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A pint of Lorgar please barkeep

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I've always had a soft spot for the Word Bearers but generally I shy away from collecting established legions or chapters in favour of DIY creations. However, when writing up the fluff for my Black Suns renegade chapter, I wanted to try and work in a Dark Apostle. I figured that he had somehow joined the chapter shortly after their fall and is currently educating/indoctrinating/guiding the chapter down the path of the chaos faithful.


Is there any fluff (other than Erebus) to support, or indeed refute, the notion of Dark Apostles going out into the galaxy to act as missionaries or prophets for other renegade and traitor legions and how would such individuals come to have left the Legion in the first place?


Any help is appreciated!

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I haven't heard of any examples of that happening, but I don't think that it is beyond the realm of possibility. In fact, I think it makes a lot of sense having various Apostles spreading the holy Word of Lorgar to the unenlightened. I don't think it would be all nice and sharing, but rather the Apostle using the renegades to further their and the Legions agendas. Nice idea, hope you post the models in the forum, I'd love to see them!
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Personally I agree in principal with 1 slight alteration.


I don't see Apostles going out. I can't see them leaving their host, disciples of the Chaos Gods they may be, but they are still a distrustful bunch.


I would imagine they send out their Acolytes, as part of their path and eventual 'promotion' to Apostle themselves. They must demonstrate they can spread the word and convert the heathens.

So in my own humble opinion, I can easily see a Apostles acolyte being attached to a new renegade chapter to guide them, but less so that the Apostle himself taking a risk and putting himself potentially in harms way if things turn sour.

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I don't see Apostles going out. I can't see them leaving their host, disciples of the Chaos Gods they may be, but they are still a distrustful bunch.


I would imagine they send out their Acolytes, as part of their path and eventual 'promotion' to Apostle themselves. They must demonstrate they can spread the word and convert the heathens.

So in my own humble opinion, I can easily see a Apostles acolyte being attached to a new renegade chapter to guide them, but less so that the Apostle himself taking a risk and putting himself potentially in harms way if things turn sour.


I love the sound of this. It seems very Word Bearers-y. Perhaps the promising First Acolyte is showing a little too much ambition and the Apostle decides that keeping the upstart around would be detrimental to his own health. Perhaps a lengthy sabbatical would help to further the acolyte's skills, and prevent him from plunging a knife between his masters shoulder blades!

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Perhaps the promising First Acolyte is showing a little too much ambition and the Apostle decides that keeping the upstart around would be detrimental to his own health.


I guess the Dark Apostle wouldn't send him away "temporarily", i can quite easily imagine him smash his acolyte's brains in with his crozius ... "Keep your friend close and youre ennemies closer" must be a quite popular motto amongst the bearers of the word. ( there are a few examples of that kind of behaviour in the Black library "word bearers" serie, between Jarulek & Marduk, Marduk & Kol Badar, Marduk and his acolyte whose name i forgot )


I could see a young acolyte being promoted as dark apostle of a new host however, since the word bearers have the nasty habit of executing the top tier officers of a host ( and at least the first acolyte and Coryphaus) when the Dark Apostle is found victim of sudden death under mysterious circumstances, unless those top tier officers can prove they are worth keeping. The newly appointed Dark Apostle could be in charge of a part of a bigger host ( considered to have grown too large by the dark council), or ( this is worth checking), a newly converted warband.

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Even if it's not stated explicitly, it's certainly heavily implied that the Word Bearers would evangelise amongst their brother legions, and possibly even wage holy war against them for various perceived apostasies if they believed the Gods demanded it.
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Honestly, I could actually see a young Aspiring Apostle becoming a wandering Pilgrim, taking the word of the gods to various warbands across the galaxy.


And, weird enough, I can't get the image out of my head that he'd wear grey as a sign of following such a path.

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Honestly, I could actually see a young Aspiring Apostle becoming a wandering Pilgrim, taking the word of the gods to various warbands across the galaxy.


And, weird enough, I can't get the image out of my head that he'd wear grey as a sign of following such a path.

It makes sense, considering one of the HQ options for an old LatD army from the Eye of Terror campaign was a Chaos Space Marine Aspiring Champion. His stat line and wargear was more like a Chaos Lieutenant or Mighty Champion, but there he was.


It would follow that a century or two later, he shows up as a full- blown Champion or Chaos Lord at Fabius Bile's door (or if you're like me, that of some other Dark Apothecary or Black Mechanicus) so he can get his recruits made into full- blown Word Bearers. A little indoctrination later, his warband is indistinguishable from any other and might even have a few budding ACs of its own.

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Sack cloth and ashes, I like it! I am working on some fluff for my word bearers based on the idea of a penitent punishment with aspects of homer's oddysey thrown in. I can easily see word bearer preachers being sent to renegade chapters either to guide them or undermine them and capture their resources.
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Honestly, I could actually see a young Aspiring Apostle becoming a wandering Pilgrim, taking the word of the gods to various warbands across the galaxy.


And, weird enough, I can't get the image out of my head that he'd wear grey as a sign of following such a path.

Not aligned to his Legion anymore but adverse to the heresy of others is a good reason for him to wear grey

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I think dispatching dark missionaries to newly fallen chapters is a very 'word bearers-y' thing to do. Bring the lost children into the fold as it were. I was planning on sticking with the word bearers red, but the pre-heresy grey is sounding tempting!
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