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Storm Eagles for Chaos

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3. It can carry 10 guys.


It can carry 20. Though, in most cases, the only time that it will carry full capacity is when it's carrying Terminators, and even that is questionable with how most people deploy their Terminators. Until any Chaos Marine unit can carry more Special/Heavy weapons when built beyond 10, only someone looking to do a Spike Tide army would be needing all 20 of those slots. 11 or 12, maybe, but not all 20.

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Ok, in the rules it says it can deep strike. So...can it use Icons to deep strike or is that strictly for the 'beaming in' guys like terminators, obliterators and Daemons?


Icon delivery is quite specific. Since this model doesn't have any additional rules to that effect, the Storm Eagle gets as much effect from Icons as Raptors, which is to say, none.

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av 12 high cost transport . no machine spirit to fire multi melta after movment . IG/SW and GK still viable lists.... chaos still does not have a FA choice.
That's because the Infernal Device is out of style and FW doesn't want to break coherency with the existing codex. If the rules stay experimental long enough, I'm sure it'll be back.


You're also forgetting that its still an Assault Vehicle; if its not moving fast to deliver troops to somewhere your opponent really doesn't want, then you're probably not using it right. If its already delivered troops, then we can talk about it needing the Infernal Device.


Either way, transports haven't been quite right since 3rd Edition no matter which way you look at it.

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