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VASSAL Batreps


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Playing Bahamoth now.


Here's whats happening:


5 Objectives, Pitched Battle 1k


His list:



Honour Guard - 4MG, JP

Priest - LC, JP

2x 10man RAS - 2MG, PF


My List:


Libby - fear/rage


8 DC - 2Fists

Rhino - SL

8 RAS - Fist, MG

Rhino - HK

5 RAS - LC, MG

Razor- TLPG, LC

3 Attack Bikes- 2MM, 1HB



He rolled for first and got it, and went into reserve, leaving me to go all into reserve!!

Turn two, dante and a squad came on!

In my turn two rhinos come on and I get fear off - managing to break his one jumper squad!




Next turn his stuff comes in - he regroups for a counter.

My bikers come on and I boost up a flank.





Turn 4, the squads try get up to the DC, but unlucky meltas only take out the DC rhino with the HG finally. Theyre also just out of 6" allowing the DC to counter, the RAS move up in support.





Turn 5

My RAS gets ganked by dante and friends and my DC fails to roll averagely on the fists..



I drop off my claimers and try boost in the bikers hoping for a late turn contest.

If it ended in 5th i would have won- but..game goes on! Now its a fight!


Turn 6 I lose the DC and Corbs and RAS. He doesnt protec the objective well enough, so I boost on to it - if it ends now- i'll win...if it goes on- he'll probably take it!




Turn 7

The bikers hang around to be shot and charged, but manage to stay their ground. The Razor isnt affected meaning i have a last chance to shock onto the objective.




Lucky enough to pull a win!!

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Hey Mort-

I notice you use Corb is most/all of your lists. How does he work out for you in smaller games like this?





This game he was a bit naff to be honest. Dante gimped him, so some of his bonuses were nixed.

However, I field him for 2 main reasons.

Every wound his squad takes, gets assigned to him first. The 3+, 2+ is the best standard save in the game.

Also, the rending is a nice bonus to have and him being WS and init 5 are also great. He's consistent.


I find however that the reroll is worth its weight in gold sometimes. And its worth the points for him.

In smaller games, one roll is crucial. A break check, a libby power check, a meltagun miss..anything. In bigger games, with more stuff happening and with Mephy on the field - i dont wanna go without him.


I played in one tournament a few years back, and i didnt use him and i hated it. I hated losing games on one dice roll. All in all - depending on how you like to use your priests and how you play your army, I love him.

I only ever use 1 priest- and corbs is my man.

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Played Samanogal last night.


Dawn of War- Seize Ground (3 Objectives) 1500 Points.


His List:


Libby - Shield Fear



5 DC - TH, PW

Razor - TLPG/LC

5 RAS - LC, MG

Razor - TLAC

5 RAS - LC, MG

Razor - TLAC

5 RAS - LC, MG

Razor - TLAC


Pred - Las/Auto

Pred - Las/Auto


3 Attk Bk - 3MM

2 Attk Bk - 2MM



My list


Libby - Rage/Fear



8 DC - 4bltrs, 2Fists


10 RAS- 2MG, PF

5 RAS - MG, PW

Razor - TLPG, LC

5 RAS - MG, LC

Razor - TLLC

5 RAS - Flmr

Razor - TLLC


3 Attack Bikes- 2MM

3 Attack Bikes- 2MM



After 3 identical rolls, I managed to win the roll off and chose to go first deploying my DC and libby.

He deployed his DC razor and.....mnnnn..just remembered his chappy too (small oversight :lol: ) anyway...pics and report up later!!





In my first turn I move my DC rhino behind a big building hoping to have them feature late game around the objective in that area. The rest of my models come on, on the right flank, while my jumpers are in reserve waiting to deepstrike.

I boost the bikers up to draw fire and hopefully use as interceptors in the following turn.

I position 2 razors to take shots on the DC razor of his.

I fail the night fight roll, but according to my estimates he should be around 22-24" away so I use Corb's reroll to check night fight. It pays off and i sight him and get a shot off- sadly only a weapon destroyed, but its better than nothing.


Then his models move on!




He takes a few shots, but is out of range of most things.


In my second turn, my jumpers come on but thanks to a crappy scatter- I mishap (shoulda saved corbs!!)

I get placed way away from things.


My shooting is entirely ineffectual - I either miss, fail to damage or he passes cover saves. I'm now in a bit of a pickle!

He even passes the fear check on his bikers from my DC rhino.


He moves into position in his phase ->

I take a bit of a beating, with my DC rhino being immobed, a razor stunned, another destroyed (and due to have its occupants charged by his DC) and my bikers failing their LD check from fear.

My ras squad is wiped out, but manage to take 2 DC down with them- thanks to dangerous terrain checks :devil: not their effort!!




Turn 3.

I try mount a counter offensive.

DC pop out, jumpers play support, bikers keep falling back, but thanks to positioning of other bikers, they take the long way around allowing closer shots at his tanks.

I manage to immob a razor, stun another one, and get a charge with corbs and his squad on the 4 DC.

My DC make the mistake of shooting his bikes (me thinkin ill only do a wound) I wind up doing 5, he saves 2, killing a bike and forcing a break check- which they fail.

Corbs and his boys manage to kill the chappy, and take the DC down to a man



His counter sees a few of my bikers die, but not much else as his remaining shooting is largely unlucky.

He does break my other bikers with shooting/fear combo

Corbs and boys take out the last DC member and move to engage his bikers


Turn 4.

I move into position and shoot up what he has left.

My assault elements all tie up the razors and bikers where they can



After this turn we call time, but with the razors taken out/stopped and an overwhelming BA fighting force on them its not lookin good for the Flesh Tearer team!


batrep up

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