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Ruins with a floor


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Okay serious question. Of course when it comes to terrain you should always agree ahead of time how it works. So this question is 'How would you play it?'.


The text diagram below features a common ruin from GW we often use:



|xxxxxxxx     xxxxxxx   xxx

|xxxxxxxx     xxxxxxx   xxx








_ outer wall

| outer wall

xx upper ledge


Basically you have two walls that form a corner and there is no floor underneath - just open ground - you've just got the two walls attached at the corner with the upper ledges on the inside (the inside area is within the two walls and underneath the upper ledges).


Q: Would you play the ground level inside as difficult terrain or not?


Note - Typically I play area terrain as pieces that have some type of floor/ground attached as a base.


G :D

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Anything we say is going to be in the realm of "house rules" just because that is the way buildings are handled in RAW.


We usually do not call those pieces Area Terrain. That said, every piece of terrain we use has a base of some sort. Hills are themselves the base. Forrest, swamps and brush will have felt templates laid down and the appropriate decorations (trees or lichen brush) placed on the template base. These are the only things we call Area Terrain. The large GW ruins are on a base and that base denotes the area that is difficult terrain; moving anywhere on the base on ground level or above is difficult terrain but it is not Area Terrain so it is possible to not get any cover from the ruin.


But that is all just our convention. You need to discuss the terrain with your opponent. You could claim that same piece is impassable. You could agree to treat the ground floor as difficult terrain and the upper levels as dangerous if you want. Terrain and especially buildings only have whatever rules you give them before the game starts.

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