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5th Company Imperial Fists


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Greetings and salutations!

I´ve been lurking around this forum for a little while and thought I might share some of the stuff I´m up to.

First, a short introduction:

I´m a long time hobbyist, but I've been gone for a couple of years. When I got back into the hobby it was because I realised I really enjoy the building/painting/planning part of army building. Lets face it: most of my time in this hobby will be spent alone, building, painting or planning, rather than gaming!

So, me and a couple of friends started out with a "Tale of 4 gamers"-kinda deal.

The rules are:

1. It have to be a new army.

2. There is a requirement of 1 painted unit/month.

3. Supply a armylist of 500 points.

4. Stick to the list!

After a short time considering I went for Imperial Fists, for two reasons: I have never, in 15 active hobby years, painted a Space Marine. And the Imperial Fists have always been the ones that piqued my interest, fluff-wise. And yellow is a hard colour to pull off.

So...last month I tried out some techniques that just wasn't right for me and basically botched a Tactical Squad.

This month I got the kit with the new GW colours and thought I'll give it a go. This is the result so far:





This is to get a sense of the size of the model on the scenic base:


Feel free to ignore the base, as this is not yet finished.

I´ll try to slab some paint on two more of these bad boys tomorrow, I´ll try to add some pictures then as well!

Comments and criticism is more than welcome, it´s actually the reason I´m posting this stuff ^^

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Nice looking marine. Would be interested in the paints you used from the new range to achieve that. I think your off to a good start.


Thank you!


The paints used is: Averland Sunset (Base), Casandora Yellow (Wash), Yriel Yellow (Layer) and final highlight with Flash Gits Yellow (Also Layer).

Used Chaos Black as base.


I´ve got two more waiting for the Chaos Black to dry, I'll try to snap a couple of WIP shots during the day!

Looking very nice indeed! Let's see some more like this please. ^_^


Thank you! I actually have two more already finished, but didn´t get a chance to take any useful pictures ^_^

I´m hoping for some time to both paint and photograph the little I have done so far during sunday or start of the week!

Better late than never!

This is a sort of WIP-post, just to give you guys some insight in the new paints and washes.

Step 1:

Assemble some the Emperors finest!


Step 1.2:

Assemble some more!


Step....3, really (no picture of these guys with undercoat. They where, however, spraypainted with Chaos Black):

This is a comparison between before and after wash. The guy to the right is just painted with Averland Sunset, the new base colour for yellow. The guy on the left is COVERED in Casoandra Yellow for illustrative purposes :lol:


Step 4:

Guy to the left is, as you can see, washed with Casoandra Yellow. The guy on the right is cleaned up with Yriel Yellow.

(Not too pleased with the picture on this one, I´ll try to get a better one up when possible)


Still final highlighting left, which will be done with Flash Gits Yellow.

I´ve focused on the yellows, but if you want to I can take it step-by-step on the other stuff as well?

Is this what you guys want too read and see, by the way? Or do you want other content? More pictures of finished marines rather than WIP? If noone says anything, I´ll just keep posting stuff like this ^^

Really good to see the progress you are making on the fists, and also how other people approach painting yellow (especially with the new paint range!)


Good work as ever, where do you get your bases from by the way?


Thanks, mate!


I found them at a local retailer where I live, but they are availabel to order from this place:



The bases I´m using are these:



Me and my friends are planning on getting the Zone Mortalis from Forge World and I think those will fit well in!

Gotta love 5th company, whatever chapter. I'm never sure about mixing marks of armour. I've had to in the past, but I'm pretty sure there used to be some fluff that some armour marks were more compatible than others. Maybe I'm just talking rubbish though.


Keep going. Good to see more fists out there.

Gotta love 5th company, whatever chapter. I'm never sure about mixing marks of armour. I've had to in the past, but I'm pretty sure there used to be some fluff that some armour marks were more compatible than others. Maybe I'm just talking rubbish though.


Keep going. Good to see more fists out there.



Aye, I really like the black trimmings on the fifth, it makes the models "pop" in my eyes ^^


Regarding mixing of the armour:

There is quite a bit of fluff coming regarding these units, I have a plan that hopefully will make the units and armour mismatches come together :D

  • 4 weeks later...

An update here is long overdue!

My apologies for that, some progress have been made, though.

First up is a sergant with power fist and plasma pistol:


As you can see, I went with the red skull on the helmet as far as markings go. And a lot of my guys will have the red stripe of veterans on their helmets, since I like to think of the tactial squads as the elite backbone of any codex army and therefore should have lots of veterans.

Second up is another sergant, also with power fist and plasma pistol:


I bought a assult squad, just to get some variety in leg poses, heads and so forth.

Next up is my HQ (at 500pt):


The pic is a bit shady, though. He doesn´t really shine ^^

And finally:


A WIP shot on one of two Razorbacks. The plan for those are to magnetize weapon choices (probably even the whole weapon platform, so they´ll be able to work as rhinos as well) and both back and side doors will be operable. (Thanks to http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.p...showarticle=160 Big love to Brother Exodus!)

My fully painted force at the moment is 7 battle-brothers, 2 Sergants and 1 Chaplain. So....not a lot. But getting there! :rolleyes:

C&C is welcomed!

Looking good. Like the poses, and like you have utilized the assault squad sprue for running legs as well. I also dig into the Blood Angels sprues as they have some nice flowing scrolls and running legs as well. The Blood tears are easy to modify into gems or remove completely.


Liking the interior to the Rhino as well. Keep it up!

  • 3 weeks later...
Looking good. Like the poses, and like you have utilized the assault squad sprue for running legs as well. I also dig into the Blood Angels sprues as they have some nice flowing scrolls and running legs as well. The Blood tears are easy to modify into gems or remove completely.

Liking the interior to the Rhino as well. Keep it up!

Thank you, Brother Syth! (Sorry about late answer, have been doing some crunchin at work).

This is not so much of an update, I just wanted to report in and show you some pics I snapped of the Chaplain:




Some closeups on the details:



As you can see, nothing fancy! Only "fistifing" I´ve done on him is the yellow on the shoulderpad and a small Fist on the right knee.

As always, I haven´t finished the base yet. This is because I haven´t decided quite the theme on the battlefield yet. Will be quite dark and "metaly" I think.

Really nice fists you have there - the mix of armour types is always nice to see.

As an added tip, Army Painter do a range of colour primer spraycans. The Desert Yellow (which is what I use on my IF's) looks to be a match for your Averland Sunset base. The spray could save you a whole heap of time in basecoating the models. They also do a range of paints which exactly match the stuff in the cans - handy for touch-ups etc :)

Really nice fists you have there - the mix of armour types is always nice to see.

As an added tip, Army Painter do a range of colour primer spraycans. The Desert Yellow (which is what I use on my IF's) looks to be a match for your Averland Sunset base. The spray could save you a whole heap of time in basecoating the models. They also do a range of paints which exactly match the stuff in the cans - handy for touch-ups etc :)



Thanks, mate!

Regarding Army Painter: I tried it for the very first unit of Fists I made, but I found it a bit thick? It drowned some of the details on my models and I just couldn´t take it!

Have it worked better for you? (And thanks for the tip! :D)

Really nice fists you have there - the mix of armour types is always nice to see.

As an added tip, Army Painter do a range of colour primer spraycans. The Desert Yellow (which is what I use on my IF's) looks to be a match for your Averland Sunset base. The spray could save you a whole heap of time in basecoating the models. They also do a range of paints which exactly match the stuff in the cans - handy for touch-ups etc :D



Thanks, mate!

Regarding Army Painter: I tried it for the very first unit of Fists I made, but I found it a bit thick? It drowned some of the details on my models and I just couldn´t take it!

Have it worked better for you? (And thanks for the tip! :))

No problems - tips and advice are always free :)

I find that you need to shake the can well and spray in short, quick bursts going from left to right (I'm right handed so this is easier for me). Only spray in bursts of no more than a second or two at the most as this helps prevent build-up of paint and always keep the can moving.


Hope that helps.

Also make sure you are 10-12 inches away from the models so they only get a light dusting per pass. You can easily build it up from there but thats so you dont over do it and clog the details. Also if you are spraying outside watch temperature and humidity as that will depend on how fast the paint dries from leaving the can to the model. Obviously the hotter and drier the shorter the distance should be (say 8 inches or so), the cooler and more humid try to stay around the normal distance.


Hope that helps!

Also make sure you are 10-12 inches away from the models so they only get a light dusting per pass. You can easily build it up from there but thats so you dont over do it and clog the details. Also if you are spraying outside watch temperature and humidity as that will depend on how fast the paint dries from leaving the can to the model. Obviously the hotter and drier the shorter the distance should be (say 8 inches or so), the cooler and more humid try to stay around the normal distance.


Hope that helps!

Oh yeah - forgot about the distance you should spray from.

And it goes without saying about wind speed and direction.

  • 10 months later...


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