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Random Marines


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Hey everyone, its been awhile since I posted over here as I haven't really worked on any marines for myself in awhile. I have painted some for clients though as well as the almighty ebay.


These two are some Black Templar Sword Brethren I originally painted up back with the initial release of the codex. I went back in and touched up a lot of the highlights, redid all the metals and flesh, and added some sweet effects. Any chance I get to add in lighting effects I jump at.
















And a group shot.




And here's what the lightning claw guy looked like originally. I feel like I may have posted the first guy here somewhere already, but I know the second guy is new.




And here's the Flesh Tearer. This model was for a client and I followed all of his specifications for it.








Comments and crit welcome.

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Fantastic work. As always :D You are one of my favourit SM painters on the web.


Did you have the chance to test the new paints jet ?


Something totally different. I just checked out your Blog and read your article "Mathammer....". I completely agree with you on anything you pointed out ! Im glaad that Im not the only one who things like that.


Please dont forget your Astral Claws. I love those guys.

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Thanks guys! The Astral Claws are on hold atm but I will get back to them. A lot of my random marine stuff on here are either commissions or older models I have re-discovered and touched up for ebay. Plus I have my Sons of Dorn, who are my original chapter from 8 years ago, I'll get back to them eventually too.
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Hey I just painted this guy up as a test using some of the new paints. The yellow was painted as a glaze over bone colored armor, if you take out drying time its super fast. You can go to my blog for a full break down of how I painted him.


Here he is right before the glaze.




And right after the first glaze.




And the finished model.










Let me know what you think. I was going for a basic Table Top standard on him so he's not nearly as good as the guys in the first post, but a whole army of Fists painted this way would be pretty imposing.


Comments and Crit welcome.

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