spawnniness. Make him a spawn just for laughs, and do ask him if he can find a counter rule for that if you succed (he wont find it).
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1. Yes gazz can declare its waagh after he failed his save, but he still takes that wound as his save had failed him before the Waagh..

^ This.


Sure, you can activate the Waaagh power immediately after just having failed to pass a 5+ invulnerable save. From that moment on forward Ghazghkull will have a 2+ Invulnerable save. But it will not retroactively un-fail the failed 5+ invulnerable save.

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He can call it once you target the unit, but if he calls it after he already rolls the save, he cannot reroll the save.


Shoot to kill Ghaz on turn 1...he cannot call a waaaaugh on turn 1....


Yeah... I don't play ghazzy ever due to my not liking the SaP rule... but I am pretty sure that only applies to regular boss's... then again... I have been out of the game for a couple years now... so yeah...

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