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well, the fluffy answer is Seth.


Er, since when did the Flesh Tearers Chapter Master go round leading contingents of Lamenters?


Thats what I was just thinking too........

There are always the IA books for fluff and I'm sure there will be Lamenters characters in there.

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Best all-round HQ is the Librarian IMO. Okay combat ability, decent buffs and psychic defence to boot. Since you're going with Rhinos/JPs however, I'm doubting you want to put him in TDA which means that he'll lack an invulnerable save and so might be a bit... erm, well, vulnerable, I guess.


Want a decent beat-stick with some okay buffs? Go for the Reclusiarch. Want a pretty good beat-stick and don't care about buffs? Take a Captain.


Are Special Characters an option?

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well, the fluffy answer is Seth.


Er, since when did the Flesh Tearers Chapter Master go round leading contingents of Lamenters?

This is why I shouldn't post late at night. I thought he asked for Flesh Tearers.

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I run Malakim with an honour guard squad. The combination of the chapter banner plus the extra strength and attack boost he gets after taking a wound means he hits like the proverbial brick in the marigold glove. On paper he doesn't look as immediately destructive as other special characters but trust me, with the right support he can do a lot of hurt.
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yea, IA9 has malakim phoros, chapter master of the lamenters, which is cool of course. Otherwise, a librarian or a reclusiarch are both viable options. I'd advise against the chapter master, because he's only 15 points cheaper than a reclusiarch (if you count the power weapon), has the same stats, but no buffs.


nice to see you in here as well, Ah-a-nothepsis ;)


I hope the new paints fall in nicely with my current lamenters...

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well, the fluffy answer is Seth.


Er, since when did the Flesh Tearers Chapter Master go round leading contingents of Lamenters?

This is why I shouldn't post late at night. I thought he asked for Flesh Tearers.


^ You mean SHE... ;) Ah-a I think a counts as Seth could be a cool option, as he does kick serious butt and you don't see him much. But if you are going jumpers, a counts as Dante, or a Libby/Reclusiarch with a Jump Pack will do nicely.'



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^_^ indeed..


So, base-coat white and wash with the new yellow. Highlight Flash gitz




Sorry to disappoint everyone, but here's the list:


Captain w/ PW, Infernus

Honor Guard

2 Assault Squads

Tactical Squad

3 Rhinos

3 Baals

3 Autolas


Anyways, I should be able to complete the army as quickly as my previous ones! :D

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I'm going to shamelessly advert my own Lamenters. It's good to show off every once in a while right? Besides, everybody needs good reference!


Lamenters Gallery

*Direct URL to my website, they should be at the very top*


I know you'll have a lot of fun painting Lamenters; gorgeous, sharp color scheme, lots of freedom for freehand and a nice crisp checkerboard pattern will allow your army to really pop. Plus painting bleeding hearts is always fun, right?




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I've been trying to find a recipe for Lamenters yellow that I am happy with. When I do, I'll be starting my own detachment. I did proxy Phoros in a game a while back and ran him with an honour guard. It worked really well, he was a fun and flavorful character to use. On a side note, I wonder if there would be any interest in Lamenters logo dice?
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Ah-a-nothepsis = speed painting queen.


Gee lady!! you really are on a roll,you probably have painted in a year what i did in many.... :huh:

look forward to seeing your "Quick Lamenters".

please let us know how the new paints turn out for you and any pro's/con's you have from them.

and again great space wolves you did :tu: .

cheers, mithril

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