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Ramiles Star Fortress

carlos 187

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there definitely isn't a fluff problem with having a star fort as a fortress monestary, but be aware that they are difficult to move and require significant fleet auxila to do so. This might limit your guys from moving the star fort except for really serious conflicts that will last years.
  Ecritter said:
Only well known and successful admirals, or Inquisitors, are entrusted with a Ramilies, as they can take centuries to build.


That would be a real problem with a Space Marine Chapter getting one.

A dying gift from an Inquisitor isn't a bad idea. Some Space Marine Chapters and Inquisitors have a great relationship.

"Some Chapters possess no homeworld at all, and instead operate from mobile space fortresses. These gigantic craft contain sufficient accommodation, workshops, hangars, training areas and dock facilities for the entire Chapter and operate as a semi-mobile base for Chapter operations. While they may take any number of forms, fortress-monasteries are immensely powerful, with firepower equivalent to that of the might Ramilies Star Fortress in many respects. Additionally, they are not only mobile but warp-capable, and it is not unknown for some Space Marine Chapters to actually utilize a suitably modified Ramilies Star Fortress allocated to them for this express purpose. No Chapter possesses more than a single fortress, and as the base of operations for the entire Chapter they are guarded just as ferociously as a homeworld would be." (BFG 2010 Compendium)


Crusade Chapters are generally the only ones with a Fortress-Monastery, so I say go for it!




Crusade Space Marine fleets in BFG can indeed use a Fortress-Monastery, via the 2010 Compendium.


Lastly, such a craft seems to be about 670 cubic kilometers in volume. That's roughly equivalent to 11km/11km/5.55km (l/w/h), if I remember how to math right. A Battle Barge clocks in at around 7.5km, for comparison.

Inquisition involvement is becoming a bit cliche however, and far from necessary - these babies aren't quite priceless relics, they may take a while to build but they still form a "vital lynchpin in Imperial strategy" despite the Imperium having lost over twelve hundred just moving them.


Why was the chapter created? Maybe they were created specifically to guard a particular planet/subsector on a 'temporary' (a few decades/centuries) basis and the High Lords decided to assign them a Ramilies that could subsequently be redeployed when the chapters duties there were done rather than expending the resources necessary to build a planetside Fortress Monastery. Maybe they were created to participate in a major crusade against a rebel/xenos sector that was envisioned to be a decades long affair and were assigned a Ramilies so that they could keep up with the front lines of the crusade whilst having their own repair facilities (giving them a mere battle barge for a fortress would deprive them of repair facilities, giving them a planet near the starting line would require longer supply lines and the chance of them getting bogged down in local affairs).


Maybe they were a fleet based chapter who were given it as a gift by a Sector Governor who reasoned that the semi-mobile nature of the Fortress would likely tie them to his Sector, at least in the short term. As well as engendering good will.


The Adeptus Mechanicus also makes use of them as mobile research facilities, maybe some calamity befell one such station and the AdMech bargained with the chapter: get us the contents of secure locker 48172-Zeta (located deep within the bowels of the station past several thousand unstable genetic test subjects, deranged former crew and scientists and state of the art defense servitors) and you can keep the Fortress for yourself..


Maybe they just found and claimed one of the 1200 that have been lost in the warp, or one of the half dozen that have fallen to Orks..

  Vodunius said:
The Adeptus Mechanicus also makes use of them as mobile research facilities, maybe some calamity befell one such station and the AdMech bargained with the chapter: get us the contents of secure locker 48172-Zeta (located deep within the bowels of the station past several thousand unstable genetic test subjects, deranged former crew and scientists and state of the art defense servitors) and you can keep the Fortress for yourself..


If that idea isn't going to used here, I'd be fully inclined to purloin it for myself. :)


i love the idea of an AdMech research facility. that would go nicely with my AdMech Space Marine chapter :woot: Then it could be a total fleet based chapter to. have a permanent tow vehicle for the Ramilies accompanied by a whole AdMech/Space Marine fleet.


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