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Army in Progress (pics)


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I'm rediscovering my Blood Angels, and while I'm working on a list here, I thought I would share my army. It's a bit of a different style (painting the troops with washes) but I think it fits the traditional BA theme. It's almost all complete, save for the bases. Let me know what you think!

Baal Predators:




Two squads of ASM in Heavy Flamer Razorbacks, accompanied by Sanguinary Priests:


10 ASM with jump packs:


5 Death Company with Boltguns (one with Thunder Hammer) and a Reclusiarch:


Furioso Dreadnought and Death Company Dreadnought:


Lots of Death Company (including Lemartes):


Dante and the Sanguinary Guard:


5 Terminators and a Reclusiarch in Terminator Armour:


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The helmets on your assault marines could use a little detailing and the shiny terminators clash with the gritty power armor marines. Other than that you have a good TT standard going. Looks like you managed to get good, strong highlights on the DC without making them cartoony, not the easiest thing to do with black.


I like the weathering on the Tanks. It's isn't as neat and detailed as the drybrushing/mud stick you usually see but it actually looks a lot more realistic.

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Thanks guys, I'm happy to have the feedback. Decent to above-average table top quality is the goal, so I'm happy to have made it.


The Death Company are actually done with Deneb Stone and four coats of Badab Black. It gives a very deep, inky, shadowy black with good highlights that looks better in person than in these pictures.


The terminators did turn out a little shiny. I did use a Boltgun Metal base (plus 3 coats of Baal Red wash and one of Badab), but they ended up becoming more purple than the marines did (which are just Baal Red over white primer). They do look a little out of place, but I like the individual look. I'm currently doing the Space Hulk Terminators in this style... only one done so far.


All of my paintjobs are fairly quick, but they have a distinctive worn look that I'm very happy with. The grim, dark future is dirty...

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I painted the tanks the way I did because, honestly, I got lazy. I had to paint 6 razorbacks, 3 Baals, and 3 predators, along with a Land Raider, so I didn't want to go through the normal painting process. The metal I used on the terminator would involve a basecoat of Boltgun, highlight with Mithril Silver, then wash with Badad, Baal, Baal, and Baal, and then add on all the damage and mud. It would look awesome, I agree, but it was too much for me
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