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Tutorial Search Help

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I'm working on a Khorne army and would like to eventually try my hand at making some of the bigger units, but I'm having some trouble finding good tutorials for building those units (apparently, my google fu is bit weak lately.)


So I now turn to the B&C community for help in finding links to the tutorials I need.




I need tutorials for:


*a Banelord


*a Doomblaster


*a Tower of Skulls


*a Brass Scorpion-defiler conversion ( the ones I keep finding don't have any pics of what looks like what when you get done converting the piece)


*a Lord of Battles





I've pretty much figured out how to convert a Deathdealer and a Bloodreaper, and I already have the old Armorcast Cauldron of Blood and Cannon of Khorne ( in fact, I have 2.)


Can a man get some help finding these links? Step by step instructions would be best, considering the complexity of some of these projects.

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I believe there is a member of this forum who actually makes his own casts for Tower of Skulls and Doomblaster. You may want to talk to him if I can possibly remember his name... May want to search around here. However for the Scorpion, I recently bought the forgeworld one and have been greatly impressed. Sorry I can't be much more help than that.


Edit: Ahh, here is the link to his thread.



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I believe there is a member of this forum who actually makes his own casts for Tower of Skulls and Doomblaster. You may want to talk to him if I can possibly remember his name... May want to search around here. However for the Scorpion, I recently bought the forgeworld one and have been greatly impressed. Sorry I can't be much more help than that.


Edit: Ahh, here is the link to his thread.




Bingo, that's the one I was thinking of for those two! Just sent a PM to Machinator to see if he still has the parts available. ( I seem to remember he has an eBay shop so if I can't get a hold of him here, I'll try there.)


Now I just need a tutorial for the Banelord and the Lord of Battles *groan* ;)

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