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Apostles of Contagion

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Thanks Ghost and Syth. I really feel like a spent a large amount of time for, well, what I think are sub-standard results. The colors were so much more vibrant before I gave it a Devlan mud wash, but I wanted to give them a dirty feel as well, given their native environment will be swampland... Looking at the up-close pics of them, they just look a bit sloppy... but I'm determined to get a fully painted, tabletop level force by the end of the month, so I'll do some touch-ups, highlighting and finer detailing once that goal has been accomplished. In my own humble opinion, as well as my gaming buddies', they look great on the table. I can't wait to get a full army shot of them.


I really hope they come out with some new nurglings with the rumored (confirmed?) up-coming release of plastic plaguebearers. I hope that, if they do release nurglings along with PBs, they are both more in line with existing and current concept art as well. I'd love to see a herald or 'plaguebearer command' model based off of the Daemons dex cover art. A plastic palanquin upgrade would be a nice addition as well. There is a lot of potential for interesting bits...

Small update. Haven't had any time to myself the last few days, but I picked up my termi lord again today and got to drilling... and sawing... and cutting... and just a bit of gluing and scraping. I'll have to make some kind of arcane nurgle talisman to go on the end of the last chain. I dug the zombie out of my bits... the head is too big for 40k, so I'll have to rustle up another one, but this is the gist of it. The idea, I hope, is obvious. He's spreading some zombie plague. The zombie will have water effects pouring/dripping off of him a bit to give the impression that he's rising out of the swamp.


Do you think the chains are enough, or go with a bit more? I may try to close his fist a bit as well...



  • 1 month later...

Working on a Herald on Palanquin for my Daemons allies.


Also, just about ready to paint my Terminators for the Dark Angels vow thing. I tried to match the Forgeworld style as much as possible. These are a couple examples. There are 2 more done as well. I just have to drill out the barrels and add a couple (im)purity seals and they're done. The tentacle needs a bit more work than that.




Thanks. The pustules are from a water filter, like a brita or some similar brand. I got the filter at a thrift shop for a dollar. I gave them the pitcher it came with back. One filter will give you enough for a lifetime supply of those things.

Ok here's the complete power-tentacle termi, and a shot of the plague-reaper I'm in the middle of converting.



Get that thing away from my face!



Darn near used up all my skulls doing this up.


Power tentacle Termi is looking great, the plague reaper is looking cool so far as well. For skulls you might want to check out this guy http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/251008722957?ssP...984.m1423.l2649 on ebay.


Ridiculously cheap and good quality, Ive got literally hundreds of them lying around. :)

  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks Brother Syth! And NH!


@Biohazard thanks for the suggestion.. .sorry for the slow reply :\


@Daemonclaw, funny you should say that :| they're based the same way :? I'm sure they'll look much better once some paint gets on them. Your comment did make me think a couple of them were a bit too plain, so I'll be adding a few things before I prime them just to spruce it up a bit.



Here is my Terminator Sorceror/Lord. I planned the model to have a zombie in it well before the rumour of zombies in the new codex (as they're in the Siege of Vraks campaigns and in Apoc), and zombies fit the fluff of the Apostles of Contagion, but now that they're sure to be in the new 'dex... WOOT!


He's about 95% done being converted, with only a bolter/combi-weapon to be added in somewhere... possibly a melta pistol in a holster on his left hip. I dunno. He needs some basing material as well, but here he is.





Oh and I've magnetized 3 of those terminators after I got a quick lesson in how not to deepstrike them in next to a Defiler... so now they can have combi-meltas. :]

  • 3 weeks later...
Thanks! He's actually a sorceror in termie armor. The bloated arm is homage to Necrosius, and I suppose this guy is one of his lieutenants. I'll post a better pic showcasing him tomorrow. I did quite a bit more work than what you can see, like a little maggot familiar crawling in and out of his shoulder armor, a bloated and split arm showing muscle tissue underneath, a wood-panel combi-melta pistol (magnetized to the hip), and a sorcerer-scroll to top it off.

I think I damned-near had a nerd-gasm when I noticed the Zombie crawling out of Typhus' base, amazing work! ;)


This is a really top-looking army, I love how you've integrated several 'eras' of Plaguemarine/Nurgle models ;) ;) Lovely conversions, outstanding work!

Firestorm, I think 'nerdgasm' is possibly the best compliment that could ever be given! Thanks.


@MR, Yeah, I'm trying to bring in all of my collection, and bring it together with paint. I still have a ton of work to do, but I'm closing in on actually having my 1500-point standard army (all-comers list) completely painted, and that feels pretty good.


@Brother Syth, I got it in with 10 minutes to spare!


Here are some finalized pics. Looking at the photos, I'm probably going to go in a touch up some areas and maybe add some more fine detailing (if I ever get around to it), and finish off the base, but they're done for now. Here's a poor-man's 360 view of the Sorceror, and another pic of the rest of the squad. The banner on the Exarch will be done when my buddy figures out what he's doing with his eldar, and I apparently have a lot to learn about painting natural skin tones... he turned out rather flat. Nothing I can't go back in and correct, though, after doing a bit of homework.









  • 2 months later...

Thanks TG (didn't see you post here or would've replied sooner :/ ).


Here's what I got done today, for my new list (and for the Call of Chaos V challenge). Two squads worth of Autocannon Havocs. May they reap what they sow. I spent the better part of the day drilling, pinning and filing away mold lines. Gotta love metal. I didn't even have to order any bits! Found all this in my box. Going to convert the heavy bolters into ACs this weekend (even my artwork conversion, so he'll see some love on the field instead of on the shelf).




The second one from the left makes me think of Rambo for some reason. "I'm your worst nightmare" lol.

As a longtime devotee of the Plague father, I have to say BRAVO. The Typhus model though..... is giving me heartburn..... mostly because now I may have to loot your idea and do something similar. :) Great stuff, I love some of the old models and seeing that book cover from the original Chaos book brings back lots of memories from college. I wish I had bought a copy back then -always used my roomate's- they are hard to come by these days. Love the verdigris n the armor. Terminators are just inspirational. Keep up the good work.


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