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Sang guard army. Help!?


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So, with much love I'm deciding to start up a S guard army apart from my already large BA army.


Haven't really ever played with them. How should I start off? How do they deal with stuff like armor etc etc. At 750 to start I was thinking Dante / 2 squads and a Priest. Without much room to upgrade. As it gets bigger how should I attack the situation?

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One of the SG benifits is they have the cheapest Infernus pistols in the game. You have enough points to put a fist and 2 Infernus pistols in each unit if you count Dantes. The second half of last year I was playing SG armies. At low points they do pretty good.
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That's what I was thinking of doing.


1 unit run with Dante with 2 infernos pistols and the fist. Drop them riiiight where I want them and fire away into what I can. Then try and throw the second squad into something to use the pistols to pop something else while still keeping them in counter charge range for Dante's squad.


To move upwards of 1000 and the 1250 range what would be advised to put into the list? Another squad? Lib? Or the sanguinator?

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I don't have an all Sanguinary Guard army but they do form the core for my army in a role of elite infantry/tank hunters. For this purpose I field them:


In a single 5 man squad

With 2 infernus pistols

A Chapter Banner,

Accompanied by Dante and a Sanguinary Priest (with Jump Pack)


This combo (while quite expensive) has been able to take on pretty much everything it is thrown at. The main thing you need to worry about is that you need to be the one to decide who they'll be fighting.

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Played a 750pt game against Grey Knights one time using Dante and two units of Sanguinary Guard. They did really well and won the game. My friend who was playing Grey Knights took Terminators and Sanguninary Guard do really well against Terminators.


Not to take away from the victory but Fromm the sound of things then the GK player didn't bring a great list. In general, termies will massacre sang guard as they will prob have I6 force weapons, which will just tear through you.


To the OP, just get more sang guard! They are a good aloud unit and I would say that until you are having battles larger than 1500 pts then they arall you need, apart from priests obviously.

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Played a 750pt game against Grey Knights one time using Dante and two units of Sanguinary Guard. They did really well and won the game. My friend who was playing Grey Knights took Terminators and Sanguninary Guard do really well against Terminators.


Not to take away from the victory but Fromm the sound of things then the GK player didn't bring a great list. In general, termies will massacre sang guard as they will prob have I6 force weapons, which will just tear through you.


To the OP, just get more sang guard! They are a good aloud unit and I would say that until you are having battles larger than 1500 pts then they arall you need, apart from priests obviously.


I should point out that it was a while ago. I think the new codex was out but I should also mention that he doesn't have a lot of Grey Knights. I think he has more Tau and he is also currently collecting IG. It was a list we put together in a hurry as well. They were my newest models so I wanted to rty them out.

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I have also started a SG based army recently with a view to taking it to a doubles tournament eventually. I have only had one game with them so far but I tabled my opposition by turn 4.


I had:

Dante + SG squad with inferno pistol


Sanguinary priest accompanying another squad of SG with an inferno pistol






Rune Priest


2x grey hunter squads loaded with plasma


3 thunder wolves with storm shields and a frost blade


Lone wolf


I found that the sanguinary guard are great all rounders. Their shooting range is chronically short but much more powerful than I expected. In my mind I had them as assault marines+ but their angelus bolters threw out enough shots to make grey hunters fall over with amusing speed, especially when coupled with inferno pistols. I cannot wait to use them against eldar where their ap4 will mean something. Combats involving them were horrifically one sided, even against Thunderwolves which they munched up in no time at all (I5 on the charge ftw). However, by far and away the best part was the maneuverability afforded by their jump packs and the amount of armour they have. (2+/4+ fnp is nice)


During the game I lost my priest, vindicator and one SG to a lucky chained lightning hit, I expected to lose the vindi as I used it as a bait unit. Losing the priest to a rending hit from the lone wolf was irritating but entirely my fault as I messed up the positioning. The combination of the maneuverability of the guard and the firepower of the vindi put me firmly in control. His wolf priest dying after being cursed by Dante and then getting a perils result entertained me hugely.


The things I think helped me win were staying hidden/out of range until i decided i wanted to hit, then i hit with everything in one place and devastated the target squads. Then used terrain/tank to shield the SG from reprisal until they hit again.

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