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I'd like some advice for running my Baal preds, particulary when it comes to taking full advantage of the scout move. I am certainly in love with popping Smoke in the Scout move if I want. Were it not for that, the IG and DE players who had first turn would have probably won.


Here is what I run:

Captain w/ PW, Infernus

Honor Guard w/ TLAC Razorback, Infernus, Melta Bomb, Chapter Banner, Thammer

Furioso w/ Heavy Flamer, Blood Talons

Tactical Squad w/ Flamer, ML, Rhino, Fist

ASMs w/ Melta x2, Rhino, Fist

ASMs w/ Melta x2, Rhino, Fist

Baal w/ TLAC, HB x3

Autolas Pred x2


Since I run TLAC/Hbolters x3, I know I'm in range of whatever I want (for the most part) when my 1st turn starts. I know there's some benefit in repositioning during a Scout move.


I won a couple other games against opponents who siezed the initiative on a 6 (three games in a row, actually), and they immediately pelted the Baal predators. With my Thousand Sons army, I pop smoke on my rhinos immediately because if you don't use them on a Rhino A.S.A.P., it probably won't get the chance to pop 'em. Should I apply this theory to my Baal predators, since I could still move/shoot after popping smoke as a Scout move anyways?


Also, how does everyone feel about outflanking TLAC/HB preds during Dawn of War? Does it have any benefit? Does it depend on who gets first turn due to Nightfighting?


BTW, a little off-topic but I just don't want to make a new post in the Official Rules: are Blood Talons as silly as I think they are? Because they ate an entire squad of orks for me. I felt dirty.

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The best use I've found for Scouting Baals is using them with the Flamestorm cannon and no sponsons so with aggressive deployment and a scout move you can be within flamer template range of the enemy. Great for taking out troops choices camping objectives and things with good cover saves but poor armour saves (scouts with camo cloaks, etc). Backed up with a Dread in Drop Pod (or two) will make the baals more likely to survive the enemy's return fire too.


I don't think I'd really bother using Scout other than as a reactionary measure if I deployed first and my opponent then deployed deliberately to counter my deployment (if that makes sense), effectively giving you a redeployment move.





And yes, Blood Talons are a delight to use as long as you can consistently roll 3+ on 4 dice.

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I've never really used the scout move, in preference to outflanking the thing. Normally quite useful as a table-turner in the late game (I run mine as a dakka-Baal, with ass cannons and heavy bolter sponsons). The few times I have started it on the table, I've used the scout move as a redeployment strategy rather than getting close. This is primarily due to marine armies being prominent near me, and by extension heavy melta, and I have no desire to stick my Baal right up close to them.


As far as the Blood Talons, I've not used them, but I've used Fantasy's equivalent (Tomb Kings Bone giant, difference is that it triggers off of WS3 rather than WS4), and I can attest to the filthiness of that kind of special rule. Sometimes its a bit meh, but then you get that one turn where you roll like Sanguinius himself and its beyond insanity (mine was DE spearmen...killed the BSB and then used my extra attacks to plough through 2/3 of the unit he was with, I think it was a grand total of 20-odd dead things once I was done). You'll have things like that, but don't expect it to happen every time, and -definitely- don't rely on it, otherwise it could come back to bite you, i.e ramming him into a unit of Nobz and then whiffing with the first set of attacks, and getting power-klawed in the face repeatedly.

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My preferred strategy for Baals (which may tell you more than you need to know about me :tu: )


Deployment: Deploy as close to enemy as possible. If deploying first, deploy as close to enemy's deployment zone as possible.

Scout Move: Flat out directly toward enemy, going over terrain if necessary. (Ideally this puts you within 12" of the enemy)

Turn 1: RAM!!! Then flame the juicy bits inside

Turn 2: RAM ANOTHER THING! Then flame the juicy bits inside

Turn 3: You just rammed 2 things and flamed the juicy bits inside, your Baals become priority no. 1, and they're now dead...


Just my 2 baals worth.







Sorry :)




Yes yes, I know. Can't ram then shoot. Meant to say this requires two baals. Really though, who doesn't run with a pair?



Sorry again :P

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My preferred strategy for Baals (which may tell you more than you need to know about me :tu: )


Deployment: Deploy as close to enemy as possible. If deploying first, deploy as close to enemy's deployment zone as possible.

Scout Move: Flat out directly toward enemy, going over terrain if necessary. (Ideally this puts you within 12" of the enemy)

Turn 1: RAM!!! Then flame the juicy bits inside

Turn 2: RAM ANOTHER THING! Then flame the juicy bits inside

Turn 3: You just rammed 2 things and flamed the juicy bits inside, your Baals become priority no. 1, and they're now dead...


Just my 2 baals worth.








Sorry :)



I'm fairly sure that's cheating, cool, but cheating.

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Thanks guys


@Bradley- You might be happy to know that I used your strategy last week. I had an autolas pred shooting at a chaos autolas pred for 4 turns (both of which missed all their shots) and on the 5th I moved up and popped smoke, subsequently ramming and destroying it on the 6th.


Were it not for the 18" range, I wouldn't have gotten that last kill point. Fun!

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Righto, my mistake. I meant to clarify that I use 2 baal preds to accomplish this, but did not. So, once more,


Deployment: Deploy your two flamestorm Baals as close to enemy as possible. If deploying first, deploy as close to enemy's deployment zone as possible.

Scout Move: Flat out your two flamestorm Baals directly toward enemy, going over terrain if necessary. (Ideally this puts you within 12" of the enemy)

Turn 1: RAM!!! Then flame the juicy bits inside with the other Baal

Turn 2: RAM ANOTHER THING! Then flame the juicy bits inside with the other Baal

Turn 3: You just rammed 2 things and flamed the juicy bits inside, your Baals become priority no. 1, and they're now dead...



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I prefer to outflank my baals and try to hit up some rear armour with assault cannons, or drive a unit from an objective with an added heavy bolter barrage. I've yet to run my Flamestorm pattern though so I can't comment on the effectiveness of that particular set up.
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  • 4 weeks later...
Is it just me who didn't know this, but can BAAL preds outflank?


Yes, they can! This ability comes witht the scout USR. It's very useful in some situations, but be careful since you have no control where and when they will arrive if you choose to outflank them. :P


Can be really handy to appear in your opponent's back on turn three, though.





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I use my Baals as a screen for my other vehicles so the scout moves come in very handy.


Set up everything at an angle with the Baal on the end. Use the scout move to make sure the next vehicle in line is 50% covered to most of the battle field and pop smoke. All other vehicles are set up so that they are obscured by the preceding vehicle.


Take a lot of the bit out of going 2nd.

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With the OPs configuration, I think outflanking is better. Scouting might be helpful if there is an objective that might be defended for a turn or two until the infantry shows up, but honestly, that is more an objective strategy topic than scouting Baals.


The reason I prefer outflank is the versatility. They can act as a distraction, support for a rapid moving unit like jump infantry, or help clear a LZ for drop pods or storm ravens. Finally, as a last resort they can act as firepower to help thin out a contested objective.

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