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Starting Iron Warriors, need some lore advice


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So I am in the process of creating an Iron Warriors army, which ironically came out of the ashes of my failed Imperial Fist project. Two questions to solve my problem of having an over abundance of loyalist marines.


1) Do the Iron Warriors play nice with others? One solution I thought about is turning the loyalist marines into Red Corsairs (or insert Chaos-pirate faction here). Then I would build up a proper Iron Warriors force around the idea of them working together.


2) The other solution would be to convert the loyalist into Iron Warriors, but I have not found any evidence of the Iron Warriors inducting newly turned marines into their ranks like the Word Bearers or Black Legion tend to do.



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I wouldn't exactly say that they play nice. With any two or more warbands, it always fits into the area of a mutually beneficial partnership.The Iron Warriors will work with another warband as long as they get something out of it. Slaves, resources to build weapons, etc.


As far as recruits, I believe the general consensus is that the Traitors(Both Legions and Renegades) recruit from slaves and possibly any (other)Renegades they find that are willing to work for them. For example, the Newborn is an example of a slave who was turned into something resembling an Iron Warrior. I say that because of his unique abilities that came from his one-of-a-kind implantation process. Vaanes, his two partners, Ruven and Variel the Flayer are all examples of Renegades who joined the Legions. And while the Black Legion is much more accepting of Renegades, the otehr Legions don't exactly seem to keen on it except for where it might benefit them. Like Honsou getting a Raven Guard to train the Newborn to fight, or Talos getting the Flayer as his Apothecary. Although I don't think I ever heard of the Word Bearers accepting Renegades into their fold.


As far as the Loyalist Marines, not sure what to do with them.That all depends on your fluff.

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i've got the impression that the iron warriors only play nice with the black legion on occassion, because of their relationship with them pre-heresy.
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It all depends on the Warsmith. Honsou's master did tear apart an entire world at the Black Legion's request yes. But Honsou himself felt no obligation as he keeps remembering how he fought the Black Legion on some world in the Eye after he kept some of the gene-seed for himself. But even then, the Warsmith only did it for the promise of ascension.
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Well, let's put it like this. There is no such thing as a "stereotypical Iron Warrior warband" anymore. Some might work alongside other Legions, some might not. Some might not even give a damn about their rivalry with the Imperial Fists anymore, believing it to only be the beliefs of a long-gone age that is no longer relevant to their current existance.


Perhaps your warband was too far from the Eye of Terror to run there, so had to take refuge in the Maelstrom, and have since formed alliances with the Astral Claws who moved in afterwards?

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Iron Warriors are known for their paranoia and distrust of others, so even between two Iron Warrior warbands there wouldn't be a lot of kinship or chest bumps.

That said, Iron Warriors are also known for their pragmatic outlook and if it serves two warbands to work together or the larger warband folds the smaller one into itself, than they are going to be more accepting of that.

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In my opinion, the idea that the Legions haven't been inducting new Marines into their ranks is a silly one. Without such resources, and with the losses gained over 10,000 years of war, they wouldn't be much of a fighting force any more, at least not one to seriously contest the Imperium's safety. That said, it would be fairly easy to explain the amount of loyalist equipment. You could say that they raided an Imperial shipping lane, and came across a cache of armour and weapons bound for a Loyalist chapter. Another way would be to say that they, as Iron Warriors would be pretty good at such things, had stolen/purchased/acquired the means to produce the more modern patterns of armour. I personally don't think either answer would require a particularly large leap of faith (although perhaps the large amount of Imperial eagles might).
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Well they do get new Marines(albeit the Newborn is really the occasion that we see) but they just recruit from the offspring of their slave stock. Most of the Legions only want "purebloods" within the Legions. It's why Honsou was so ridiculed by his fellow Iron Warriors even though he was their equal in every way.
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Thanks for the help guys. I think I am going to go with the idea of some corsairs working with my Grand Company, albeit, as cannon fodder :lol:


Sounds pretty awesome.


Just make sure that you give the honour of taking the breach your guns have opened to the corsairs.

Welcome to the Iron Club.

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Thanks for the help guys. I think I am going to go with the idea of some corsairs working with my Grand Company, albeit, as cannon fodder ;)


Sounds pretty awesome.


Just make sure that you give the honour of taking the breach your guns have opened to the corsairs.

Welcome to the Iron Club.


The "honor" is all theirs. That is until GW, hopefully, gives us cultist.

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Some warbands have entire forgeworlds under their command and can create a great many new marines into their ranks. Others may need to take whatever they can get (even legion warbands), even if the only thing they can get is an alliance with renegades like the corsairs. There are tons of ways you can explain their presence. You just have to think about it and decide which you like or fits your warband the best.
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On the point of inducting new initiates, I think it mostly depends on the views of the commander/leader of the warband. If we follow the example of Talos, he didnt care that his new astartes would come from slaves, never mind non-natives of Nostromo. All that mattered to him was that they would survive the implantation of gene seed. Honsou is pretty much spat on by all and sundry apart from the very few he's impressed with his deeds and even then it's grudging. The World Eaters on the other hand seem to draw in a large numbers of renegades who fall to the call of the Blood God or those they capture and break, such as Zhufor. It's another 1 of those areas GW seem to be leaving open to people's creativity
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