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Krom Dragongaze's Great Company (update 26/OCT/2014)


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  • 2 weeks later...

I absolutely love that wolf guard for the scout pack.


Thank you Sir. I am quite fond of the guy myself...



There has been yet more progress on my Winter's Advance vow. 2 down 4 to go. I admit to being a little worried on making my vow on time. Again. I must be the slowest painter ever...


Anyhow... Here is Wolf Guard Baldar Ice-heart, second in command to Lord Fierce-Eye himself and a strong candidate to succeed him eventually. Aptly named for his calm and calculating demeanor he balances his lord's tempers to the benefit of the entire Great Company. Krom and Baldar are often on a quarrelling footing with each other on a variety of issues but Fierce-Eye has learned to respect the value of his lieutenant's cool intellect.











And here are next WIP pictures of the remaining four Wolf Guard.


These guys are about 50% done so a few more hours of work on them left...



And these guys are about 25% done so I expect to be working with them for quite a while still. Fortunately the power weapons on these guys are only missing a few glazes anymore. Painting power weapons can be really time consuming I have found out... ;)



C&C welcome. Oh, and I am still waiting for input on the TDA rune priest's head. Change or keep?



Thanks for the positive feedback. I am really beginning to appreciate keeping a log such as this for the ideas that come in, for all the encouragement as well as really being able to see the progress in ones own painting. So thanks again for all the encouragement!


Oh and Nadir, sadly no. The combis are not magnetized. I tried that but failed to center the drill holes and given the size of the magnets used, I ended up destroying the arm and hand bits and decided not to bother...


Well the good news to myself is that my Winter's Advance vow is nearing completion. 4 down and only 2 to go still.


Without further ado, my power armored Wolf Guard with combis and stuff.










I haven't had any hobby time lately unfortunately, but I intend to finish my vow in time. In order to achieve that I need your help a bit.


So I do have an oppinion question; look at the WIP photo below and tell me which of the two colors or any other color for that matter should I paint the missiles in the CML?




First I thought that since red is my army spot color it would work well. Then I thought that yellow would compliment the pack marking of the Wolf Guard unit well and strengthen the pack affiliation and having tried both on him I don't know anymore...??? Ideas? Oppinions?



Take both of them. Upper row - red, lower row yellow. In that way you have frag and krak missilles, and additional spots of colour.


I did just that. Thanks.


Here they are. My Winter's Advance Vow is now complete. Here's the pictures to prove it...


Firstly Wolf Guard Helgi Gunraugr. I am really happy with how this guy turned out. The Wolf Claws were the first try at glaze blending and painting the tiny lightning patterns and I am extremely pleased with the end result. I am also very happy with the face. Unfortunately in the photos you can't see the eyes nor the fanged teeth properly, but take my word that the eyes are the most realistic and clean that I have ever been able to paint.








And finally the remaining guy, Wolf Guard Longtooth. This old grizzled veteran served for centuries as a long fang even before being inducted into Jarl Fierce-eye's Wolf Guard. He is THE Long Fang and his brethren have been calling him him by his title for so long that his given name has been forgotten. Only Fierce-Eye himself remembers Longtooth's real name.


This one I am not particularily pleased with. I think I painted his face and hair to a very satisfying result but the rest of the guy isn't up to the same standard IMO. For exapmle the effect on the power sword is nice and gets the message (or "illusion") through, but the lightning is too thick and the highlights ended up being chalky... Well, I now have a list of things to try and improve. I even built another power weapon TDAWG to be painted next to practice on. Here he is anyway...







And finally, for completeness' sake,  I decided to add a picture of Jarl Dragongaze's retinue of Wolf Guard (as it stands) with their transport of choice:





And please remember; While I do enjoy all the positive feedback and am motivated by it, I am also constantly trying to improve so all constructive critisism and comments on how to improve are very welcome.


Thanks for looking and until next winter,


  • 4 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I've just got my hands on Stormclaw and an 'old' codex and have been planning a build in my head to be confirmed when the new dex is out.  That, coupled with this thread has made my mind up - Krom and his company it is!  Awesome work in this thread - love it!


As no one answered, the TDA Rune Priests head.....to be honest, I don't like it.  I don't think it matches the style of your army.  I'd be tempted to go for a either a standard TDAWG head or maybe look at an unhelmeted GK head with the leathery skin-tight skull hood type thingy


My 2p!

  • 3 months later...

I'm back!


With the Stormclaw released a while ago and the Alaric Prime campaign books GW pushes out I have finally awoken ;)


Krom Dragongaze model from the box is amazing and a huge fun to paint! I bought three and have been converting them so I now have two more wolf guard miniatures that are based on the Krom model as well as Jarl Dragongaze himself both in PA and TDA.


Only the TDA Krom is finished for now but progress has been made on other elements of my army. Pictures will follow as soon as I get my gear fixed.


On another front:


   + + +   My wolves just got second place in the Armies on Parade event at my local GW store   + + +


I am very happy and proud at the moment and wonted to share that. Pictures will, again, follow as soon as I receive them from the store people but here is a "preview" I took with my phone camera and a WIP pic from the last batch of models I was painting.






I'll try to upload more as soon as possible. Thanks for looking.


Where is the head with braided mustache from?


That's from the Fantasy Battles Chaos Marauder Horsemen kit. The heads are awesome, but require quite a bit of work to fit with power armor and TDA, mainly due to their hair "flowing" with the wind when they are riding. I have had to heat and bend them to make them fit properly.

@dantay: Thanks for the encouragement. The tattoos are actually rather easy. The trick is to use very thin paint, that isn't black, but preferably black mixed with the skin tone and some green or blue, and then after the design has been painted on glazing the whole tattoo with the skin tone. That makes it look like the tattoo is actually under the skin instead of being painted on. Compare the scout WG tattoo to the one on the blond bearded guy and you'll see what I mean. Now go and try painting some tattoos msn-wink.gif

But now, without further ado it's HQ time. We'll start with my ETL III vow that was completed but way too late. Anyway...

The chaplain-like wolf priests are what we are used to seeing and we all love. I also like that aspect of them. But unlike our codex brothers, our Priests are also our apothecaries which is now also reflected in the rules. So I wanted to emphasize the medic side of my Wolf Priests in my conversions.

Firstly, here is Gudfínn, a Wolf Priest in service to the Drakeslayers and a member in Jarl Krom's council of war. Gudfínn's hunger for glory mirrors his liege lord and his councel is often found to stoke the embers of Fierce-eye's ambition to full conflagration.

Gudfínns backpack is magnetized so I can switch between that and a jump pack. The jump pack however, is not painted yet.




Secondly, we have Wolf Priest Ranulf. A brooding figure in his Tactical Dreadnought Armor, Ranulf inspires his fellow wolves with his unyielding presence and calculating demeanor. Just as Wolf Guard Baldar is the cold headed counterpart to his Jarl's tempers, Ranulf balances the temperamental nature of his fellow Priest, Gudfínn. Together in Krom's war council the two priests provide their Jarl with the calculating logical art of war and the flaming passion for the murdermake.




And finally the head honcho himself. The Krom model in the Stormclaw box is an excellent model, but I have always pictured him in TDA. I am a big fan of Terminators too, so maybe that's why. So as soon as I got my hands on the model I began converting him to wear TDA instead.

Here is Wolf Lord Krom Dragongaze of the Drakeslayers, known as the Fierce-Eye.





All C&C is welcome, as always!

Sorry for the double post, but I thought it better to split the amount of pictures to two posts.


And we'll continue with additions to Krom's Guard.


First up is Eirik Greypelt whose advanced years are starting to show as grey streaks in his hair and beard and greying of his temples. This has earned him his current nickname. He was elevated to Krom's Wolf Guard from his Grey Hunter pack due to his skill at arms with which he wields the massive heirloom power axe called "Threader".







Next up is Gunn Redfist, a brawler par excellence even before his ascension to the ranks of the Sky Warriors. During his blood claw days he would only use his bolt pistol if there was no way to reach punching distance. His elevation to the Wolf Guard came in a rather unorthodox way. For the time being, Gunn is the only brother of the Rout who has succesfully, and barehanded, drawn blood from the nose of Krom Dragongaze himself in the training pits. To symbolize this achievement Krom commanded both fists in Gunn's armour to be painted red and elevated him into the ranks of Krom's Guard. This has also given him his current nickname.







Then we have Colborn Fireheart. There is talk among his brothers that inside his genhanced body is implanted the soul of a dragon, such is his enthusiasm for fire and flame. He has wielded all types of promethium fuelled weaponry in the many decades of his service and this has caused him burns so severe that no hair at all adorns his head, hair and eyebrows included, and he is forced to wear his rebreather at all times. Armed with his heavy flamer and storm shield he charges at the enemy in the front ranks of the Wolf Guard his eyes burning with the desire to burn the enemies of the Allfather in the name of Terra and Fenris.





And finally, a piece of terrain I modified for my Armies on Parade entry, a statue of a Space Wolf Hero from possibly the Heresy era found from a world called Midgardia Secundus during Krom's campaign to liberate the planet from a cult of chaos worshippers.




Again, all C&C is welcome!



Dammit, you stole my idea for the wolf priests, I wanted to do that since forever. Now atleast I have seen yours I know that the bits should work well.


Krom's freehanded cloak is jus epic!!


And as for tattoos, I may just give them a go... I prefer my Wolves without helms, so tattoos would be cool.



As good a reason as any to leave your helm at home.






And 2 more for the laughs!!


Edit: I hope I get my Space Wolves to look half as good as yours!! very neat and amazing attention to details. I really like the power axe effect on Greypelt

I can't decide if looking at your models painted so perfectly makes me want to give up and never paint because you won, or pain 1,000 more models because it can be done. Either way Bravo.


Second thought: Your models kinda rushing forward stance looks amazing.


Third thought: How did you do your wolf priest helms?


Last thought: The Wolf Priest with the bit of apothecary bits was pretty fantastic. Love it.


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