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Red Army Painter

Revan Noir

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Hello fellow Battle Brothers,


I'm about to start painting up my Blood Angels army and I'd like to know if anyone has had any good experiences with the Army Red Painter. Black is obviously kinda hard to cover up with red but I don't want to take any shortcuts that will make my army look cheap or poorly painted. Thank you!

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I have used Army painters dragon red.. It has worked great as a base coat for me. I know a lot of guys use the lighter red I think its called Pure Red ?? Either way I have never seen anyone unhappy with them, good quality products that will save you a bit of time.
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I have used Army painters dragon red.. It has worked great as a base coat for me. I know a lot of guys use the lighter red I think its called Pure Red ?? Either way I have never seen anyone unhappy with them, good quality products that will save you a bit of time.


I found Dragon Red a little dark for my liking but I know some people do prefer that. I use Pure Red for my guys and I think it's perfect for what I want, especially now that the Army Painter guys are releasing a range of paints to accompany the sprays that are 100% colour matches, to make touching up easier.

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I've used Pure Red and Dragon Red... between the two, I like Pure Red better. It's a bit brighter. Doesn't really matter between the two- its just the primer anyways and lets me use fewer base layers of GW Blood Red I paint over it. Although with the new GW paints, I guess I'll have to switch to the back up- P3 Skorne Red (fantastic red!).


I have noticed a little inconsistency of colors between cans here in the USA. Not a big deal, after all, it's the primer layer. You shouldn't see it in the final paint job. It just affects how many base layers you end up using.

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I've heard that AP Pure Red is a very close match to Citadel Blood Red. But I've been using AP Dragon Red for nearly 2 years now and I will sware by it. Yes its a little darker, but thats how I like it. It covers very very well.


Also I can spary a mix of models that are bare plastic, bare metal or models that have been already sprayed black, all at the same time with 1 or 2 coats of AP Dragon, and you can't tell which was which afterwards. Just shake the can well before hand. And if you use it wisely, a single can will paint a fair amount.



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shake the can well before hand. And if you use it wisely, a single can will paint a fair amount.




Very important, 3-5 minutes minium every time! Also test on a bit on sprue before you spray minis to check its working well. If you have an airbrush you could use the new dropper bottles. I found the spray a little thick, but ok if you don't go silly :)

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I've used two cans of army painter red...


one was lovely, the result was near identical to what my airbrush could create.

the other however... well lets just say it near ruined a vanguard veteran squad (despite spraying fine on a test piece first).


they just seem to be a bit 'finicity', but if you get a good tin (which i expect most are) it'll be quick and easy.

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Which of the two Army Painter spray paints are the closest match to the original GW Blood Red spray paint.


I know the GW Blood Red spray paint was darker than the bottle blood red pain which was brighter.


I start with a white undercoat, then add a red prime coat, and then a mix of red/chestnut ink. I think I can find the inks, but the spray has always been my down fall to replace.

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The Pure Red is closer, as its brighter, and also it doesn't need a primer.



Are you siding with the Pure red without or without the white undercoat?


I checked the examples on their website again and the Dragon Red does look less bright compared to pure red. I may have to experiment, but 14.99 a can is risky somewhat. I do stand behind their sprays, the Bone spray they offer is great for vehicle interior color.

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