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Contemptor As Dread


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Well, the reason I asked is because I've seen some idiotic standards of WYSIWYG in the past few years, particularly with people arguing about where it ends and how far "counts as" can go. During 3rd Edition you could get by with "This figure is the sergeant, and that gold-colored sword is a power weapon. The silver-colored swords on the rest of the troopers are regular CCWs, and the Lascannon and Plasma Gun are what they are." From talking to people who played 4th and later, hearing, "That power weapon is gold and not blue, therefore I say its not WYSIWYG," was more common, especially at tournaments.


I was trying to make sure that a degree of common sense had returned to the game before trying to make my force more characterful in a way that various players might not like.

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For non-tourney games I find that there is a lot of leeway when it comes to WYSIWYG.


My advice, outside of tournaments. build your Contemptor and field it as a dread. If anyone has a fit over it then remind them that games are supposed to be fun. Chaos is Chaos and if he persists, play against other people in the future instead.


If you intend to field it at a tourney, best check the local rules for modelling first as you may run into a few issues here and there.



My 2 Kraks

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"That power weapon is gold and not blue, therefore I say its not WYSIWYG,"


The worst I ever had was "that boltgun isn't painted boltgun metal, therefore it isn't WYSIWYG because boltguns have to be painted with boltgun metal". Mine were painted with Mithril Silver. He also told me my Flesh Tearers couldn't be used with the pdf Codex Blood Angels because they weren't painted as Blood Angels. He had a force of brass coloured Necrons. I've never left a game so quickly in my life.


I always figure, if its modelled (not painted) correctly, then its fine. If an opponent says "this is x, and that is y" thats cool be me. So long as they don't try to claim bolters are lascannons or some such nonsense, I don't tend to worry.


I'd be happy with a Contemptor fielded as a dread, I mean, its a Contemptor DREADNOUGHT. :)


Just my two pence. And some rambling...........................


EDIT: Typo

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"That power weapon is gold and not blue, therefore I say its not WYSIWYG,"


The worst I ever had was "that boltgun isn't painted boltgun metal, therefore it isn't WYSIWYG because boltguns have to be painted with boltgun metal". Mine were painted with Mithril Silver. He also told me my Flesh Tearers couldn't be used with the pdf Codex Blood Angels because they weren't painted as Blood Angels. He had a force of brass coloured Necrons. I've never left a game so quickly in my life.


I always figure, if its modelled (not painted) correctly, then its fine. If an opponent says "this is x, and that is y" thats cool be me. So long as they don't try to claim bolters are lascannons or some such nonsense, I don't tend to worry.


I'd be happy with a Contemptor fielded as a dread, I mean, its a Contemptor DREADNOUGHT. :teehee:


I hope by left you mean beat him with the BA Codex, then got out of there before the cops arrived. :D

Did you tell him that he obviously wasn't using real necrons, as the codex clearly shows them silver colored?

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"That power weapon is gold and not blue, therefore I say its not WYSIWYG,"


The worst I ever had was "that boltgun isn't painted boltgun metal, therefore it isn't WYSIWYG because boltguns have to be painted with boltgun metal". Mine were painted with Mithril Silver. He also told me my Flesh Tearers couldn't be used with the pdf Codex Blood Angels because they weren't painted as Blood Angels. He had a force of brass coloured Necrons. I've never left a game so quickly in my life.


I always figure, if its modelled (not painted) correctly, then its fine. If an opponent says "this is x, and that is y" thats cool be me. So long as they don't try to claim bolters are lascannons or some such nonsense, I don't tend to worry.


I'd be happy with a Contemptor fielded as a dread, I mean, its a Contemptor DREADNOUGHT. :D


I hope by left you mean beat him with the BA Codex, then got out of there before the cops arrived. ;)

Did you tell him that he obviously wasn't using real necrons, as the codex clearly shows them silver colored?


I didn't pass my leadership test to assault him.


I did tell him that however....

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"That power weapon is gold and not blue, therefore I say its not WYSIWYG,"


The worst I ever had was "that boltgun isn't painted boltgun metal, therefore it isn't WYSIWYG because boltguns have to be painted with boltgun metal". Mine were painted with Mithril Silver. He also told me my Flesh Tearers couldn't be used with the pdf Codex Blood Angels because they weren't painted as Blood Angels. He had a force of brass coloured Necrons. I've never left a game so quickly in my life.


I always figure, if its modelled (not painted) correctly, then its fine. If an opponent says "this is x, and that is y" thats cool be me. So long as they don't try to claim bolters are lascannons or some such nonsense, I don't tend to worry.


I'd be happy with a Contemptor fielded as a dread, I mean, its a Contemptor DREADNOUGHT. :D


Just my two pence. And some rambling...........................


EDIT: Typo


It would be times like this that I would regret not having a Chaos Dreadnought and long socks, or at least, the hard back BRB.

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