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Dreadnought and Terminator heavy/rapid fire, then Assault?


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Just wondering if (Chaos) Terminators, or Dreadnoughts can assault after firing Rapid Fire/ Heavy weapons? I know Terminators can move and shoot although standing still, but that still doesn't mean they can still assault. Likewise with Walkers being able to fire all weapons and move.


Another thought was a Chaos Rhino: can it move and shoot it's Rapid Fire weapon 24"? The passengers?

(A few friends of mine believe that a Rhino that has only moved 6", can fire 2 Heavy Weapons belonging to the squad inside. Not sure about that.)


Hope people can help me clear this up.


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Just wondering if (Chaos) Terminators, or Dreadnoughts can assault after firing Rapid Fire/ Heavy weapons? I know Terminators can move and shoot although standing still, but that still doesn't mean they can still assault. Likewise with Walkers being able to fire all weapons and move.


Another thought was a Chaos Rhino: can it move and shoot it's Rapid Fire weapon 24"? The passengers?

(A few friends of mine believe that a Rhino that has only moved 6", can fire 2 Heavy Weapons belonging to the squad inside. Not sure about that.)


Hope people can help me clear this up.



Relentless questions are cleared up on page 76 of the BRB


The Rhino is under the Fire Points heading on page 66



I need more coffee. That did not actually answer anything.


Relentless: for rapid fire and heavy ... move shoot and assault.


Transports: if the tank moved, the people inside count as having moved. Unlike earlier editions, in 5th Ed weapons marked as Heavy can not fire if the rhino moved.

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Transports: if the tank moved, the people inside count as having moved. Unlike earlier editions, in 5th Ed weapons marked as Heavy can not fire if the rhino moved.

Unless, of course, the the troops being transported have the Relentless or Slow And Purposeful USR, or some other rule that lets them fire heavy weapons after moving.

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Transports: if the tank moved, the people inside count as having moved. Unlike earlier editions, in 5th Ed weapons marked as Heavy can not fire if the rhino moved.

Unless, of course, the the troops being transported have the Relentless or Slow And Purposeful USR, or some other rule that lets them fire heavy weapons after moving.



I take it that Dreadnoughts can also move, shoot aand assault (even with heavy/ rapid).

Thatnks. Now I can clear a few things up in my local club. :D

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Transports: if the tank moved, the people inside count as having moved. Unlike earlier editions, in 5th Ed weapons marked as Heavy can not fire if the rhino moved.

Unless, of course, the the troops being transported have the Relentless or Slow And Purposeful USR, or some other rule that lets them fire heavy weapons after moving.



I take it that Dreadnoughts can also move, shoot aand assault (even with heavy/ rapid).

Thatnks. Now I can clear a few things up in my local club. ;)

Yeah, walkers can shoot & assault.


Might want to tell your local club to RtBRB; all these questions were spelled out very plainly in the rulebook.

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Transports: if the tank moved, the people inside count as having moved. Unlike earlier editions, in 5th Ed weapons marked as Heavy can not fire if the rhino moved.

Unless, of course, the the troops being transported have the Relentless or Slow And Purposeful USR, or some other rule that lets them fire heavy weapons after moving.



I take it that Dreadnoughts can also move, shoot aand assault (even with heavy/ rapid).

Thatnks. Now I can clear a few things up in my local club. ;)

Yeah, walkers can shoot & assault.


Might want to tell your local club to RtBRB; all these questions were spelled out very plainly in the rulebook.

Yeah. They're veterans of older rule books, so they sometimes they just assume they know certain rules.

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Just wondering if (Chaos) Terminators, or Dreadnoughts can assault after firing Rapid Fire/ Heavy weapons? I know Terminators can move and shoot although standing still, but that still doesn't mean they can still assault. Likewise with Walkers being able to fire all weapons and move.

First of all, you seem to be playing with approximative rules. You should bring the CSM codex and the Rulebook (even the small one) with you. This will be easy as what you're asking is expressivly stated. Just be kind and explain the differences between your previous games and what does the rules state.


The easier question relates to Dreadnoughts. Dreadnougth are walker (see Rulebook). As per its walker section, they can shoot all their weapons (including heavy ones even after moving) and still assault thereafter.


Terminators (in general) have the Relentless rule in the TDA equipment section of their codex (see the army codex). That means they can move and shoot anyweapon as if they aren't moving, and assault (the same target) thereafter.


Chaos Terminators are an exception. The TDA equipment section doesn't state they have Relentless (see CSM codex). However they have somekind of clunky rule that's very close to the Relentless one : They can shoot heavy weapons after moving and assault after firing Heavy or Rapid Fire weapons. This little difference means they cannot shoot Rapid Fire weapons to full range after moving.


Another thought was a Chaos Rhino: can it move and shoot it's Rapid Fire weapon 24"? The passengers?

(A few friends of mine believe that a Rhino that has only moved 6", can fire 2 Heavy Weapons belonging to the squad inside. Not sure about that.)

See rulebook (vehicules section) :

Rhino (including Chaos one) are vehicules. That mean it can fire all their weapons if they doesn't move. If it moves at combat speed, 1 weapon and every defensive one (as if not moving). If it moves up to 12', they cannot fire any weapons.

It's rapid fire weapon is a twin linked bolter (S4 -> defensive weapon), that means you should be able to fire it up to its full range if the Rhino moves at combat speed. The Havok Launcher (S5 -> not a defensive weapon) can be fire up to its full range if the Rhino moves at combat speed (but not the Havok Launcher and the pin mounted Melta gun).


See rulebook (transport section) If it moves at combat speed, it's passengers count as moving. The transport doesn't give them the Relentless rule, thus they shouldn't be able to fire any heavy weapon. If the Rhino move quickier, they cannot shoot at all while they stand in the Rhino.


Hope people can help me clear this up.


You're welcome.


I hope that my answer is clear and concise. I'll come back later to quote pages numbers if you don't see what I'm referencing yourself.


PS: One exception to the walkers: if they fire a Ordonnance weapon, they cannot shoot anyother one. That's what happens to the Defiler in CSM codex firing Battle Canons.


PS2: I've been using 6' as a reference to combat speed.

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Thank you Panda.

I do always take my codex with me, but because I was unsure of these rules I hadn't used them yet. I asked because others used them against me, and I did question it, but when the two guys saying it's legal are the ones you usually ask (because they've memorised the rule book [just might be an older one]) instead of wasting 20 mins flicking through the rule book...

Doesn't matter. I still got a draw. :)

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