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Blood Angels First Captain

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Afternoon all.


I'm a long-time forum lurker, but an extremely infrequent poster. If this post turns out to be in the 'wrong' place, my apologies and please move it to the 'correct' place, but my deliberations led me to thinking that this is a more appropriate place to post than the WiP modelling section.


I'm considering a conversion of the Captain of the First Company in terminator armour - this has all been brought on by seeing the extremely sexy model of the Minotaurs Chapter Master that has been released by Forge World in a move seemingly designed to prise thirty quid from my bank account...


Anyway, in considering such a model, I've been trying to work out what weapons loadout to give him, purely in modelling terms - not gaming terms, so rules legality isn't strictly an issue. I want him to be visually distinguishable from the more 'run of the mill' terminator sergeants with the storm bolter / power sword combo. I'm considering GK-type wrist-mounted storm bolter so as to leave both hands free, but then I'm stuck as to what would be either an appropriate, or simply cool-looking CC option.


As you may have guessed, even though I now realise I've not actually said it yet, I'm looking for inspiration from any and all sources, so if anyone has any thoughts or ideas, I'd love to hear them!


Many thanks.

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I was terrified that people would suggest lightning claws, for two reasons:


1) Lightning claws and power fists don't really fit in with wrist-mounted anything, as the gauntlet tends to cover the wrist entirely. That would result in power-glove mounted weapons, leading to inevitable comparisons with the High Papa-Smurf himself, Marneus Calgar.


2) I'm not a big fan of the current lightning claw look that GW are going for. The nicest one I've seen is on the Lugft Huron figure from FW, which is nice but only a right-hander:


A matching one would be almost impossible to find.


I've considered just using both of the arms from the Huron model, hence he'd be armed with a lightning claw and heavy flamer - suppose he could then be used as a 'counts-as' Lugft Huron model, even if he's only a display figure. It didn't seem to me to be a particularly 'Blood Angel'-y loadout though.

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I was terrified that people would suggest lightning claws, for two reasons:

1) Lightning claws and power fists don't really fit in with wrist-mounted anything, as the gauntlet tends to cover the wrist entirely. That would result in power-glove mounted weapons, leading to inevitable comparisons with the High Papa-Smurf himself, Marneus Calgar.

What about back of the hand-mounted like this guy? Seeing as he was the original Blood Angel (ok, and every other chapter too) Terminator Captain n all that...

terminator captain bottom right

or this one which I knocked together in an afternoon (and it shows):


Marneus has underslung fist-mounted weapons - clearly different.

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Thanks for the link to the Chapterhouse stuff... not seen them before, and they do look a bit unusual, which would make then stand out. They look a bit more 'Wolverine'-esque to me, but then they do also remind me of something, a film I think, although I can't remember what...


... it's just come to me while typing - they are VERY reminiscent of the Malcadon Spyrers from Necromunda...


Malcadon Spyrers on GW Website


Still got a film image reference in my head, but can't place it.


Anyway, mounting ranged on the back of the powerfist looks a bit too bulky for my personal preference, and it's a bit too lightning claw of Horus too. I do remember that original Terminator captain though! Think I've still got one in a box somewhere! As I recall, it was meant to be a two-shot grenade launcher rather than a bolter.


The two-handed hammer is something I'd thought of - it just becomes a question of finding a cool enough hammer then.

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how about angelus boltguns, on both arms and either a massive 2handed power weapon, or 2 smaller power swords? or for that matter any of the other grey knight options as starters? obviously made more angelic. theres also the chaos lightening claws you could use as a base and just make them more ordamental rather than steam punky like they are?
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Why not make a weapon of some type?


A giant two handed Power Axe would be cool. You could cannibalize two of the chaos terminator axes and a two handed thunder hammer haft.


You could also take a full sized power sword and attach it as some huge spear.


Maybe take two powersword blades and channel a little Darth Maul?


Twin Power Swords would be cool too.


What about a pair of chain fists with weapons mounted on the top? That might be cool. An infernus pistol on each.

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Power sword and short(er) combat blade? I don't know that I've ever seen a terminator with a combat blade. ;) I usually associate this sort of combination with an agile fencer, rather than bulky terminator armor, but the forgeworld Asterion Moloc model is as dynamicly posed as I've ever seen a terminator model, so he might be able to pull off a fencing pose.


I'm thinking either:

His outstretched front arm (his left arm) firing the stormbolter with the short combat blade in that hand. The blade would rest horizontally in front of his face. The power sword (or other weapon) in his back (right) hand. Or have the power weapon in the outstretched left arm like he is lunging with it, and the short combat blade in his back (right) hand in a defensive position.



You were looking at GK terminator parts, right? In the GK terminator box there is an apothecary arm that has a little mini chainfist sort of thing. I feel like there is some modeling potential there. You sort-of get a chainfist without the bulky powerfist. Cut off the hand (and maybe the needle-ish looking part) and put a power weapon in that hand. Or have it helping to hold a 2h weapon.



From the sublime to the ridiculous (I'm not sure these next suggestions can be made to work at all for the model you are thinking of):

I think someone on this forum recently modeled a marine holding a Dreadknight Hammer (and made a joke to the effect of striking with negative initiative). Maybe you could pull off something monsterously huge in his hands like Dreadknight cc weapon.


Speaking of Dreadnaught-ish weapons... Maybe try to get blood talons or a blood fist on the guy somehow.



Feel free to hate/ignore all of this. ;)

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