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All Infantry, No DOA?


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Has anyone ever ran a BA army with all infantry models, no vehicles, and no deep striking? If so, how did it fare, and what were some tactics used? Tonight, I'll be running a list with four tactical squads, two assault squads, and a Devastator squad. I'm going for the battle company feel and this is the first time playing an army with this type of build. I'll have a captain and two priests along for the ride for a total of 73 infantry models. This is a scenario in the Badab War campaign my gaming group has been running for a while, and honestly I'm optimistic about how much fun and what a change of pace this type of game will provide.
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It'll probably be a very funny game - but don't forget to get some hardhitters into the mix! At that high number of marines, it would be very fluffy to add a squad of Death Company to jump beside your assault squads. You could drop a tactical squad or so and get yourself something even more deadly in any situation. Just a thought though, still a nice idea. ;)





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Should be very fun, although I would consider dropping a tactical squad and adding another devastator squad. The problem with tactical squads is that they can't use their heavy weapon on the move, and bolters don't have the best range. So you're going to either have to stand still and single shot bolters along with the heavy and special weapon, or advance and not fire anything until you're basically within charge range. If you add more devs you'll alleviate that problem a bit with more long range fire support.
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Did a 1500pt game a while back all footsloging, 15 tactical terminators, small dev squad and 3 tactical squads plus a sternguard squad , a couple of priests and a terminator librarian... Vs dark eldar. Was quite funny, got shot to pieces on the way in cos my heavies couldn't take down his ravagers due to poor damage rolls but I shot his squads to ribbons after dismounting them from their raiders. Had a multi-melta dread in a drop pod as well which tied up his lord and friends for 4 turns as well. Have a good game and learn from it whatever the result.
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Thanks for the replies everyone. I wound up using the list I posted earlier, as I already had it all packed in foam and ready to go. Turns out that tactical squads are mean when in rapid fire range, especially with a flamer or plasmagun in the squad. I always hear so much about dont take tacticals, but from a fluffy perspective, they are awesome. I had the privilege of using two tactical squads concentrating fire on an individual unit then having an assault squad charge into said unit and mop up rather handily. Playing a roll dice and tie game, the only reason I didn't snag a victory was due to the fact that massed fire from a tactical squad and a combat squad of devastators couldn't bring down four enemy tactical marines screened by a terminator squad. This problem was due to my deployment and overthinking movement to attempt to avoid deep striking units. And that Lysander ate half an assault squad. An assault squad that I sent on a suicide mission to wipe out his troop selection holding his objective in the hopes that he couldn't get another troops choice to the marker before the game ended. Unfortunately for me, the troops were destroyed, but he rolled consecutive sixes on run rolls.


Regardless, playing most of a battle company was quite an enjoyable experience. Lessened mobility of foot troops really made me consider deployment, movement and positioning moreso than a mech army. Also, there's something rather cinematic and intimidating about placing 73 marine infantry models on a table. All in all, highly recommended. I believe I may end up playing more games with this list.

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The most successful BA list I ever ran was that make up, buuuut, it wasnt a 5th ed. list though. It was 3rd ed. So, I'm not sure how applicable it will be.


Id say its rockable.

You biggest issue is, however, that you aren't assaulty enough to take it to the assault armies, and arent shooty enough to take it to the shooty armies, so you can often be outmatched on more fronts, and you're less mobile. An attack bike or six may not be a bad idea! They're not vehicles ;)

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I think people underestimate BA Tacticals especially when supported with a priest and using cover. My LGS opponents get really frustrated trying to remove even a combat squad from some ruins when supported with a priest. They waste firepower because a small unit should theoretically die to the ammount of firepower they are using. This allows my fast attacks to swoop in or some elite squad like Sanguinary Guard.

Except one player and his Guard list that no one has beaten. It's pretty hectic.

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