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VASSAL How-to.

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Right, so I opened my big mouth in another thread and promised a VASSAL guide - I think the BA challenge is a terrific idea and here is a small contribution for a forum that has helped myself and countless others to effectively expand there hobby in whatever way they choose. This is a work in progress and assumes you have installed both the VASSAL program and the VASSAL40k module. BIG thank you to all mods (esp Morticon for starting the VASSAL challenge) and fellow posters. C+C most welcome. Support the BA VASSAL40k project and fight the good fight - we all will benefit.



1. Start the VASSAL program, you should see an option saying "VASSAL40k" - open it. If you cant see it, go back and install it.


2. Select whether you want online or off-line play, and then player number or observer.


3. You should now be in the "Main Room" or lobby where all other users not currently watching or playing a game are. Say hello by typing in the dialogue box if you want.


4. Next, select a "room" from the "Active Games" list. Highlight a game and right click and then select "Join Room".


5. Select a player and right cllick then select "synchronise", after a small while, the VASSAL window will print some text establishing the game. When the "Table" icon is coloured, click it - you should now be able to see the game board as it is being played on as well as see any conversations.



Vassal module selection page.


Main VASSAL interface (main screen).


VASSAL game board - check out that traffic.



PART 2 - Mustering your Army.



Right, so far so good. You can connect with the game and view the board - you can even argue about A-DB's latest blog if you want - but how do you get your army on the screen?!?!?! thats what this bit is for, so relax.





1. See the icon labeled "Player 1"? - press it and a grey box will appear, this is Player 1's miniature tray, where you can keep your army before deployment. Resize it to a comfortable working size.


2. See the icon labeled "Models"? - press it, now. This will show a series of drop down menus, navigate to "Space Marines > Blood Angels > HQ/Troop/Elite etc. > specific unit type. In this case Mephiston is selected in the "Special Characters" menu, simply select and then drag the model to your tray.


3. Select your units 1 at a time until your army is in the Player1 tray (units can be cloned for multiples ie example unit of Tacs w/ sarge and rhino by pressing CTRL+C and then moving the cloned units).


4. Select units to deploy with click-n-drag box, then drag selected units onto the board (as shown in picture).CYCLE THROUGH WEAPON LOADOUTS using CTRL+[ or ] to access weapons in left or right hand, this is for every individual Astartes.


5. PROFIT! - you can now move you army by click-n-dragging a box over said units and dragging them, right clicking a unit opens options such as moving 1-6 inches or rotating.





So, thats a rough and ready guide to using VASSAL40k. The best way to learn is to just muck around with it, have a go you wont break it. Questions comments or haiku please post here. Again - SUPPORT THE BA CHALLENGE we will all be better for it.

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Very nice to hear you trying it out, i love VASSAL and use quite a few different modules (BFG is coming soon).


Did you find the guide helpful? Are there anythings youd like talked about?


Im going to write a second article about all the in-game options like smoke, rockets and explosions etc and hopefully clean this one up a bit.


Almost 200 views and only 3 responses - is this guide working?

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Hmm. There are some quick guides out there. I thought it was super helpful. Started my first real game today it went pretty well so far. Except my honor guard getting vaped in a deep strike mishap. All in good fun :)
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  • 1 month later...

Very helpful how-to, thanks.


I hope this is the right thread, but why aren't the generic HQs in the Blood Angel Section? I can't even find captains and librarians among the other SM chapters. I'm using Vassal40k 5.4E is that the latest version?Forget it, I found them. Wierd that some are in the drop down maneu and others in the column next to it (which was squeezed together.)

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Can anyone tell me how to 'swap' rooms? I can see other rooms running the 40k module but for some reason I can't interact with them. Even more so im in something called 'main room' but there's literally no one else here :)


PS someone want to play my 500 point sisters of battle?

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Can anyone tell me how to 'swap' rooms? I can see other rooms running the 40k module but for some reason I can't interact with them. Even more so im in something called 'main room' but there's literally no one else here :)


PS someone want to play my 500 point sisters of battle?



I can't get on tonight, but try to select a room and '"synchronise" with player that should fix it, assuming you selected the online option at the stsrt. Good luck :-)

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