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Black Legion

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I'd go with a dark colored gold, some sort of silver, and black. Possibly with a few washes of badab black and devlan mud equivalents. Sorry can't remember the names off the top of my head as I haven't used them all that much. Depending on your skill level, if you want to do power weapons then I'd get some blues (dark blues to light and eventually white). Might want to pick up some off colors (bleached bone equivalent, graveyard earth equivalent etc) for random things like skulls or leather strips.
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Your best bet is too Google Black Legion images, see what you like. Then when your in GW ask them which colours are best. But looking at the conversion chart in Apr WD, youll be looking for Nuln Oil(New), Abaddon (Chaos) Black, Gehenna's (Shining) Gold, Auric Armour (Burnished) Gold, Leadbelcher (Boltgun), Ironbreaker (Chainmail). That covers your black and metals, now you'll need to choose a spot colour for the eyes, typically a blue, green or red.




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GW supports 'convenience store' pricing in their shops. You pay more, but (almost) everything you need is under one roof. In most cases what GW has on offer is no better than what you can get elsewhere.


I use Krylon Indoor/Outdoor Flat Black spray, and like it very much. Just let it dry 24-to-48 hours and it gives a very strong and durable finish. I've tried their 'Plastic Fusion' product, but I don't like the finish it gives - even the 'flat' is too 'satin' for my liking. I plan on trying the new Krylon 'Paint and Primer in one' product when I need a new can, but haven't needed any yet.


In my experience 'true' primer doesn't give a vastly superior surface or more durability. I did a test once, and tried several cans of different paint that I had tried over the years. Some were 'primer' others were 'paint', and GWs spray was part of the test. After drying for 2 days I used the same set of tools to try and scratch the paint of the test surfaces. I found that they all 'stuck' about the same. Not exactly scientific, but close enough for my testing.


As for actual paint colours, I would agree with what others have said here. You're looking at a basic list something like;



Black - Lots of Black, you'll always need Black.

Dark Gold

Bright Gold

Dark Silver

Bright Silver



Dark, Medium, and Bright for all your secondary colours

Dark Grey

Medium Grey

Bright Grey


Bone (Ivory)



Seraphim Sepia

Agrax Earthshade

Nuln Oil

Wash colours that compliment your Secondary colours


Don't forget that you're basing needs colour too, so it never hurts to get some earth-shades like Brown. But that all depends on your plans.

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