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Thousand sons in 6th

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The big problem is that there is never any correlation between fluff and rules. Bolters would simply obliterate carapace armour yet the damn IG get a 4+ armour save vs. bolters :S


I agree that AP3 bolters for rubric marines don't make fluff sense but I'd hate to lose such a potent weapon for the table top. Sure it can't take out 2+ armour and sure cover saves everywhere somewhat negate their effectiveness. But I'm sure the cover system will be altered in 6th edition and still at the very least it's a point worse save for power armour marines vs. our inferno bolts and it forces the enemy into a different, more defensive strategy. Also, regarding dealing with 2+ armour saves, we have plenty of other options to deal with that: plasma guns on chosen, plasma cannons on dreadnoughts and vindicators.

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Personally I like the idea of cultists as a troops choice that's been rumoured, particually if they had an upgrade choice between a aspiring champion (for stubborn and CC potential) or an aspiring sorceror for psychic shooting attacks.
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I want 3 basic HQs...


Daemon Prince...




lieutenant (They can change the name.)... Maybe more than one of these can be taken per HQ slot.


Then they would have upgrades like preacher and psyker... psyker makign you a sorcerer. If 6th is going to have different levels of psykers then DPs/Lords would buy level 2 (2 powers a turn) but be able to upgrade to level 3. Lieutenants would buy level 1 and be able to upgrade to level 2.


As I'm dealing with psykers... 1kson sorcerers would be able to do one more power than their level allows.... Be they Lords or Aspiring sorcerers.



Chosen sorcerers


Rubric Terminators (Sorcerer champions)


I would also like daemons... I would settle for just horrors and LoC but everything would be nice.



As for rubrics I'm thinking that they should have multiple ammo types like sternguard (The ammo could be different.) but the sorcerer has to take a psychic test to change the ammo type :D This could also give us some tank busting ammo to help with that weakness... Maybe some sort of pseudo rending/melta bolt. I'm not that bothered about having magic ammo on the rubrics as I think it is about the sorcerers but I think this would be a better way to go.


I then think some rule that keeps the sorcerer alive from enemy attacks unless someone has a vindicare or the like. Rubrics should have 2 wounds and EW... The 4++ may or may not be required... Maybe this can become a psychic power that Aspiring sorcerers come with.


Looking at how cheap GKs are the Sorcerer can go down in points and/or come with a basic psychic power or be able to buy them for less.


I would like to see the following psychic powers...

Doom bolt...

Bolt of change...

Warp Flame... (Wind of chaos)

The key... (For those who don't know it teleports you and your squad.)


I'm sure GW can add some other interesting ones... but I would consider those to be the basic powers :D

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Personally I like the idea of cultists as a troops choice that's been rumoured, particually if they had an upgrade choice between a aspiring champion (for stubborn and CC potential) or an aspiring sorceror for psychic shooting attacks.


I still dont know how Cultists would fit to THousand sons. Or how they should look like to look right for Tzeentch.


Perhaps a bit like this?



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Personally I like the idea of cultists as a troops choice that's been rumoured, particually if they had an upgrade choice between a aspiring champion (for stubborn and CC potential) or an aspiring sorceror for psychic shooting attacks.


I still dont know how Cultists would fit to THousand sons. Or how they should look like to look right for Tzeentch.



I've always envisaged most of the chaos legions using cultists in some way in M41, generally as sacrifices, distractions, cannon fodder etc. I can easily see a warband recruiting cultists to distract a garrison while they snuck in to liberate some piece of arcane lore. Similar scenarios can be made for just about any legion and provided it's not compulsory to take them then it's all good by me.


What worries me about the latest rumours is the idea only SCs will unlock cult troops as troops choices. I don't want to have to tak Ahriman in order to field rubric marines as my only troops choices.


The Chaos Dragon could be cool or really lame (or complete hogwash), I don't care for daemons myself but it's a shame if they're removed completely. Traitor guard do sound cool though, I would love to paint up some Spire Guard to use with a KSons army...

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I'd prefer cultists stay in the background, especially if the stats and models resemble past attempts at cultists in 40K. I also have a hard time believing GW will make more guard models with spiky bits tacked on. There just isn't enough difference between them and an IG army to justify the expense IMO.


I do have a member of our group that has a large traitor guard army, but he never plays it due to just how poor cultists perform. Ld5 or even random Ld, poor BS, and low S guns are very one-sided. I have to agree with him. If cultists were needed to summon daemons or cast psychic powers, that might be different, but even GW hasn't tried to sell players $7 tokens in a while.

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So, Ahriman is supposedly getting Mastery Level 4.


Even if 6th edition makes all psychic powers randomly generated like in Fantasy (oh noez, the sky is fallingz), I think it's safe to say that if GW goes that route, Ahriman would be one of few Psykers to have "Loremaster". For those of you who do not know, Loremaster in WHFB essentially means that you know all powers available to your codex, so to speak.


I don't give a crap about new flying dragon rules or any dumb 6th edition Tank rules, because it's very likely that I'll just be using four Rhinos as always.... I am thinking that Ahriman is going to be a viable character and hopefully I won't feel too hindered like now.

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I reckon we might see a change to how aspiring sorcerers work - it might be that they become more like sanguinary priests in that they have a set of abilities and aura effects and as long as an aspiring sorcerer is within a certain range then rubric squads benefit from said attributes. If there isn't a sorcerer around then rubrics might become like wraith lords and must pass leadership tests or not be allowed to do anything at all.
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Rules changes

•Every unit gets a 6+ save vs. all Psychic Powers.

•Random Charge Lengths are in

•Pre-measuring is in.

•Random Battle field effects are in.

•All armies can purchase buildings for placement on the battlefield.

•Psychic powers are selected during deployment. (except Grey Knights)

•Deployment and Missions types have doubled.



I am ALL ABOUT some spell picking before game.


No more of this, "WOW! I want Wind of Chaos on all my sorcerers."


"Oh. I'm fighting Guard."


...but how would it work with various costs of powers (unlike every other codex, almost)?


Obviously there would be a major FAQ to the chaos book. Anyways... I'm all about seeing Thousand Sons gain some boosts over the summer.


Of course, they're all rumors.. so I won't get my panties in a bunch.

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  • 1 month later...

After checking the leaked images from the latest WD over at warseer, I recognized the psychic categories immediately!


Biomancy - Pavoni

Divination - Corvidae

Pyromancy - Pyrae

Telekinesis - Raptora

Telepathy - Athanaeans


I'm expecting TS(or at least Ahriman) to be able to choose freely amongst them. I'm sooo making a TS army now, hahahahaha

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I am ALL ABOUT some spell picking before game.


No more of this, "WOW! I want Wind of Chaos on all my sorcerers."


"Oh. I'm fighting Guard."


...but how would it work with various costs of powers (unlike every other codex, almost)?


Obviously there would be a major FAQ to the chaos book. Anyways... I'm all about seeing Thousand Sons gain some boosts over the summer.


Of course, they're all rumors.. so I won't get my panties in a bunch.

If it was me, I'd suggest players have to pay points for any powers they wish to use (and can use any of those powers in-game). However, I'd make subsequent powers after the first "half price", so you don't end up having to compromise versatility with ridiculous points costs.
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After checking the leaked images from the latest WD over at warseer, I recognized the psychic categories immediately!


Biomancy - Pavoni

Divination - Corvidae

Pyromancy - Pyrae

Telekinesis - Raptora

Telepathy - Athanaeans


I'm expecting TS(or at least Ahriman) to be able to choose freely amongst them. I'm sooo making a TS army now, hahahahaha

Yeah, I reckon so as well. As that table is just for the bog standard chaos space marines it doesn't tell the whole story but most likely we'll have access to all 5 cults plus our own codex unique powers whereas the likes of khornate warbands will get zip!

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