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Sanguinary Priest or Honour Guard with Novitate?

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I was thinking of making a descent of angels army and wondering whether it was better to use sanguinary priests for each squad or to just take a couple of librarians as HQ and give them jump pack honour guard squads with meltguns. The fact is that the last time I posted a list I was told to use the honour guard squads but I'm not sure if they're actually worth using since not all the army will be able to recive the full effects at any one time. So I ask you, those who have more BA experience than I do, which is better, priest or honour guard?
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well, Hard to say mate... If the honour guard has a spot in your army take one... but a ordinary priest is more versitile since he's not bound to the same squad(but more expensive than the novite and easier in most cases to kill).


Also the priest can take nifty weapons such as combi flamers(for that 1 shot wonders BBQing loads of orks) or an extra ws 5 PW.


I usually run honour guard spammed with special weapons(a flamer + melta on each)

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Hmmm... I really like my honor guard. I field them with 4 plasma guns and the novitiate protects them from overheating. They are a really strong firebase with a decent range on them. My advice for the Priest would be to give him either a claw or a pw. He can be handy in combat with his ws 5 :)
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