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How many times can you flee?


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It's as easy as it says: How many times can you flee in a turn?


For instance:


- 20-man unit walks into Dangerous Terrain. five die, they break and run. (25% casualties, p.44)

- In the shooting phase, a bad template scatters onto them and kills 4/15. Forced to take a morale test when they're fleeing, they auto-fail and flee again. (25% casualties, p.44; morale, p.46)

- In the assault phase, a nearby vehicle explodes, killing 3/11. Forced to take a morale test when they're fleeing, they auto-fail and flee again. (25% casualties, p.44; morale, p.46)

- In the enemy turn's movement phase, they do something via moving that causes 2/8 to die (say, a Necron fly by or something). Forced to take a morale test when they're fleeing, they auto-fail and flee again. (25% casualties, p.44; morale, p.46)

- In the shooting phase, 2/6 are killed. Forced to take a morale test when they're fleeing, they auto-fail and flee again. (25% casualties, p.44; morale, p.46)

- In the assault phase, another tragic vehicle explosion kills 1/4. Forced to take a morale test when they're fleeing, they auto-fail and flee again. (25% casualties, p.44; morale, p.46)

- FINALLY, assuming this unit can now rally, they try and fail, fleeing through Dangerous Terrain, losing 1/3 members. Now, forced to take a morale test when they're fleeing, they auto-fail and flee again. (25% casualties, p.44; morale, p.46)


6 phases, 16 D6 fleeing distance. Correct? I haven't been able to find anything that says a unit can only run once per turn.

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IIRR some of your examples cannot happen.


You would not, for example, take a morale check in the movement phase for taking casualties as described above for dangerous terrain.


Morale checks would only be required for 25% casualties and is taken at the end of the shooting phase, not during, so multiple checks in a single shooting phase would not occur.


I'm not certain, but unless there is something in the BRB about casualties from fly-bys, even that may not require a morale check unless there is something specific in the necron codex.


The only thing that may compel a player to take a morale check in the movement phase is being tank shocked or similar.


We have a standard practise of stacking 2 dice next to an opponent's unit once it takes 25% to shooting, as a reminder to roll it at the end of the shooting phase.


IIRR if you assault a unit that is falling back, there may be a rule about taking another check and if it fails it may be swept immediately...except for units that can automtically rally at that moment.


Stuff like that.

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Ming, you take morale tests in any phase for 25% casualties, the exemption is casualties by close combat attacks, page 44 BRB.


I think Seahawk has it right, I can't see anything in the BRB that says only one fall back per phase so the last example is right, maybe the FAQ?


It's how I'd play it, and as GC08 says it's quite rare.

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If you take 25% casualties in any phase, you must take a morale test, not just the shooting phase. It's simply that the shooting phase is the mostly like phase in which a unit will take such casualties. I never said multiple checks during a phase either. Multiple checks during a turn, yes, because that is what the rules say. Granted, as GC08 said, this is incredibly unlikely for all this to happen, but the point is that it can.


For instance, last night in a big game I was playing, an enemy unit fell back from combat. Then, another unit blew up a drop pod. The explosion caught some of the fleeing dudes and killed enough to force a Morale Test, which they auto-failed and fled again.

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on the subject or more than morale chexk per phase i believe it is possible if your opponent is BA player...


if fear of the darkness is cast by the BA player at a unit that has taken/will take 25% casualties then i believe it is possible (disclamier: i maybe wrong).

but this would mean that if you failed your FOTD morale check, you would auto flee at the end of the shooting phase



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You could fall back much more than that, just not from only taking casualties.


- 20-man unit walks into Dangerous Terrain. five die, they break and run. (25% casualties, p.44)

- In the shooting phase, a bad template scatters onto them and kills 4/15. Forced to take a morale test when they're fleeing, they auto-fail and flee again. (25% casualties, p.44; morale, p.46)

- In the assault phase, a nearby vehicle explodes, killing 3/11. Forced to take a morale test when they're fleeing, they auto-fail and flee again. (25% casualties, p.44; morale, p.46)

- In the enemy turn's movement phase, they do something via moving that causes 2/8 to die (say, a Necron fly by or something). Forced to take a morale test when they're fleeing, they auto-fail and flee again. (25% casualties, p.44; morale, p.46)

- In the shooting phase, 2/6 are killed. Forced to take a morale test when they're fleeing, they auto-fail and flee again. (25% casualties, p.44; morale, p.46)

- In the assault phase, another tragic vehicle explosion kills 1/4. Forced to take a morale test when they're fleeing, they auto-fail and flee again. (25% casualties, p.44; morale, p.46)

- FINALLY, assuming this unit can now rally, they try and fail, fleeing through Dangerous Terrain, losing 1/3 members. Now, forced to take a morale test when they're fleeing, they auto-fail and flee again. (25% casualties, p.44; morale, p.46)


Add in the enemies movement phase they tank shock you and you auto-fail, so if they tank shock you with x tanks you would fall back x times. SO theoretically you could fall back as many times as is forced until you are off the table. So for instance a list with 7 tanks, could tank shock that unit 7 times (in perfect circumstances.) Making it 15 fall back rolls or 30 D6", now chances are you will be off the table before all of that is necessary, but it is theoretically possible.

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