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Can ICs without Stealth benefit by joining a squad with it?

Iron Lord

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Q: If only some of the models in a unit have the Stealth special rule, does the whole unit benefit from the +1 cover save? (p76)

A: Yes. In effect the ones with the Stealth special rule ensure their colleagues also find good places to hide.


This seems pretty suggestive of it- but I've seen it argued that special rules never "carry over" to characters unless it's specifically stated, and that Stealth does not specifically state it- and that this FAQ answer only applies to upgrade characters.


Is that argument right?

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The asterisk (*) is there to denote USRs that are lost when joined with an IC/unit that does not also have the USR. Stealth is not flagged like this so a unit with Stealth that is joined by an IC without it get to keep heir Stealth.


Reading through the BRB, the two rules after Stealth will show examples of rules the state they carry over to the unit (Stubborn) and a rule that does not mention carry over nor does it have an asterisk (Swarms)


So, the IC does not actually get the +1 cover for being attached to the unit. On the other hand, according to the rules for units being partially in cover you apply any cover that the majority of the unit may have. In most cases, the IC will benefit from the Stealth special rule. If you are faced by an assassin or some other unit with the ability to fire at specific models within a unit, then the IC will not be able to claim the +1 cover save since the Stealth USR does not explicitly state that it may transfer over the joining models.


I think I got everything covered there. So the answer to the question is: "kind of."

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The unit doesn't lose Stealth, due to the BRB and it not haivng an *. The FAQ states that the whole unit has the benefit of Stealth.


Therefore, when an IC attaches to a unit with Stealth, the unit doesn't lose thier special rule, and the whole unit, including the IC gains the benefit of it.

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That's what I thought- but I saw it argued that even when an IC has joined a unit, he's not part of it- he's a unit of 1 which is adjacent to another unit, so doesnt benefit from that FAQ answer.


They also cited Cust/Serve to support it:




Seems like stretching things a bit to me.

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Customer Service hasnt ever been a reliable place to get answers. Well... there was a period, lasted about six months that they were mostly consistent, but that was also several years ago and sadly short lived.


Unless its printed and publicly posted/available it doesnt count for much. And... not saying that they did, but anyone can fake an email for a couple minutes work if they wanted to.

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That's kinda what I thought.


I can understand objections to a Lord Inquisitor with cloak joining a big unit (Conscripts, platoon that's joined all its squads together) and them all benefiting from his Stealth rule- but it does seem like that's the way Stealth in a mixed unit (some with, some without) works.

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