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Assistance please for a question that has been bugging me. Whilst the example I will use is specific to my Blood Angels, the query is broader than just this army.


Dante is attached to a unit and arrive by deep strike. Taking advantage of his no scatter rule they land in the back of the enemy tank park and open up. Can Dante target something different to the rest of his squad, or by joining the unit does he have to add his fire to theirs?



Secondly, does an IC who joins a unit with a skill such as Heroic Intervention or Descent of Angels gain the ability when they arrive with the unit, or does the unit lose the ability as one member doesn't have it? Thinking of Vanguard Veterans or assault marines with attached an chaplain.


Thanks in advance for any help

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Dante is for all intents and puposes a member of the squad he has joined. He must fire at the same target as the squad.


Unless otherwise clarified, special rules like Heroic Intervention are unusable by a squad with an IC attached who does not also possess the rule. Vanguard Vets have to go it alone if they plan to Heroically Intervene. However, a Chaplain can gain Descent of Angels simply by purchasing a jump pack.

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