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Personally I always go for the ablative wounds simply because they are one of the first things to be shot at whenever I use them. Perhaps this is a hangover from the days of 2nd edition where it was so deeply ingrained to shoot them first amongst my group of freinds I can't say, but still I have always found that I need them.


Only recently have I taken to combat squading them with two heavy weapons in each squad and I do like the results. However this may be due to my model collection restrictions so I tend to have an anti-tank and anti-infantry squad from this. If I were to have more Razorbacks in my army I would probably give them one resulting in being able to engage three targets from one slot in the force organisation chart.


I also find that they need a Priest nearby these days.

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4x MLs, 1x naked sergeant, 1x bolter guy and a TLLC Razorback. This unit and the RB fire co-ordinated strikes every turn whenever I'm up against enemy armour. If I suffer minor wounds, the bolter dude and the sarge drop first as I try to keep my MLs firing for as long as possible. IMHO, 4x Str 8, AP 2, 48'' range weapons at 10 pts a pop just can't be beat.


The sgt's signum boosts 1x other firer's BS by 1 pt. So you get one dev with BS 5 until the sarge drops dead. I don't have my codex at work, but I think that's how it goes.


As for drop podding them, correct me if I'm wrong but devs are heavy weapons infantry. So if they move, IE: deploy out of a pod, then they can't shoot for that first turn making them a really juicy target for your enemy to take down. For this reason, I'd never pod them into harms way.


My 2 cents.

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For this reason, I'd never pod them into harms way.


That's kind of given. Close to the enemy is not where you want them, but you don't have to use a pod like that.

Considering the size of most boards, unless your podding into your own lines, your enemy can assault you, jump troops,bikes, cavalry, faster moving infantry etc etc...oh wait its 40k, nobody takes any of those because of "the meta game", nevermind then

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Considering the size of most boards, unless your podding into your own lines, your enemy can assault you, jump troops,bikes, cavalry, faster moving infantry etc etc...oh wait its 40k, nobody takes any of those because of "the meta game", nevermind then


Are you trying to make a point or are you just trolling again?

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Considering the size of most boards, unless your podding into your own lines, your enemy can assault you, jump troops,bikes, cavalry, faster moving infantry etc etc...oh wait its 40k, nobody takes any of those because of "the meta game", nevermind then


Are you trying to make a point or are you just trolling again?

The point is nobody takes anything like that because the precious meta game makes them options of no value, probably Cus there is a hazard of a player thinking

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King, how would you propose to use DEVs with drop pods? You suggested to drop them close to the enemy, which makes them a juicy target, especially early on when you don't want the opponent to maximise his shooting. you call it "Meta", I call it suicide. using DEVs the way you suggest is not thinking outside the box like you think. Any competant player, or even the incompetant ones will exploit what you're suggesting...


Now you say that marines are for players that don't want to think...that's of course retarded. Marines are simply 40ks all-rounder army. If you don't like them, why are you on the Marine Forums?

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Considering the size of most boards, unless your podding into your own lines, your enemy can assault you, jump troops,bikes, cavalry, faster moving infantry etc etc...oh wait its 40k, nobody takes any of those because of "the meta game", nevermind then


Are you trying to make a point or are you just trolling again?

The point is nobody takes anything like that because the precious meta game makes them options of no value, probably Cus there is a hazard of a player thinking


Erm, I take jump pack troops. In fact the bulk of my force is jump pack troops and I'm sure plenty of others take them as well.

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King, how would you propose to use DEVs with drop pods? You suggested to drop them close to the enemy, which makes them a juicy target, especially early on when you don't want the opponent to maximise his shooting. you call it "Meta", I call it suicide. using DEVs the way you suggest is not thinking outside the box like you think.

Errr....ok, you didn't read what I said then, I suggested podding them was a bad thing, not a good thing, try reading better

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I tend to play a fairly generic list at the moment, with my tactical squad offering fire support. This means that the bolters don't have too much effect. I think that I may swap them for a 4 missile devastator squad, with as many blotters as the points will allow for the same amount. Be interested to see how they play as fire support.
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I run a squad of 5 with a couple of plasma cannons for flavour. They get a razorback as well.


Overall not bad. Punish deepstrikers and disembarked squads.


Because of their role they can get away with advancing and disembarking forward first turn, because reserves and transport popping generally happens from T2 onwards. This negates the 36" range too.

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