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Taste of death

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Yesterday evening me and a friend had a game: in the last few weeks I’m used to run the new Necrons, but yesterday I heard the call of father Nurgle and I deploy back my Death Guard list against his supercompetive-turneywinner-silvery-cheesy-twat-list. Sorry for no picture, but light was too bad and my camera was out of battery…


So I call back in service my Lord Mabrothrax and his 1° Great Company and we rolled for acquisition mission with five objective across the field.


I run:


Mabrothrax (count as Thypus)


3x7 Plague Marine squad with 2 melta and champion with P. Fist, two of them mounted in a rhino and the third mounted in a land Rider as a personal retinue of Mabrothrax.


Land Rider with extra armor and Dozer blade


2x2 Obliterators


My friends run



An inquisitor with Null Road


10 paladins


10 purifier


10 Silvery twat


The battlefield was set with a large Necron tomb (strange isn’t it XD ) in the center, a lot of human ruins on my left: the rest of an old fortress with collapsed walls and, in general, a lot of cover. On the right there was the rest of an imperial outpost with a guard tower and some ruins of the guards wall. Two little woods and the carcass of a destroyed Rhino complete the table.


He deployed the paladins in the center, the purifiers on my left and the other squad on my right, few steps from four of the five objectives (what a bad start I thought). I deploy the Land Raider and a Rhino with the support of both squad of Obliterators in the courtyard of the ruined fortress on my left, and the other rhino defiled behind the wracked hull of the imperial Rhino in the center.




The GK had the first turn: they advanced slowly and aimed their Psy-cannon to my forces. The purifiers scored a lot of hit on the rhino on the left, but thanks to the good cover they managed only to shaken it. The rest of the enemy can’t saw anything and the action passed to Nurgle’s chosen.


I Slightly moved the Land Raider, than both squads of Obliterators took position and opened fire against the enemies. One of the purifier died in a ball of plasma and one of the paladin was vaporized by a lascannon. The other Rhino run behind the wood searching for cover.



GK advanced again with all of their marines. Another deluge of psy-cannon bowed away a couple of Obliterators but failed to damage in any way the Land Raider. The wood offered a good cover for the rhino on the right, which was only stunned now.


I moved Land Raider, and the Rhino to cover it, that lunched its smoke. The rhino on the right moved to encircle the wood and lunched its smoke too. Fire was pretty poor… again laser from Obliterators and Land Raider stroke the paladins, but no one fell this time.




This time purifiers and paladins remained stationary and only the GK squad on the right moved to engaged my Rhino. Purifiers tried to wiped out the second obliterators squad, but one of the monstrous mix of human and machine nearly escaped to death with a single wound left. Paladins stroke the Land Raiders with all what the had, but cover from the smoked rhino saved it from the most of the incoming fire and only a crew shaken was the best result achieved by silvery twat. On the other side the GK squad blew away the rhino let the squad nearly in the open.


My turn: I must confess that I supposed this game ended just before to start, so my objective was to kill almost everything that I can before die in the front of that impressive army. For this reason I run my Rhino directly toward enemy paladins and my Land Rainder straight forward, in the hope to catch the purifiers in the next turn. I lunched smoke with the LR and pass on the right side. The Plague Marine try to move in cover and fired all they got to the stretched line of silver terminators, but obviously they made all their save and nothing happened.




Paladins advanced, so the purifier and tried to destroy my big tank. I suppose that my friend, overconfident in his list made an error… He completely ignored the rhino in the open with its seven men squad inside. All his fire was pretty ineffective, again (not so easy to penetrate armor 14), and even a charge against the land Raider obtained nothing for him. On the other side the GK squad advanced in order to shoot at my Plague Marine on foot and than, maybe to assault them. He managed to kill nothing and fail to assault into cover, so nothing happened again there…


This was the crucial turn, but I was far to suppose it at its starts. I trampled paladins with both the previously ignored rhino and the Land Raider. My goal was to force him to a tank terror test with the rhino (with really slight hope of success) and to breakthrough with Mabrothrax vehicles to catch the purifier. But with my surprise and pleasure the paladins failed their second morale and fled, plus they remained very close to the rhino so they were forced to flee on the next turn too.

The LR opened his frontal door and my lord and his squad retinue disembarked really close to the purifiers. They shoot at them and Mabrothrax vomited against them his foul psy power. The fire was so efficient that they were out of charging range… not good. On the right side, Plague Marine charged the squad of GK and after a bloody Hand to Hand they managed a draw against their multiple force weapon. I know that I cannot win at the long distance, but I need only to kept them busy for a while…




The paladins had got the rhino so close that they still flee. The purifiers shoot and charge Mabrothrax and his Marine. The demonic scythe rebelled against his master and Mabrothrax was unable to did anything apart wounded himself, so the purifiers wiped away all Plague Marine easily. He loose by six, but his armor and his feel no pain save him from an ignoble death. The fleeing paladins destroyed the rhino with their psy-cannon but the squad is still there and inside the 6”, so they were still on run. On the right side the hand to hand ended again in a draw. The high toughness of Plague marine saved most of them from the enemy blade and the Champion’s Power fist fill the gap of weapons… The Plague Marine were reduced to two man, but still fighting.


In my turn my lord regained control on his weapon and in a large circle e cut to pieces six purifiers, it remained only the justicar, armed with a big hammer. He stroke Mabrothrax, but his Terminator Armor, save him from instant death. The Justicar died suddenly for the resolution of the combat.

The Plague marine in the centre gained control of two objective and shoot, supported by Land Raider and the lone Obliterators to the fleeing paladins and reduced Draigo to a single wound left and kill another one. On the right side, finally and sadly, the remaining Plague Marine succumbed to the blade of a furious mob of GK.

I rolled for the end of the game, but it went on.




Paladins still fled, but not yet out of the table, on the right side the squad of GK took two objective and sat on them. The pesky silver terminator bounced my Plague Marine squad with a lot of fire, but only three of them fell down, not enough…


I move Mabrothrax against paladins, he roared his insult and challenges, but in the end he simply drove them outside the table edge ;) . The Plague Marine move to took both the left objectives and shoot useless bolter against silvery termy.

I rolled for the game and this time it was over.


A draw, but all in all I just managed to win (if only the game ended the turn before) an unpredictable result against a very cheesy list. A draw with the taste of victory for my army, not at least seeing what he threw against me…


That's all, I hope that my English wasn't too bad and you enjoyed the BR. Any comments are welcomed battle brothers :)

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The paladins had got the rhino so close that they still flee. The purifiers shoot and charge Mabrothrax and his Marine. The demonic scythe rebelled against his master and Mabrothrax was unable to did anything apart wounded himself, so the purifiers wiped away all Plague Marine easily. He loose by six, but his armor and his feel no pain save him from an ignoble death. The fleeing paladins destroyed the rhino with their psy-cannon but the squad is still there and inside the 6”, so they were still on run. On the right side the hand to hand ended again in a draw. The high toughness of Plague marine saved most of them from the enemy blade and the Champion’s Power fist fill the gap of weapons… The Plague Marine were reduced to two man, but still fighting.


In my turn my lord regained control on his weapon and in a large circle e cut to pieces six purifiers, it remained only the justicar, armed with a big hammer. He stroke Mabrothrax, but his Terminator Armor, save him from instant death. The Justicar died suddenly for the resolution of the combat.


If you're saying here that you took a FNP save with your lord, he shouldn't get FNP.


Thanks for sharing the battle though. Good job defending against GK.

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