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Librarian and Bodyguard


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Hi all,


First post (will introduce myself after) so hopefully it's a good one ;)


When I first got into Warhammer 16 years ago Blood Angels was my first ever army. After not playing 40K for the last 8 or 9 years (still played Fantasy) I got back into it about 6 months ago because a friend wanted to start playing. Got 2,000 of Necrons built and painted but only had about a dozen games so far!


My friend gave me a metal Librarian and 5 guys from the Assault on Black Reach box, thus far, these are the only Space Marines I have, so will use these a a basis to build my army around.


Am thinking of taking the Librarian just as he comes, with no upgrades. Don't really want him to fight as such (most of the rest of the army will be assault focused) and thinking of sticking him with a shooty/support unit to help the rest of my army, not wanting them as a close-combat powerhouse! Is this a viable/worthwhile thing to be doing?


Also not sure about his Psychic powers, Bloodlance for anti-tank and Smite for anti-infantry both seem like good options that would go well with my desired role for the Librarian.


Transport could be an option, a Razorback to carry them around and offer support from additional heavy weapons seems like the ideal choice. This is not a total necessity, however.


As for his bodyguard, there are several options that I have considered:


Honour Guard seem to be the obvious choice, and the fact they get a Sanguinary Novitiate seems great to give the Libby FNP, but given the role I would like him to play seems a waste of the FC ability. I like the fact that I can give each a combi-plasma, so I can get 8 S7 AP2 shots in one turn (combined with 'Smite' for another 4 AP2 shots) when rapid-firing, this should put a serious dent in any unit getting close to assaulting me.


Sternguard Veterans look good thanks to the Special Issue Ammunition, means I can fit the 'bullet to the hole' dependant on what I am facing, which I like. These guys could possibly be the cheapest option as they likely won't need upgraded much.


Since I'd like a bit more of a balanced approach (assault focussed, not assault specific) a Tactical Squad to accompany my Librarian is also an option. I would combat squad them, putting the heavy weapon with four regular marines and have them sat nearby to support their sergeant and special weapon dude who will be attached to the HQ. I also like the idea of a full plasma (plasmagun, combi-plasma, plasma cannon) complement or full melta complement... But given these guys likely won't be moving around much I don't know which will be best.


One final caveat, love the new Dreadnought models! So thinking of taking one of each - Furioso, Death Company and a Heavy Support Dread - like the look of dual Twin Linked Autocannon for the HS Dread, which I would have behind or nearby to kill anything (infantry, bikes, light tanks and vehicles) approaching my Librarian and his squad (they would probably also give it a cover save if I stuck it behind them).



Which of the three would you take? Why?

Which weapons/gear would you give them? Why?

Would you instead scrap this whole idea and have your Librarian do something else? Why?



Rather like the idea of using these guys as 'bait', baiting my enemies to assault this unit only to intercept them with my own assault units (Death Company being the preferred unit for this)! Anyway, that's probably for another thread B)



Not got a dead set 1,500 army worked out yet as I'll slowly be building towards that level - took 6 months to gather and paint 2,000 points of Necrons - but it will probably include the following (just telling you so you can give me better help with my HQ).


Death Company/Chaplain/Transport

2x 10 Assault (meltaguns and powerfists)

3 Dreadnoughts

+ HQ & Bodyguard

+ Whatever points are left to spend on something




Apologies if this is 'too much' for my first post. Looking forward to getting some feedback!!

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Welcome <_<


I'm a fan of the jumppack libby with a jump pack honor guard as a support unit. It's three auras that can get to where you want to be I useshield, and then I give the libby fear, giving it good ranged offense.

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A Razorback Honourguard squad equipped with whatever shooty you like the most.


The Librarian should have shield + support power, like fear or lance.


He should ride along with the rest of the army providing the footsloggers with Shield bonus from inside his transport, along with the priests aura.

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Yep pop them into a razorback :confused: works as well.


Generally I don't bother upgrading the honor guard when they're in that support role with a librarian, because they're operating behind the line of your army most of the time and equipping them with special weapons makes them more of a target to be shot and assaulted. That and strong powers like fear generally don't mesh with other shooting. That said if you want more from your squad and don't like fear, unleash rage and a company champ make for good backup, or some cheap flamers, stormbolters or meltabombs work too.

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Thanks guys ^_^


By the way, is there even a place where I can go introduce myself? Couldn't find a thread for it!



How about something like this:


5 HG; 4x Stormbolters




5 HG; 3x Stormbolters; Blood Champion


Both options are fairly cheap and add a little extra fire power and mobility, the second option also makes better use of the FC ability. Still rather like having a dual TL Autocannon dread to sit behind the unit popping stuff.


Would you guys feel the RB is a total necessity for this unit? Might it be sensible to go without one (like if I took the Dread as support)? Also, which weapons would you equip it with?


Still open to opinions/suggestions regarding the SG or Tactical choices, and further thoughts on the HG choice :D


Thanks again!

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Razorback allows this unit to get to where you need it, tho if you think you'll end up being a bit more defensive counter-attack with your troops then they could do without it and sit in cover forming a strengthened centre to your battleline and drawing the enemy onto you...
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Ahoy matey!




While this may be a lot of readin, i strongly suggest taking a look at the sticky at the top of the BA forum - the Intro to BA forum. Theres a post in there that contains links to a huge amount of BA tactica ! Really, really helpful.

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Cheers guys :D


That's exactly what I was aiming at Leonaides, having these guys as a 'defensive' unit to anchor my battle line, they'll probably go without the transport at 1,500 (but will likely give 'em an RB if I increase the army to 2k) and will take full advantage of any cover in my deployment zone.


Thanks for the head's up Morticon - didn't see that particular link hidden at the bottom. Had a read through most of it (picked a few Dread ideas :) ) and I've also read through the DC Tactica on here, was very insightful!


Only trouble is there isn't much/anything about Honour Guard which is what I'm looking for information!


Think I have ruled out a Tac Squad as a 'bodyguard' unit and still can't decide about the Sternguard! HG seems better all round!


Still open to thoughts and suggestions!


Thanks for all your help thus far :P

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Thanks for the link Maximvs!


Unfortunately it quickly devolved into a 'I like this and this' thread and I gleaned np tactical insight into the use of HG in the role I want them for.


Have around 160 points to play with for the Bodyguard and I know I don't want to give 'em jump packs!


Open to suggestions :)

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