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Removing super glue from FW resin.

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About a week ago I was making a Thousand Son in mk 4 armour, using the last of maximus set I had got from FW, went to open my super glue, and the stuff shot out, covering severla fingers and the forge world maximus legs.

Is their any way to remove it now apart from careful work with a scalpel? I put it in hot water and tried scrubbing, which got a lot of, but there is still a fair bit on them.

Is a clean up possible?

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If there is no plastic on the model you care about, dip it in straight petrol. It does no harm at all to FWs resin and will soften up the glue in 20 minutes or so. Wipe and clean in hot soapy water prior to repainting.


true!! If you don't believe me, use a scrap for a trial, hell even paint comes off resin no worries after a couple of hours.



If there is no plastic on the model you care about, dip it in straight petrol. It does no harm at all to FWs resin and will soften up the glue in 20 minutes or so. Wipe and clean in hot soapy water prior to repainting.


true!! If you don't believe me, use a scrap for a trial, hell even paint comes off resin no worries after a couple of hours.




Petrol as in what you put in your car? Because I'd say it contents solvents... which will melt both plastic and resin.


Good to know!

Yep, car petrol. I've done it heaps on resin- all good. Will melt plastic though and I can't remember the last time I used it on greenstuff.


As for the price, it's $2.20ish per Litre here in NZ(still cheaper than dettol), luckily you only need about 200ml and you can reuse it many times if you are careful.





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