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Chaos Chosen Marines

KoRny Kenny

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Unrelated, but why must Obliterators be so expensive?!
They felt adequately costed to me when the book first got out (they got a price increase over the last edition, but still), now, not so much. I blame codex creep.
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I roll a 5man squad with mark of Nurgle and 4x Meltas. The Champion packs a powerfist... just in case.

With the infiltrate special rule, I drop them as close as possible to the biggest, baddest enemy tank and try and melt the horrible thing.


Admittedly, a rather costly unit, but if deployed in cover, coupled with mark of Nurgle, they are hard to move.

Plus it gives me an Icon, allowing me to drop Terminators up close and personal, getting them into combat ASAP.


When I'm lucky enough to score the first turn, they have accounted for a Necron Monolyth, a Land Raider, and an Ork Battlewagon.

Needless to say the Necron player wasn't too happy, since his strategy revolved around dropping his troops out of the Monolyth...


They can be a bit of a one hit wonder... But its so much fun watching your opponents prized vehicle turn into slag,

If you get unlucky with shooting, you might be lucky enough to have your opponent unleash everything on them.

This meaning the rest of your army remains un-molested, and once again, with Mark of Nurgle and cover saves, you might get another shot off!

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Just another quick thought, if you don't plan on using their Infiltrating options and you have the room in Heavy Support, you could run the same equipment options as Havoks for -3 ppm if they are using Special Weapons.
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Just another quick thought, if you don't plan on using their Infiltrating options and you have the room in Heavy Support, you could run the same equipment options as Havoks for -3 ppm if they are using Special Weapons.


Not too bad an idea, but I think I'll stick with them as Chosen as I've heard on numerous fronts the infiltration can make them exceedingly useful, I'm tempted to give them a Icon of Nurgle too as that way they get the increased toughness and I can deep strike stuff. The temptation of putting a flamer in the squad sounds damn good too but I don't want to put all my points in a single squad.


I'm currently assembling my 10x CSM squad and trying to decide the ratio of chainsword/bolt pistol : bolter.

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I'm currently assembling my 10x CSM squad and trying to decide the ratio of chainsword/bolt pistol : bolter.


I give some bolter/chainswords. Personally I think marines one-handing bolters look epic. Also combat knives as well. Adds variety so they're not all bolter squat dudes. Although I find you only need a couple of them to help break up the unit a bit, and add interest.

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The exhaust things on the Manufactorum walls make excellent Chaos melta barrels.




Nice tip! :lol: (Pun not intended)


All that's left now is to assemble my Chosen. Just need to think of a way for them to stand out. I'll likely give a couple some Aspiring Champ heads (the Slaanesh and Nurgle ones). I could either give them a different paint scheme or maybe provide them with somewhat decorated bases. I shall have a think!


What have you guys done in the past to differentiate your Chosen from the standard CSM?

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God, I really can't stand our codex. The more I read about Chaos, the more I want a brand new codex.

5th edition was really wasted for those who, just like me, only played Chaos.

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God, I really can't stand our codex. The more I read about Chaos, the more I want a brand new codex.

5th edition was really wasted for those who, just like me, only played Chaos.


In a way, I think you got off lucky. At least you didn't have to come from a good Codex to a crap one and have to carry the burden of memory with you this entire edition. :P

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Started playing with 3.5. Those days were great. And the 13th Black Crusade... The hobby was alive, GW did things... Twas really a great time to play Chaos.

EDIT : No, not lucky at all.

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Just seen Space Marines getting another mini-update in a lot of their models being made finecast. When was the last time Chaos had a proper update?! I keep wanting to buy Oblits but everyone tells me to hold up as they could be updated in the summer and bring out some models in plastic as opposed to metal/or finecast as opposed to regular plastic.
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Just seen Space Marines getting another mini-update in a lot of their models being made finecast. When was the last time Chaos had a proper update?! I keep wanting to buy Oblits but everyone tells me to hold up as they could be updated in the summer and bring out some models in plastic as opposed to metal/or finecast as opposed to regular plastic.


I firmly believe the prevailing rumors that we're up for a new 'dex in the next couple of months, which means we're liable to get a model update with the new codex. Patience, my friend.

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I've got most of the parts ready to assemble my Chosen! I just need Meltas really but I can only find packs of metal ones. Ebay/BitzBox are not being kind to me these few days for plastic meltas. So it'll be 5 Chosen for now with 4 Meltas and a Flamer (maybe) for the Aspiring Champion. I'll post pictures up when they're painted and set.


Only thing I'm wondering is whether to give one of them an icon of Nurgle for the +1 Toughness. 60 points will be adding to the already costly unit.


You guys reckon it could pay off and be worth the points cost? Perhaps someone has some experience in this situation: I'm just thinking about when I infiltrate them to take on some IG vehicles (basilisks, manticores, etc) that could be some distance from the body of the fight so I'll need them to infiltrate and stay alive as long as possible to get to them without getting blown to pieces.


Thanks for all the responses guys! I hope they bring out some update before Games Day if not, on Games Day itself.

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Yea, unless you max out the squad the Icon won't be worth it. Possibly having one with the IoCG, but the unit is more likely to be wiped out than forced to make a morale check. 4-5 melta guarantees a "shoot it until its dead!" response, so you're not going to get much advantage from any of the other Icons
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Sometimes I like to get crazy and put a Tzeentch icon on things. I have this theory that if you're going to go, go big. It's worth a laugh every now and again, especially if your opponent isn't expecting it.


9 Chosen with x4 Lightning Claws and Icon of Tzeentch with Khârn in a Land Raider. That is a metal box full of hate, right there.

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9 Chosen with x4 Lightning Claws and Icon of Tzeentch with Khârn in a Land Raider. That is a metal box full of hate, right there.


METAL BOXES! Sounds pretty impressive. Once I've got my current lot painted I'll be building up with a box or two of Plague Marines and maybe some Noise Marines. Then I'll need Heavy Support, then I'll look into more Chosen I reckon.


Emperor's Pink is...more pink than I expected.

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