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A Real Knight attempting to break into The Grey Knights


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Hello, my name is Sol, and I have been playing 40k for almost a year. I have been playing space wolves because I got a large deal on marines and they seemed like a rather competitive list. Also, I loved the fluff. however, i truly wanted to lay Grey Knights, but couldnt afford it. I own a small Medieval entertainment business and make my living as an actual Knight.


My wolves recently won me a rather large tournament, and I used the winnings to get two Paladin boxes to start my GK army. But before I spend any money, I want to know what is competitive and what is not. I love the idea of Draigowing, but i'm hearing mixed messages about how good it is.


So i'm wondering.....Where do I go from here?

I have only been playing Draigowing as Grey Knight's, and they can be rather nasty. The majority of things that can threaten them are not found in an all comers army, or generally not in enough quantity to seriously threaten them. They can be beaten, though mainly by being out played in objective games (I am yet to lose a kill point game ever with them, having 4 kill points at 1500 points).


Some people find Draigowing boring, but I love the eliteness of it. Putting down 17 models at 1500 points and still winning makes me rather happy ;)


A word of warning though, depending on the skill and codex's of your opponents, they may get fed up with playing you (I rarely use my draigowing vs my friends anymore).


The main problem with Draigowing, is that you have few units, so you can only shoot a limited amount of enemy units a turn, so a smart player will tie you up with small units and slow you down. Also wound allocation shenanigans can be tricky to get used to, assigning the right wounds to the right model can be the difference between losing a bunch of wounds or a bunch of models.


I have gone to 2 tournaments so far, though both were rather non competitive, at the first one out of 20 something players there were 3 Draigowing's and I won, even beating one of the other Draigowing's at a kill point game (which was the most boring game I've ever played). The second tournament was the uk throne of skulls and I won 3, drew 1 and lost 1 (damn dark eldar moving flat out to claim an objective and the game ending on the 5th turn!).


I really feel that a better Draigowing is one that uses other things then paladins, to counter their weaknesses, though that will also give your opponent a target for weapons that are less optimal against paladins (It's another reason I don't use psyrifle dreads, I prefer to spam wounds and 2+/5++ by taking a shunting dk).


In my signature I have a link to a thread I started, which has numerous posts about different idea's for Draigowing as well as a few battle reports. It is like 33 pages long, but there is some decent information in there :D

Draigowing is highly competitive - probably why half the armies in the army list section is draigowings with minimal variation :P


But like all spam armies, its also repetitive both to yourself and also your opponents - its a rare thing finding anyone to get psyched about playing any spam army.




That said, Draigos ability to spam paladins isn't his only strength. In fact it is more the ability to protect a unit of paladins from ID with the combination of EW and a 3++, and thus removing their 'only' weakness. While a normal grandmaster boost the units offensive power with rad and psychotrokes, but falls to powerfists and is to expensive to soak melta.


And nothing stops you from adding other types of troops to your army, just because Draigo makes paladins troops :)


10 paladins 4 psycannons multi wound allocation weapon set up.

5 paladins 2 psycannons

2 NDK jumper hvy incinerator


a good starting army for GK , when it isnt ment to be your main . + easy to re sell as there are no bad units in it . good chance to even sell the whole thing in one go too.


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