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Storm Eagles for Chaos

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Thought you all would get a kick out of this...


Ahem... in the DLable Experimental rules for the Storm Eagle from Forge World, Storm Eagles are now takeable as a FA choice in a Chaos Space Marine army.


There's some caveats:


Owing to the ancient provenance of the Storm Eagle’s pattern, a few examples of the gunship, albiet heavily and malignly modified to keep

them in service, are found in the hands of Chaos Space Marines as well as their loyalist counterparts. Chaos Storm Eagles are identical to the profile above except that they do not have the Power of the Machine Spirit and cannot exchange their twin-linked heavy bolters for a Typhoon Launcher, and have a base cost of 205 points. They may however take the Daemonic Possession upgrade for +20 points and may exchange their twin-linked heavy bolters for a single Reaper Autocannon for free. (See Codex Chaos Space marines for these two options).


A Chaos Storm Eagle is a fast attack choice for a Codex Chaos Space marines army.


Enjoy :D

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Well, now we have something to put in the FA slot.


20 zerkers. Yum!


Edit: how to model the reaper autocannon though...


Indeed. A better question is would it be uncouth to buy a Stormraven and proxy it (though that would defiantly lead to some clown car jokes)

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Chaos vehicles all mutate and get all demonic and stuff, right? So if you bought a Storm Raven... used putty and the like to make a big demon looking puss filled boil or zit sorta thing where the dreadnought goes... swap the weapon mounts around with bits and mutated conversions... take the Daemonic Possession upgrade... then you're just being fluffy :D

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It says you can't exchange the twin linked heavy bolter for a Typhoon launcher, but would you be able to exhange it for twin linked multi-melta?
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That was my thought. I have been thinking about the Caestus Assault Ram for a fast attack choice, but I like the Storm Eagle better. I have a 20-man Iron Warrior Khorne Berzerkers squad that could use a ride. That could be fun.
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Oh. Oh, dear. Oh, dearie me. A Chaos aircraft that doesn't look like it wandered in from a Star Wars flick? Sign me up, yo.


Tho I'm thinking that the stock model, while impressive, still looks a little too clean and Space Marine-y for the Chaos version. Everyone remember back before the Storm Raven came out, and half the internet was sawing Land Raiders in half and awkwardly jamming them into Valkyrie butts? Some of those actually weren't half-bad. Seems like a start for me. Time to get to work. :P

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Not a must buy for me, of course I have too many models to paint already and too little motivation. I'm more interested in getting that new bigger dread walker and then a blight drone or the IG renegade bits, maybe some Khorne terminator kits, but I won't be buying anything until the new codex or at least 6th edition.
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Tho I'm thinking that the stock model, while impressive, still looks a little too clean and Space Marine-y for the Chaos version.

Same here. In fact, the first thing that came into my mind was this blog here, that shows how to add more trim to a rhino. Now I'm really looking forward to getting my hands on one of these birds.

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All those growths and living flesh parts would burn off on reentry.



Actually, I'm thinking a whole different model - the clean, almost Tau-like sweep of the Storm Eagle's wings seems way too modern given the baroque, bulky nature of Chaos designs and equipment. They're not made for speed or maneuverability, but to scare the piss out of you before the butchering comes. The front of this Star Wars design would be great for a shape, with a "face" that looks like some great jowly Jabberwock. Now to find a way to do that to a Stormraven (or Land Raider) assault ramp...

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I too can imagine this in my new sixth edition army, but I just can't afford to buy anything right now and don't see the point given the impending rules change the literally 100s of models I have that are unpainted. I really should sell some stuff, but I don't like selling stuff, especially sentimental stuff like my first 40K army, but I can't see me painting many orks and goblins in 2012 or many miniatures period. I have to have a legal army's worth of stuff for either loyalists or chaos in unpainted plastic plus OOP metal. I even have two Forgeworld models that need paint, so when I pick up the brushes it will be to finish off some squads/models I already own then on to some existing fancy resin models then maybe some new models...




I did put it in to a sort of goal army list, I've started to tweak, I'm thinking of using all three FA slots with a Storm Eagle, a pair of Blight Drones, then either bikes or jump pack troops as the third choice. I'd have a winged lord, probably in Power Armor and hopefully Chosen with bikes/jump packs as that seems to becoming along with my existing three preferred troop choices. I may put some Bezerkers in the Storm Eagle but I'm not sure the ROI is there for squads of 10+ dudes in power armor. I've done the 20 model Plaguemarine Squad so I know how hard it is to get them in range and even in H2H, or course deploying out of a flying saucer wasn't an option 5 years ago...


Can two squads occupy the same transport? Given that I want to put a squad inside I can't see the 60 points for lascannons being anything but incentive for the enemy to target the thing. Obviously putting it in reserve and then roaring on 12 or more inches is you best bet. Can Blight Drones (other skimmers) screen it? Multi-melta and demonic possession seem like better investments. Demonic possession is supposedly a theme of the new Chaos Codex, I wonder if the rules for it or deployment/reserve will change in sixth edition?


I'm not sure what if any Heavy Support I'll run in the future, having a really mobile army seems to be the way of the future in 40K at least in Vancouver. I have a Blood Slaughter penciled in that I won, which will get painted, can a fleet walker keep up with skimmers and APCs?

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I can see jeske's point, the Chaos version is going to be less versatile than the Loyalist version no matter how it's decked out, but it does have a couple of benefits to it that I think make that 205 cost worthwhile:


1. It's fast.


2. It's Assault-ramped.


3. It can carry 10 guys.


It's a slightly cheaper flying Land Raider with shoddy armor but can move Fast, deposit 10 models of nastiness (like Khârn and 9 Berserkers, maybe) who can Assault on arrival. It probably won't survive much longer after dropping off the payload, but if it successfully delivers its cargo someplace the enemy doesn't want them to be, it's at least a lesser points loss than losing a Land Raider to that lonesome meltagun after it (maybe) gets to where it's going to (maybe) deliver that same cargo. It's not cheap drop pods, or even a Dreadclaw, but I think it's a step in the right direction to give us some maneuverability on the field.

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