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How I run mine: 4 misile launchers, but the base kit does not support that. Sarge is naked.


4 ML is cheap, dirty, and multipurpose.


I don't have my rule book, or I'd quote the page for the Signum. Suffice it to say, it increases one others squad members BS for that turn. So, sometimes you'll see squads with 3 X ML and 1 Lascannon or 1 Plasmacannon, with the outlier benefitting from the increased BS every turn.

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I like the 3 rocket launchers and 1 plasma cannon that has been mentioned. Mainly because I only have 3 rocket launchers.


The only reason I can run 3 full sets of 4 ML Devs is becasue I found a great deal on Ebay for some of the the AoBR ML dude. Even then, I ahve to steal some away from my Tac Squads (Emperor knows, they see a LOT of use >.<)

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I run 4 missile launchers and a bolter sergeant. The reason for this is that, as mentioned, it's multi-purpose to use missile launchers, and they're cheap. I prefer a bolter on the sergeant because if need be, I can rapid fire or take an extra little shot at the expense of not using the signum. Generally though, a sergeant is just my meat shield, so his loadout doesn't really matter. First wound I take always goes on him.
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I have a lot of Devastators left over from my old 9th Company Imperial Fists from the days you could take them as both heavy and elites. A few rules of thumb I find useful are:


1. Take big squads A ten man squad gives you ablative wounds to keep the signum and your heavy weapons on the table longer. It also gives you the choice to combat squad which gives you more versitility and allows you to target two squads a turn.


2. Specialise Work out what role you want your devastators to fulfill, and then pick four of the best heavy weapon for the job. There's no point putting multi-meltas and heavy bolters in the same squad because one is always going to be underused. In general, I go for either missile launchers (cheap, multipurpose), plasma cannons (anti-heavy infantry such as marines and stronger) or heavy bolters (cheap, anti-horde). Lascannons are generally too expensive for what they do, whilst multi-meltas are too short ranged. Meltaspam is better done with honour guard or assault squads. The only real exception to specialising is if you intend to use combat squading. I often take a squad with three missile launchers in one combat squad, and the sergeant with his signum and either a lascannon or plasma cannon in the other.


3. Deploy carefully This is especially true for devastators, as any turn in which you move is a turn you're not shooting. Resist the temptation to sit at the very back of the board, as any bad break test will see you off the table. Instead look for high points with good LoS such as buildings and hills.


4. Less is more Don't bother taking an extras on the squad. Most of the time you want the sergeant to use his signum to improve one of your heavies, so there's no point giving him a shooting upgrade. Likewise you don't want this squad to end up in combat, so don't bother with power weapons or power fists, give them to squads that'll use them. I prefer to give my sergeant a bolter incase I do want him to shoot, but a bolt pistol and chainsword are also good, as the extra combat attack is more likely to get used.

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@AGPO: some good advice, but I take a bit of an issue with no 1. Taking 3 squads of 10 Devs is very expensive. Those 15 extra dudes cost a total of 240 pts... there is a LOT you can do with that. Having ablative wounds is nice, but I would rather have another 10-man assault squad with power fist and 2 meltas (235 pts). That is because the ASM make active use of the points whereas the extra bullet catchers are passive; that is to say, the extra dudes don't do anything for you if your opponent is not shooting at them, whereas the ASM are actively engaging the opponent, causing damage and making him react.
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@AGPO: some good advice, but I take a bit of an issue with no 1. Taking 3 squads of 10 Devs is very expensive. Those 15 extra dudes cost a total of 240 pts... there is a LOT you can do with that. Having ablative wounds is nice, but I would rather have another 10-man assault squad with power fist and 2 meltas (235 pts). That is because the ASM make active use of the points whereas the extra bullet catchers are passive; that is to say, the extra dudes don't do anything for you if your opponent is not shooting at them, whereas the ASM are actively engaging the opponent, causing damage and making him react.

I almost always agree. Very rarely do I take bullet catchers in my Devs.

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@AGPO: some good advice, but I take a bit of an issue with no 1. Taking 3 squads of 10 Devs is very expensive. Those 15 extra dudes cost a total of 240 pts... there is a LOT you can do with that. Having ablative wounds is nice, but I would rather have another 10-man assault squad with power fist and 2 meltas (235 pts). That is because the ASM make active use of the points whereas the extra bullet catchers are passive; that is to say, the extra dudes don't do anything for you if your opponent is not shooting at them, whereas the ASM are actively engaging the opponent, causing damage and making him react.


That's very true if you're fielding three squads. I rarley field multiple dev squads as there are just too many good choices in a blood angels codex. However, it's rare for the shield marines not to make their points back. My dev squads are often targeted early on, and if it means my heavy weapons last long enough to take out their target, then the extra points I spend are worth it. A full strength squad costs an extra 80pts. My plasma cannons or lascannons can easily make that back in a turn of shooting. On the other hand if I don't get the first turn then my five man squad could easily lose much of its firepower, meaning I've wasted 130-190pts on a dev squad which can no longer do its job effectively.

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Missile Launchers, hands down. Too cheap, too effective, too well rounded not to take them. They can do anti-infantry, or they can do anti-tank. Great range... just too good of a weapon not to take. Don't bother polluting it with a Multi Melta, Lascannon, or Plasma Cannon. Those other weapons just reduce the effectiveness of the missile launchers. You'll be shooting at a tank, and wish you had a fourth ML instead of the PC. Or you'll be shooting at infantry 40" away, and wishing you had another ML instead of a MM.


For sheer fun, take four Lascannons. Reach out and touch your enemy with coherent beams of light. Expensive, and will attract a ton of firepower.

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The next squad I put together will be Devastators so I had to jump in.


There are many good points here. Keep in mind that Devs are support to the grand scheme of the list. Saying that I specialize mine when I take them. meaning either anti-tank or anti-troop. MLs don't cut it for me. Yeah I'm going to hear alot of flak about it, but we dont need frag missles, we have enough units on the board that can deal with troops, and I do believe that extra strength is worth it for the Lascannons as it cuts down on the percentage of not penetrating. I mean Necron vehicles are AV 13!!!! A ML is useless against that. now what do you do when there are 4-6 of those (the way my friend plays them)?


But AGPO had a good point on maxing out your DEVs for the sole purpose of splitting 30 people into 6 units with 2 heavy weapons each. So it's not really a waste of points as you combine that with Razorbacks with LasPlas or my favourite, Assault Cannons, along with a few Attack bike squads or Baal Preds. That gives you alot of firepower suddenly. Not only that but let's face it DEVs get assaulted, larger numbers means survivability, and more krak grenades VS Dreads. Not only that, but you split your fire base meaning they cant assault all of them at once. Yes, Kill Point games are not their forte, but that's 6 units firing heavy weapons, believe me your opponent will forget all about your assault marines, and razorbacks, and other assorted good and plenties you'll be throwing at him.


I'm sure many will disagree with this notion but I like using 5xDEVs with 3 Lascannons, or 3 Plasma Cannons. This is usually all the firepower you need to injure a vehicle, or a unit. But I don't use the Plasma Cannons very often, as, like I've said, I have enough troop stopping power.


My 8 Cents...

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- Ive never done this, but ive always thought it would work well to put Devastators in a drop pod and drop behind enemy lines or mount them in a razor back. What does everyone think about these kinds of transport for Devs?

I can see a pod being useless, drop in, fire pistols, get charged next turn...oops

And the razorback can just stand back and shoot while being emergency evacuate

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- Ive never done this, but ive always thought it would work well to put Devastators in a drop pod and drop behind enemy lines or mount them in a razor back. What does everyone think about these kinds of transport for Devs?


It depends on the rest of your list. It's a good squad to deploy first if you have another pod that you want to keep as a tactical reserve. Being able to deploy (almost) anywhere and react to your opponent is good. You solve the problem with Devs in DoW deployment while spending less on upgrades and you always have the option of just deploying them as normal and do something else with the pod.

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I have always used my devistators in a close support role,

Two heavy bolters and two plasma canons in a full ten man

squad. Split into combat squads with my sgt armed with

combi - melta and power sword.


I run them alongside two tactical squads and at the monument

A tactical assault squad as I'm using badabs siege marine list

But normally i use sternguard.

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