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Black Legion: 83rd Company


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This is the main thread for the 83rd company of the Black Legion.


Way back in an era all but lost in the mists of time (also known as "a year and a half ago") I was introduced to 40k through the Dawn of War 2 games. I loved the setting from the very first swing of a pixelated chainsword and went out and bought a short story compilation (Legends of the Space Marines) and one of the Gaunt's Ghosts Omnibuses (not knowing better I bought one in the middle of the series). I didn't understand much of what was going on, but that slowly changed as I bought more books and my first codex. A few months later on the advice of a friend I bought the older Dawn of War 1 games. When I first fired up Dark Crusade I decided I wanted a change and went with Eliphas and his Word Bearers. Something about that snarky Dark Apostle and the hammy lines the marines gave when clicked ("Sanity is for the weak!") hooked me and I've been a devotee of the dark gods since. Just in DC alone I must have gone through the Chaos Marine campaign 4 or 5 times, and when Retribution came out I did the same despite only half of the Chaos heros even having lines (and the Word Bearers skin that gave the regular marines horns brought a little smile to my face)..


For the most part I prefer the more serious depictions of the legions to the "let no good deed go unpunished" type but I've always had a soft spot for the insane mustache twirlers of Dark Crusade. The 83rd company is homage to them. Going with the theme all regular marines will have horns, all aspiring champions will be bare headed, and I will be trying to stick to units that appear in the game (I'll be fudging the equipment a bit, though, hence the meltas and icon bearer in the first squad. I will also likely be unable to avoid putting one unit of terminators in at some point). I will also model to the theme in poses a bit, hence the fellow spazzing out in the squad below (which was matched to a sreenshot from the game I took).


Why I chose the Black Legion

I must admit it's partly so I will not feel wierd painting Raptors and Berserkers to match the rest of my troops. Also, they're one of my favorite legions. Something about their story, their position at the head of the heresy, their fall afterwards, and their rise again through desperate measures to become the most powerful legion once again. I also really like their depiction in the Night Lords series and the very short physical description of one in a Victories of the Space Marines story (the Alpha Legion story). To me those books showed them as having gained a lot of power, but at a cost of perhaps even greater degeneration than that suffered by more purity concerned legions/warbands. To me that's the essence of chaos, power with a price.


Short Version: I really liked the Dawn of War games and am theming the army off of them, having chosen the Black Legion for fluff reasons.


What I have done: One squad of Chaos Marines with two meltas, aspiring champion with power weapon, and icon of Khorne


Current project: Second squad of Marines, most likely with IoCG, plasma gun, and heavy bolter.


After that: I have one box of berserkers coming in the mail, and one of raptors at home that I might hold off on a bit.


To buy list: Chaos Lord, Rhinos, and a predator or two


First squad:


My Khornate Aspiring Champion, Kyros the Unseeing




And his squad, including two meltas and one icon bearer.





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I'll be making a few changes in the paint scheme for the next batch, starting from Charadon Granite and doing more highlights. Hopefully it will turn out ok.


He was right I could have done the first post better. My fault for doing it so late into a long night. I've reorganized the opening post.


Hey Yogi, it's pretty lazy to whine about having to click ONE MORE TIME to see some pics...Give the guy a break.


Also, they look good so far!! Hopefully you get some more pics soon, keep up the good work :P

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