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The New Citadel Paint Range and the 9th Legion


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I've been curious about the new Citadel paint range since it was announced, and was curious as to how it would affect our beloved chapter. Previously, I had decided on a painting method using a combination of multiple paint lines in order to obtain the effect I wanted. With the hype machine in full spin, I decided to give the new paints a go so tonight after work I picked up Mephiston Red and Carroburg Crimson, the new wash. Mephiston Red, as a foundation style paint, is excellent. I primed a marine model in grey, using Krylon grey primer, and used Mephiston red as a basecoat. One layer provided excellent coverage, even better than Merchrite red. It also looks like a lighter shade of red, which makes the transition to a bright blood red easier. Carroburg crimson reminds me of Baal red but seems to provide a darker shade in recesses, I guess it's similar to a red shaded Devlan Mud. (The new washes are the new pots, and have a piece of plastic that keeps the lid open while painting)


Anyway, I forsee multiple future questions regarding best colors to match certain shades and thought I could post my findings here in order to help out anyone looking for examples of new paints and how they compare. I'll be working on Blood Angels as well as Lamenters. I'd like to hear about other's experiences with new paints if possible, so feel free to chime in! I may prime a model black in a bit and see how Mephiston Red covers over it.



The model primed grey.



The model with one basecoat of Mephiston Red with a wash of Carroburg Crimson on the legs, the torso is a base of mephiston, carroburg wash, and a coat of Vallejo Model Colour Vermillion (Blood Red equivalent). You may see lighter spots on the legs, this is where I missed a spot of grey and went back with Mephiston Red again. A second layer brightens the shade considerably.



Previous stage against a recently painted marine using Army Painter Pure Red Primer, Red Gore, Vermillion, Baal Red Wash.

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I tried the following method today, which produces results which are pretty indistinguishable from my old method.


1. Undercoat black

2. Basecoat Mephiston Red

3. Wash the recesses with Nuln Oil and then tidy with Mephiston

4. Edge highlight with Wild Rider Red

5. Wash with Carroburg Crimson



Overall my impression of the new reds:


BASE: Khorne Red and Mephiston Red are terrific. Both give you good solid coverage in one coat, and make a good sub for scab red and blood red respectively. Balthazar Gold is also great for getting a nice even coat with your metalics first time. It's darker than shinin gold and could probably use a highlight, but painting metqalics is now much, much faster


LAYER: Wild Rider Red is more like a halfway between blazing orange than the old blood angels red (for you greybeards) of the rogue rader days. Useful for edge highlighting but not one to rush out and buy. Wazdakka Red is similar in shade to the old foundation red, I can't see this one getting a lot of use. It has none of the richness of Red Gore. There wasn't any Evil Sunz Scarlet to try sadly, but I'll hope to get my hands on some of this soon.


WASH: Carroburg Crimson is an imrovement on Baal Red, as the slightly more purple tint tones down and enrichens red at the same time. Reikland Fleshshade is pretty good for those who like a warmer red. Although I didn't use it myslef one of the staffers had got a nce effect over Mephiston. However, my favourite of the new shades is Nuln Oil. This is a good medium between Devlan and Badab Black, and can be used to shade just about anything in the same way as Devlan, only better.


GLAZE: Bloodletter wasn't that great to be honest. I can see its use on metalics but it came out too orange and didn't bring down my highlights as it was pitched to do. I'd stick to Carroburg Crimson for this, maybe with a little glaze medium added.


Overall impression: The new bases are great, and a good replacement for the foundation paints range. The expanded range of layers add a load of extra options and there is enough similarity to the old paints that you won't have to worry about existing schemes. The shades to are an improvement although not vastly different to the old washes. I was unimpressed by the glazes, but then I only tried Bloodletter. The texture paints seem to just be sand mixed with paint, and may well be the greatest con job since the Citadel emery boards were released. I remain unconvinced by the drybrush compounds, but then I rarely drybrush anything anyway. I won't be rushing out to buy these. I ended up buying a pot each of Balthazar Gold, Mephiston Red and Nuln Oil. The rest are all good, but didn't make a big enough difference for me to rush out and replace my existing paints. If I collected Flesh Tearers or Angels Vermillion then Khorne Red would be a great investment too.

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Hmm, as a Fleshtearer this interests me.


I currently paint mine with the following.


Primer- Chaos Black

Base- Mechrite Red

Layer- Red Gore

Wash- Devlun Mud and Badab Black

Highligts- Mechrite/Gore and Codex Gray



I haven't tried out the new paints, but will probably pick some up. Which ones do I need for the same effect? I still have to get a few more RAS and VV done, and don't want them to look off on the table.



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AGPO, what color did you paint gold over? Before I always drybrushed gold over a layer of brown, just wondering if the new gold is formulated to skip that step. Thank you for the update, I'll definite be picking up nuln oil instead of the earth shade. I also found a few of the recommended paints for blood angels to be a bit too orange/pink.
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@Gregornet: I used to blend up from Scorched Brown to Shining Gold over about four stages. Balthazar Gold gave me a flat cover in one coat. A quick highlight and or a devlan mud wash would be all you'd need.


@Sir Blayse: Khorne Red looks like a mid-shade between Red Gore and Scab Red, ideal for flesh tearers. The Nuln Oil will do the same job as both your Devlan and Badab Black washes. As for your highlights I'd say maybe Wazdakka Red or maybe Evil Sunz Scarlet. I haven't worked with any of the grays yet.

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Hmm, as a Fleshtearer this interests me.


I currently paint mine with the following.


Primer- Chaos Black

Base- Mechrite Red

Layer- Red Gore

Wash- Devlun Mud and Badab Black

Highligts- Mechrite/Gore and Codex Gray



I haven't tried out the new paints, but will probably pick some up. Which ones do I need for the same effect? I still have to get a few more RAS and VV done, and don't want them to look off on the table.




For Fleshtearers KHORNE RED will be a great base coat far more like Red gore/scab red from the old range then Mechrite. The new CARROSBURG CRIMSON wash is very, very good for BA give a nice shade while not toning the brilliance of the red too far. As a base coat for regular BA MEPHISTON RED is much more akin to the old blood red then Mechrite, I much prefer it to Mechrite which always looks flat on BA. Done a BA test mini in the following :_ +




BASECOAT - Mephiston Red (great base coat lovely and smooth, read rich vibrant red)

WASH - Carroburg Crimson (my new Devlan Mud for BA)

HIGHLIGHT - Vallejo Flat red/Blood Red and a little elf flesh (not tried a GW tone for this yet.)


CHEST EAGLE - Done in MECHANICUS STANDARD GREY washed black and a highlight on the feather tips with grey again. Nice colour a tad darker that Codex grey, going to be doing a test Carcaradon with this as the base.


I have purchased the BLOODLETTER glaze which I plan to try tomorrow see what it does to the colour tone. I for one like a darker red than a bright one for BA and the above scheme works very well for rank & file, quite quick too.


I also purchased today GOLDEN GRIFFON tried this on some 'bling' bits a really nice gold little flatter than the old colours and much more akin to a silver/gold mix you might use a a highlight. Going to try this on Dante himself ass how he goes. For the heretical amongst you this is superb on the gold trim of Night Lords. It's a bit thick and needs careful thinning and a good shake, but like all GW metallics it is of a good quality. - Just checks and this is a dry brush medium whoops, although I have thinned it and used it as a paint, just covered an metal Dante in it over a white basecoat and has covered very well.


Got the ARMAGEDDON DUST texture paint too. Tried this over a plain plastic base, Covers OK (I'd recommend using an older brush to apply this as I reckon the texture element will play havoc with bristles after a bit. Bit thin I found directly over plastic, and I suspect black undercoat. Think I'll paint the whole base with Calthan Brown then apply texture to the top in future and dry brush with bleached bone.


I can also report the washes, texture paint and glazes have a little retaining 'tag' which stops the lid from flipping back after its opened, nice touch.





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New updates today, I picked up Evil Sunz Scarlet and Bloodletter Glaze. Also, Nuln Oil but have yet to try this one.


Using the same model as previously, in an attempt to provide step by step examples of what each layer looks like in practice, here are additional paints (I'm having issues with lighting, as I have just moved and am doing what I can with what I have unpacked)



The model with a layer of Evil Sunz Scarlet on the legs. This is almost the same as Blood Red/VMC Vermillion with a Crimson Wash on the top half of the model.



The back of the model with a small amount of Evil Sunz scarlet wrapping around the leg to provide context vs the Mephiston Red with Carroburg wash on the rest of the back.



The front of the model with a Bloodletter Glaze on both the top and the bottom. I find they look very similar.



Same status, but in the white box to provide similar settings.



The back of the model with a Bloodletter Glaze, except the top part of the backpack.


I am no Golden Demon level painter, but I really think these paints have much better coverage than the old line. I am using old ratty brushes for this experiment, and am not making sure to hit every spot, so you may see splotches on the model. I'm just trying to get an idea of color effects without using too much paint as I'll be stripping this model soon to start it again once I determine my final paint method. Anyway, I hope this helps anyone trying to decide on the new paints. I really like them, and see myself using them for painting the rest of my battle company.

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Thanks for the input! I'd like to see how Armageddon Dust works out, I know several people have said the texture paints are worthless but I think over a brown base Dust may work out well especially with a drybrush. I was eyeing it in the store today and your input would help determine if it's worth purchasing.

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I think I'd recommend pre-painting bases with a shade near the texture for ARMAGEDDON DUST,the old Bubonic brown is probably the best basecoat first. The textures are a quite thick paste rather than paints so you have to 'gloop' them on a bit to cover an area and coverage isn't particularly good over black bare plastic or a dark undercoat. For resin bases I probably wouldn't bother with them but for rank & file guys on plain plastic bases. For a quick texturing coat without the hassle of PVAing and adding sand to a base and the painting and a quick dry brush highlighting they aren't bad. The green I probably wouldn't bother with as you'll most likely end up flocking the bases. The brown/beige/grey texture paints will be good for quick basing.


Tried the BLOODLETTER glaze and to be honest it didn't do much, in fact it seemed to wipe out my test highlights, be useful if doing multiple highlight layers to blend highlight levels together but certainly didn't enhance the brilliance of the mini once applied.




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Gregornet, thanks for the insights on the new paints! Judging from the pictures, the paints seem to work great, although I really need to try them out myself especially the effect of Mephiston Red vs. Evil Sunz Scarlet. Your pics were really helpful though, thanks again for that!




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There's a good review of the new line HERE


Taking the reviews comments on glazes it might be better to over highlight a model with stronger than usual highlight tones, then with the Bloodletter glaze use this to tone down and blend highlights with the rest of the model colour. Might give this a try using strong flesh/orange tones to highlight the red.




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Personally on what I've seen and based on the new colours and referencing a few old ones:-


Undercoat - BLACK

Basecost - KHORNE RED



If you need a further dark & dirty finish another wash of CARROSBURG or perhaps DEVLAN MUD




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