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Iron Vultures

The One True Donut

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Eh? Eh?


Anyway, fluff:


Home Planet: Charybdis V


I figured they'd be a Iron Hands successor (unknown founding) with the ultimate goal of accumulating as much of a technological legacy (i.e. Terminator suits, dreads, other assorted artifacts) as possible. They have a reputation for looting and reclaiming as many usable relics as possible from old battlefields, defeated chaos marines, and space hulks as possible. Their fortress monastery's armories and workshops are a treasure trove of salvageable odds and ends constantly being tinkered with, fitted together, and used to repair damaged or defective equipment. Haven't come up with a chapter master or anything yet, if anyone has ideas, feel free to chip in.

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One issue that occurs is that reclaiming stuff that is Chaos contaminated, whether by use by traitors, or by long term exposure in the Warp in a space hulk, is dangerous in terms of becoming contaminated yourself. While fanatically loyal, regular Astartes aren't the best qualified people, not the worst but not the best, to be doing such things. The Inquisition may not be overly impressed or at the least would want to keep a very close eye on what was going on. Witness what happened to the Relictors.


That said, I think you can work out a way to make this manageable, and the basic idea of a bunch of tech-obsessed Marines with a shed full of bits and bobs they're seeking to fix is nice.


I think the tech-hunting aspect shouldn't be the main focus of their activities - that should remain fighting the Emperor's enemies where-ever they find them. But looting/reclaiming after that, or actively looking out for opportunities to do so could work in well with that.

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Welcome to the B&C ;)


The idea is a start but there's one question you should ask yourself all the time when making a DIY chapter and that question is 'Why?'. Why do they chase technological artefacts? There's a few chapters with the idea you have (like their fore-father chapter), as is the same with all DIY ideas. The way you can distinguish them is by their motivation. What's the reason for them chasing these? Was it an event in the past or just a generally growing fetish for holy technology over the course of their existence? If you can start answering these questions, you start building the chapter's character or theme and this is the most important part of a DIY chapter. Good luck with it!

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