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500 pnts starter force of Thousand Sons


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For a quick battle or just to learn the basics, given basic army criteria (1 HQ, 2 Troops) and the small size of a Thousand Sons army at 500 pnts, what would you take?


I'd be inclined to be using:


- Chaos Lord: Mark of Tzeentch, Plasma pistol, Daemon weapon

- 4 Thousand Sons w/ Aspiring Sorcerer (warptime power)

- 4 Thousand Sons w/ Aspiring Sorcerer (doombolt power)


So what would you choose?



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Warptime is not that good, you reroll the success as well as the fails now. At this pts, I'd just take doombolt on the asp. and go as cheap on the hq as possible, I had a game on thurseday, same level and I learned, take as many rubrics as you can, at this level most people won't have many tanks, so your bolters will actually be okay.
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Why would you give the lord a plasma pistol when he has a Tz daemon weapon? Drop that.


A pure TS army is difficult at any points level.


A lord doesn't have access to inferno bolts plus I like plasma weapons despite their quirks. Deathscreamer also allows for additional shots.


I take the point about a cheaper HQ and Warptime, I'd forgotten about that. So given that a Daemon weapon is probably a bit overpowered for a 500 pnt game I'd look to the following:


- Chaos Lord with plasma pistol and ccw

- 6 Thousand Sons w/ Aspiring Sorcerer (Doombolt)

- 5 Thousand Sons w/ Aspiring Sorcerer (Doombolt)


Which equals 498 points.



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I prefer to think of it as gaining the use of 'sort of' inferno bolts.




My point was, that you will always be firing the deathscreamer over the plasma pistol, so why pay the points for it?


Id go with the first list, drop warptime for doombolt, drop the plasma and give your lord terminator armour to make him a one man wrecking ball at this point level.

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A lord doesn't have access to inferno bolts plus I like plasma weapons despite their quirks. Deathscreamer also allows for additional shots.


Either I'm reading your statement wrong, or I've missinterpreted the codex.


Are you suggesting that the Deathscreamer allows you to fire multiple shots with the plasmapistol?

If that was the case, I'd still be hesitant in taking the plasmapistol because you've just increased your chances of rolling a 1 by a considerable amount.

Do you really want to risk making you're Lord easier to kill?


I too love plasma weapons, but at this points limit, there isn't much you'd be able to use it effectively against.

*Maybe* a transport of some description, but your opponent wouldn't have much in the way of troops if this is the case. Unless it's Orks... And then your infernobolts are more than powerful enough enough.


In games of this size, sheer weight of fire would help you a lot more than a single higher strength shot.

We've all seen a squad of Terminators fall in a hail of las-shots. Its the same concept.


I know it's not very... Tzeentchey, but I'd give your Lord the Mark of Khorne, wings/jumppack and Daemon weapon.

This set up is a rediculously powerful Lord considering it's point cost, and would give you some much needed combat power.

I've seen this set-up slaughter a 5 strong unit of Mega armoured nobz, then go on to reduce Ghazkull to a single wound before finally falling.

It'll also open up an additional 20 points for you to spend elsewhere, perhaps in the form of Bolt of Change on one of your sorcerers if you are really worried about enemy vehicles.

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A lord doesn't have access to inferno bolts plus I like plasma weapons despite their quirks. Deathscreamer also allows for additional shots.


Either I'm reading your statement wrong, or I've missinterpreted the codex.


Are you suggesting that the Deathscreamer allows you to fire multiple shots with the plasmapistol?

If that was the case, I'd still be hesitant in taking the plasmapistol because you've just increased your chances of rolling a 1 by a considerable amount.

Do you really want to risk making you're Lord easier to kill?



What I was trying to say was (and unless I've read the description wrong), is that the Deathscreamer has an ability to lob its fireblast outside the shooting phase, so Lord can shoot away with his bolt pistol/plasma pistol/whatever in one phase then hurl the Deathscreamer fireblast.


I guess I didn't word the context of my post too well, and I truly don't mind the critiques on my choices, but I was more looking at what everyone else would take towards a 500 point game to get some discussion going.



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I would just take




Sorcerer- Tzeentch, Doombolt


5 Tsons- Doombolt, Rhino


5 Tsons- Doombolt



but since I fought THIS list, I have stopped playing 500pts levels unless they allow me to take no HQ and only 1 troop:



3 Henchmen with Psybolt TLAC Razorback

3 Henchmen with Psybolt TLAC Razorback

3 Henchmen with Psybolt TLAC Razorback

3 Henchmen with Psybolt TLAC Razorback w/ Hunter Killer

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I would just take




Sorcerer- Tzeentch, Doombolt


5 Tsons- Doombolt, Rhino


5 Tsons- Doombolt

I'd agree with this list but I'd swap out the Sorcerer for a daemon prince. Without free krak grenades or cheap melta, you'll have 0 anti-tank options so the DP is there to handle the odd dread or transport.




3 Henchmen with Psybolt TLAC Razorback

3 Henchmen with Psybolt TLAC Razorback

3 Henchmen with Psybolt TLAC Razorback

3 Henchmen with Psybolt TLAC Razorback w/ Hunter Killer

Sigh, its times like this that the age of our codex really shows.

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Ouch, theres the reason I stopped using my Grey knights, I stuck with the same stuff I could still take that I used to take, and to not use the over powered stuff, but even then.. that and people refused to play them :lol: I hope chaos gets good, but I hope we don't get too good.
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What I was trying to say was (and unless I've read the description wrong), is that the Deathscreamer has an ability to lob its fireblast outside the shooting phase, so Lord can shoot away with his bolt pistol/plasma pistol/whatever in one phase then hurl the Deathscreamer fireblast.


Unfortunately, the codex states that the weapon is fired in the shooting phase, so it's one or the other since you can only fire one weapon a turn.




In regards to what I'd take....


Lord with the Mark of Khorne, wings/jumppack and Daemon weapon.

Follow this up with a single 5 man unit of TS, with Bolt of Change.

Then throw in 5 CSM with a heavy bolter

Finish with 3 Termies.

Totals at 497 points.



The Lord provides you with much needed combat power. (and he has a lot of it!)

The TS Sorc can go vehicle hunting or the unit can park itself on the objective.

The CSM give you some long range firepower as well as support the TS with counter-assaults thanks to pistol and CCW.

The termies can drop in where needed - in support of the Lord or covering the objective.

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Lord with the Mark of Khorne, wings/jumppack and Daemon weapon.

Follow this up with a single 5 man unit of TS, with Bolt of Change.

Then throw in 5 CSM with a heavy bolter

Finish with 3 Termies.

Totals at 497 points.


I think you have to have 10 guys for the heavy weapon, 5 guys only gets you a special weapon.


Not being a fan of the Khorne DW, I'd drop the mark and use those points to give the terminators either 2 combi-weapons or a power fist.

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Lord with the Mark of Khorne, wings/jumppack and Daemon weapon.

Follow this up with a single 5 man unit of TS, with Bolt of Change.

Then throw in 5 CSM with a heavy bolter

Finish with 3 Termies.

Totals at 497 points.


I think you have to have 10 guys for the heavy weapon, 5 guys only gets you a special weapon.

No, you're right. Five gives you the option of Melta, Flamer and Plasma. Ten gives the above plus missile launcher, lascannon, heavy bolter and autocannon. Pg 96 in the Codex.


Not being a fan of the Khorne DW, I'd drop the mark and use those points to give the terminators either 2 combi-weapons or a power fist.

Couldn't you give the lord twin Lightning Claws? He still gets +1 attack with the weapon and re-roll missed to Wound roll and ignore armor saves. Pg 84

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Couldn't you give the lord twin Lightning Claws? He still gets +1 attack with the weapon and re-roll missed to Wound roll and ignore armor saves. Pg 84


Good option, that would work too. I think it comes out to same point cost and same basic effectiveness.

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