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Chaos Marine Captain "Gamarus"

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Hi again,

I've started to feel that the painting isn't as fun for me as just "making" the model and coming up with it's general concept. Though I think he turned out pretty well for my first Chaos Space Marine model.

This is part of my "Readin' the books!" series of models; I came up with Gamarus after reading the Blood Gorgons Novel.

Model Title: "Gamarus; The Final Stand"


Captain Gamarus of the Blood Gorgons; Chaos Undivided Space Marines. Wielding a Bolt Pistol "Anger", Chainsword "Strife" and standing over his for the moment discarded warblade "Fury".

Gamarus was a staunch supporter of Gammadin and opposed the witch sorcerer Muhr's ascension to Chapter Master. Currently serves as one of Chapter Master Barsabbas' most loyal captains, leading his squad to victory time and time again in the name of the forces of Chaos Undivided. He was last witnessed fighting off a cadre of Dark Eldar on the planet Kio Secundus, making what appeared to be his "Final Stand" at the edge of a mountaintop... but did he make it out alive to tell the tale?

Personal Notes:

The blade needed washing... I was so tired I forgot. It's done now and looks much better.

I'm going to put a decal on his SHINY AS BALLS belt as that looks too blinding.

I re-washed the plume on the bottom of the chainsword to make it darker (not shown in this picture, same with the warblade).

((Essentially he's finished; but I have no Chaos Decals yet, but new pictures wouldn't do too much aside from show a darker plume on the chainsword and increased detail on the discarded warblade))





I'd go into more detail on what parts I used... but I can't quite remember.

I know the chest was a Khorn Berserker but I filed down the Khorn symbol on the belt to make it "flat"; which is why, as I said above, it needs a decal as it's more shiny than I anticipated.

((Thanks for the edit Kurgan; wasn't aware that linking to an in-forum gallery wasn't what I was meant to do. I'll remember that. :) ))

Cheers for looking,


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I've never read the book, so I can't really make a comment about how close he is represented, but from a purely modelling stand point, it might be worth it to pay a bit more attention to removing the mould lines. It's a small thing, but it really improves the overall look of the model. The painting looks really good, I like how the red looks almost "brassy" (or is that just me?), and looks right. Good work!
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You've got a really neat paintjob there with a great colour choice, but I have to agree that he needs more bling. Not necessarily more gold (or platinum, or ice), but something like a cloak, a tattered loincloth/pauldron cloth might help make him stand out a bit more. I also have not read the blood gorgons stories, so I have no idea what else you could use to make him really pop. Given that he's leaning back on this huge base, it might be worth trying to reposition the head and pick out a new right arm so that he's leaning back, looking down the rock and pointing his bolt pistol where he's looking, as if he's being backed up the hill by a horde of Termagants, or something.... I've had a quick look at your other minis, and you've definitely got some skill, so please don't take this as being criticism; I'm hoping that it can give you some ideas to play with to really make painting and assembling as much fun as storytelling is, and making models you will be proud of.
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I agree with the others, your painting skills are great but his pose is just off and you may want to give him some bling like they said ( maybe some skulls hanging from chains or something). Another thing you could do (I've read the Blood Gorgons novels) is give him some nautical crab-like appendages/mutations? They seem to have alot of those. Also what's up with the sword on the floor?
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Thanks for the feedback guys; I really appreciate it, as he's my first chaos marine all feedback is brilliant!

And nice to see someone with the name Gammadin posting, shows someone else has read the book and likes the Gorgons! ;)


I do agree with the things you've said and I'll run through it (partially for my own sake, writing it out helps me remember and learn):


- Not "Bling" enough for a Captain. True! He doesn't have much on him that makes him stand out, that's partially to do with my own lack of experience with modeling and actual "full on" conversions. I made him a bit basic just because I liked that collection of bits, so in essence he could probably be considered more of a "Squad Leader" than a full captain. In the books most of the higher ranking Blood Gorgons seemed to have more monstrous features, like one had a claw arm (well remembered Tanith, that's one that sticks in my mind too) and one had a kind of turtle shell (if I remember right, I could be making that up!). So for future Chaos Captains; MORE BLING!


- Cleanup. Yes, I left the mould lines... I am a dirty one for doing that, I pretty much always do it because I keep fudging it up when I do and it ends up looking horrible. Will try harder!


- The pose. Well, I kind of like the pose; I know it's not the best, I just think that it's more a "Being driven back" with his foot at that angle on the forardmost rock because he's waking backwards and pushing it off the rock. But i will say i think the body is leaning back a bit too far.


- Sword on the floor. That's a little mistake. The fluff was he's just disgarded it for now, but in these pictures it's not fully finished as I derped up and forgot about it. It's now finished and has the correct coloration of the hilt.


Anyway guys, thanks again for the feedback and comments, always feels good to get some nice ones and some genuine constructive criticism.


I've got a few more models on the go but my next model isn't going to be from the books, it's going to be from one of my DiY chapters, and it's going to be a Terminator Captain from the "Iron Wolves"; the pieces should be arriving in the mail soon and then I can get cracking. Imagine a cross between a Space Wolf Terminator and an Iron Warriors colour scheme.


See you next time!

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