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BA Attack Bikes


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Hey Rage,


Multi-Melta attack bikes are simply awesome when used correctly. Quite a few of us here swear by them :) Zoom them around the flanks of the battlefield, get them into position, and them use them pop something important. Most times, depending on the rest of your list, your opponent will ignore them for "larger threats." At 50 pts, mine always make their points back and then some.



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I never leave home without a squad of two. Each equipped with a multimelta.

Partially because I love my models ( a kitbash/conversion from the ravenwing biker set) and partially because they are really awesome for their cost.

36" threat range ( 24" for the 2nd dice for the armour penetration), the option of a 3+ cover save while turbo boosting, and with toughness 5 and 2 wounds each they are quite resilient. Even better when a priest is nearby.


TLDR: 100 points of awesomeness. What else could you wish for.

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Hah, I genuinely had no clue that they were that insanely useful. I think I'll buy another!


I spent almost all of today, about 6-7 hours, working on the new attack bike I bought. I like to take my time, although I don't get results to prove it. So far I've assembled the main bike and marine, and it's all painted (rather crudely, I would say), and the side platform (no gun, no man, no wheel and no wheel cover) is basecoated. I got enough hours of entertainment out of it already. I think I'll have a couple in my army. Thanks all for the help and comments/advice.



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For starters, apologies for the double post.


I don't currently have my codex at hand. Could someone please give me points values for each of these squads?


Dante (225, I think)


5 Scouts, 1 Heavy Bolter, 1 Shotgun, Sgt. with Chainsword and Bolt Pistol, 2 Bolters


5 Assault Marines, Jump Packs, 1 Plasma Pistol, Sgt, with Power Weapon and Bolt Pistol, 3 Bolt Pistol/Chainswords


Combat Squad


Attack Bike with Multi-melta (50?)


I have really bad memory, and I left my codex at the store. But it has my name in it, so I'll collect it tommorow. I just wanted to see how many points I have so far. None of the list fits together, I know, but it's just a general collection of badly painted models that I'll mould into an effective and well oiled killing machine soon. Thanks again,



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Yeah, I still use them where possible simply because there are very few things in the list that tick as many boxes. They can move faster and have better range than any other 'melta' unit in the game and at 100pts for two can earn their points back with even one tank kill. Also, your opponent will either focus a lot into killing them leaving other units alone or will mostly ignore them at their peril.


Recently I was also comparing HB attack bikes to devastators, as I always like to bring a unit of devvies where possible. After costing up a 6-man, 3 HB devastator squad (same wounds and HB shots as 3 ABs) It actually turns out that the devastator squad is 16pts more expensive.


Pros: Attack bikes relentless and toughness 5, can gain 3+ cover save when boosting, can fire all weapons then charge.

Cons: wound allocation, instant death, FA slot arguably more competitive, no sergeant/signum/upgrades, less attacks on charge.


Gave me pause for thought though as I'd not considered HBABs as an option before.

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Every game in which I have run my dual melta attack bikes they have wrecked/'sploded something of value to my opponent. The last game I played them they destroyed an ork battlewagon with a front on hit, blowing it up and killing about 10 orks that were around it. It was awesome.

I'm going to get another one tomorrow and make it a trio.

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You've made them sound like a really tempting option - I may have to take my AM's out of the Dark Angel pile and slip them into a BA list. I just wish they didn't compete with Baal Predators: I'd love to pop open a tank with a MMAB and then Flamestorm the gooey innards. Heavy Flamer Razorbacks will have to do
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Add my name to the list of attack bike fans. My other army is Codex Marines, and I run an all bike list. Acquiring many of the models from ebay left me with more attack bikes than I needed for that list. The extras quickly found a place in my BA force.
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