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10 man assault squads - any good?

Ragnars Claw

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Hi guys!


New player to the BA here, coming from a long time (15 years!) playing wolves.


My initial lists are all being based around 10 guys with 2 meltas and a fist on the serg. Keeping their jump packs and being accompanied by a priest.


However my initial experiences with them aren't that great. I'll keep with them for a bit but i was curios about others experience with such a unit. Do they work for you or are the 10 man assault squads just a waste of time?

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I love 10 man assault squads, but remember they are just normal marines really. Don't expect to win if thrown against really nasty opponents, and having a librarian or chaplain really helps them a lot too.
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10-man assault squads provide an incredible versatility, one that few other troops in the game can match. I have had success running them deployed on the board and hugging cover against shooty armies until they can close in range. Also, don't overlook the option to forego jump packs to purchase a cheap transport. A standard 10-man RAS with priest and chaplain/librarian can hit very hard on the charge out of an assault vehicle. In addition, when using an RAS in a DOA style list, I usually have at least one squad that refuses to come in until turn 5 (or I choose not to re-roll the reserve dice), and that can be extremely helpful in an objectives game, as the squad can then combat squad late in the game and deep strike on an objective late game with only D6" scatter. Or combat squad when deep striking, and take out two targets. As an example, one squad with a flamer attacking troops in cover, and one squad with a melta shooting at enemy armor.


Although as others have said, pick your battles. After a few games you should be able to get a good idea of what a squad of assault marines can handle.

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It's worth considering what role they play in your list. My assault marines are used largely for seizing objectives or popping transports to get at what's inside. I run one squad with a thunder hammer (power fist works just as well, I just like the look of the hammer) and two meltas, accompanied by a priest. I'm working on a second squad at the moment with flamer spam for some anti-horde action.


In general RAS are very good at throwing a bucket load of attacks, which makes them great for dealing with non-MEQ troops. With the option for two meltas and an inferno pistol they're not bad tank hunters either, although meltaguard do this much better. What they aren't is a hammer unit, and if you throw them against your opponent's heavy hitters it's only going to end one way. Death Company, Sanguinary Guard, Assault Terminators are much better options for this, whilst fast vindicators should be used to deal with such threats from a distance.


Combat Squads are your friend with RAS, especially if the scenario you're playing doesn't use kill points. You can put two melta guns in one combat squad, and maybe even the sergeant with an inferno pistol with them and send them off tank hunting. At 120-135pts, as long as it takes out one serious tank they've made their points back. If you manage to take down a Land Raider with them then that's double their points in one kill. Meanwhile your second squad can be used to jump on an objective late on, and with fifteen attacks on the charge it can be counted on to take out most non-MEQ troops holding an objective. Another varient on this ploy is to take a Priest with and inferno pistol with the squad, and have two melta weapons in each combat squad. This gives even more flexibility as you can tank hunt with both squads, and get furious charge and feel no pain to boot, plus the priest's four attacks which mean even a five man combat squad can pack a punch.

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It dawned on me the other day that like James I has said you must remeber they are normal marines.


They can be awesome with a priest or librarian but on their own they can cetainly struggle.


Pick your fights with them and use them wisely and you'll be fine, support them with a libby with unleash and a priest and you have a really good unit there (But you would hope for that)

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they are still good at popping transports and then tying up what comes out until something else comes along to wipe the floor with them, like mephiston, the sanguinor or some sanguinary guard. at least, that's how they work against meq. against something chewier, they can often handle their own, though a lack of power attacks means they won't always do it in one or two assault phases.


i don't like combat squading them unless they are being used in conjunction with something else. they don't have a lot of hitting power all on their own, and while FNP can help them stick around for a long time, waiting for that PW or PF to kill off the other squad can take forever. I'll run a combat squad as a shield for my sanguinary guard and then one with both meltas and the fist just to hunt tanks though.

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I use a squad of 10 with a thunder hammer, with an attached librarian and power weapon toting priest. Very much my army's 'hammer' unit...hits like a truck, and whatever it hits tends to stay hit. With proper support, they can just chew their way through a squad. Just keep them away from MCs and fast, power weapon things (GK, I'm looking at you) and you should be ok.
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